4 research outputs found

    Intelligent Network-Based Stepping Stone Detection Approach.

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    This research intends to introduce a new usage of Artificial Intelligent (AI) approaches in Stepping Stone Detection (SSD) fields of research

    Evolution of stepping stone detection and emerging applications

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    Stepping Stone Detection (SSD) is conventionally intended for the detection of series of host computers used by attackers to hide their track in a network or host environment.This paper discusses the evolution of SSD and potential applications in other emerging fields. Novel, unique SSD models will be presented for spam, backdoor and proxy detections and expressed mathematically. These preliminary models have promising solutions for addressing current problems in these areas and may be expanded on in the future

    A stepping stone perspective to detection of network threats

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    Current computing trends such as cloud computing, file sharing and social networking promote collaboration and allow greater mobility for users.Nevertheless, these computing trends increase the vulnerability of networks to security threats and challenge network resources.An ingenious technique employed by attackers for retaining anonymity is by exploiting intermediary host computers or stepping stones to instigate attacks on other computers.This paper explores novel application of the stepping stone detection concept in addressing network threats such as spams, backdoors, proxy server intrusions and denial of service attacks.Preliminary stepping stone detection models for each security threat will be constructed and the potential detection process is delineated.These preliminary concepts and models may prove useful for further optimization of network security in conjunction with other conventional detection techniques