4 research outputs found

    Techniques for the quantitative evaluation of 3D simulation

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, leída el 29/11/2019El creciente numero de dispositivos conectados a Internet sumado a muchos factores socio-culturales a nivel mundial, tales como el envejecimiento de la población, han impulsado un aumento considerable del uso de la inteligencia ambiental para la construcción de soluciones tecnológicas que cubran necesidades concretas de las personas. Diseñar y construir este tipo de soluciones asistivas no es tarea fácil. El desarrollo de una solución para personas mayores u otras que lo requieran, es complicado no sólo por el coste que supone la adecuación del entorno sino también porque requieren de mucha adaptación a necesidades muy específicas de cada usuario. Además, tambien es importante tener en cuenta los distintos actores que intervienen (usuarios, cuidadores, familiares, expertos,ingenieros, entre otros), a los que de alguna forma hay que facilitarles su interacción en el proceso de desarrollo...The growing number of connected devices to Internet and many socio-cultural factor sworldwide, such as the ageing of the population, has led to a considerable increase in theuse of ambient intelligence for the construction of technological solutions that meet thespecic needs of the people. Designing and building this type of assistive solutions is not an easy task because the cost of adapting the environment and especially because they require a great deal of adaptation to the very specic needs of each user. In addition, it is also important to take into account the dierent actors involved (users, caregivers,family members, experts, engineers, among others), who somehow have to facilitate theirinteraction in the development process...Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    A Cloud Based Simulation Service for 3D Crowd Simulations

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    Crowd simulation can play a crucial role when it comes to the design of Smart Environments. Crowd simulation can give insights on the flow of pedestrian in particular facilities and explore the interplay between ambient intelligence deployments and users. Most researchers develop crowd simulations using commercial game engines built with the editors they usually provide. This prevents a deeper experimentation with the problems of crowd simulation and enforces to stick to the development paradigm of the tool. As a consequence, it couples the scientific experimentation that produces the crowd model with the actual construction of the simulation tool. Besides, a crowd simulation may require more resources than those available to the scientist. A solution would be to conceive crowd simulation as a service that, on the one hand, it allowed scientists to experiment with the latest advances without the burden of installing elements or acquiring expensive computational resources; and, on the other hand, it enabled developers to evolve the tool in a scalable way. The contribution of the paper is a framework that enables the "simulation as a service" approach for crowd simulations when they are run with a 3D representation. As a proof of concept, the paper illustrates how crowd simulations can be used to generate datasets that allow studying the deployment of sensors in a large facility.Depto. de Ingeniería de Software e Inteligencia Artificial (ISIA)Fac. de InformáticaTRUEpu