51,083 research outputs found

    An Object-Oriented Model for Extensible Concurrent Systems: the Composition-Filters Approach

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    Applying the object-oriented paradigm for the development of large and complex software systems offers several advantages, of which increased extensibility and reusability are the most prominent ones. The object-oriented model is also quite suitable for modeling concurrent systems. However, it appears that extensibility and reusability of concurrent applications is far from trivial. The problems that arise, the so-called inheritance anomalies are analyzed and presented in this paper. A set of requirements for extensible concurrent languages is formulated. As a solution to the identified problems, an extension to the object-oriented model is presented; composition filters. Composition filters capture messages and can express certain constraints and operations on these messages, for example buffering. In this paper we explain the composition filters approach, demonstrate its expressive power through a number of examples and show that composition filters do not suffer from the inheritance anomalies and fulfill the requirements that were established

    Defining correctness conditions for concurrent objects in multicore architectures

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    Correctness of concurrent objects is defined in terms of conditions that determine allowable relationships between histories of a concurrent object and those of the corresponding sequential object. Numerous correctness conditions have been proposed over the years, and more have been proposed recently as the algorithms implementing concurrent objects have been adapted to cope with multicore processors with relaxed memory architectures. We present a formal framework for defining correctness conditions for multicore architectures, covering both standard conditions for totally ordered memory and newer conditions for relaxed memory, which allows them to be expressed in uniform manner, simplifying comparison. Our framework distinguishes between order and commitment properties, which in turn enables a hierarchy of correctness conditions to be established. We consider the Total Store Order (TSO) memory model in detail, formalise known conditions for TSO using our framework, and develop sequentially consistent variations of these. We present a work-stealing deque for TSO memory that is not linearizable, but is correct with respect to these new conditions. Using our framework, we identify a new non-blocking compositional condition, fence consistency, which lies between known conditions for TSO, and aims to capture the intention of a programmer-specified fence

    Actors that Unify Threads and Events

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    There is an impedance mismatch between message-passing concurrency and virtual machines, such as the JVM. VMs usually map their threads to heavyweight OS processes. Without a lightweight process abstraction, users are often forced to write parts of concurrent applications in an event-driven style which obscures control flow, and increases the burden on the programmer. In this paper we show how thread-based and event-based programming can be unified under a single actor abstraction. Using advanced abstraction mechanisms of the Scala programming language, we implemented our approach on unmodified JVMs. Our programming model integrates well with the threading model of the underlying VM

    Implementing atomic actions in Ada 95

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    Atomic actions are an important dynamic structuring technique that aid the construction of fault-tolerant concurrent systems. Although they were developed some years ago, none of the well-known commercially-available programming languages directly support their use. This paper summarizes software fault tolerance techniques for concurrent systems, evaluates the Ada 95 programming language from the perspective of its support for software fault tolerance, and shows how Ada 95 can be used to implement software fault tolerance techniques. In particular, it shows how packages, protected objects, requeue, exceptions, asynchronous transfer of control, tagged types, and controlled types can be used as building blocks from which to construct atomic actions with forward and backward error recovery, which are resilient to deserter tasks and task abortion

    A Concurrent Perspective on Smart Contracts

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    In this paper, we explore remarkable similarities between multi-transactional behaviors of smart contracts in cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum and classical problems of shared-memory concurrency. We examine two real-world examples from the Ethereum blockchain and analyzing how they are vulnerable to bugs that are closely reminiscent to those that often occur in traditional concurrent programs. We then elaborate on the relation between observable contract behaviors and well-studied concurrency topics, such as atomicity, interference, synchronization, and resource ownership. The described contracts-as-concurrent-objects analogy provides deeper understanding of potential threats for smart contracts, indicate better engineering practices, and enable applications of existing state-of-the-art formal verification techniques.Comment: 15 page

    A Type-Safe Model of Adaptive Object Groups

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    Services are autonomous, self-describing, technology-neutral software units that can be described, published, discovered, and composed into software applications at runtime. Designing software services and composing services in order to form applications or composite services requires abstractions beyond those found in typical object-oriented programming languages. This paper explores service-oriented abstractions such as service adaptation, discovery, and querying in an object-oriented setting. We develop a formal model of adaptive object-oriented groups which offer services to their environment. These groups fit directly into the object-oriented paradigm in the sense that they can be dynamically created, they have an identity, and they can receive method calls. In contrast to objects, groups are not used for structuring code. A group exports its services through interfaces and relies on objects to implement these services. Objects may join or leave different groups. Groups may dynamically export new interfaces, they support service discovery, and they can be queried at runtime for the interfaces they support. We define an operational semantics and a static type system for this model of adaptive object groups, and show that well-typed programs do not cause method-not-understood errors at runtime.Comment: In Proceedings FOCLASA 2012, arXiv:1208.432

    Efficient and Reasonable Object-Oriented Concurrency

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    Making threaded programs safe and easy to reason about is one of the chief difficulties in modern programming. This work provides an efficient execution model for SCOOP, a concurrency approach that provides not only data race freedom but also pre/postcondition reasoning guarantees between threads. The extensions we propose influence both the underlying semantics to increase the amount of concurrent execution that is possible, exclude certain classes of deadlocks, and enable greater performance. These extensions are used as the basis an efficient runtime and optimization pass that improve performance 15x over a baseline implementation. This new implementation of SCOOP is also 2x faster than other well-known safe concurrent languages. The measurements are based on both coordination-intensive and data-manipulation-intensive benchmarks designed to offer a mixture of workloads.Comment: Proceedings of the 10th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE '15). ACM, 201
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