177 research outputs found

    A Study on Advancements on the Zone Routing Protocol of Hybrid Ad Hoc Networks

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    The Ad hoc networks are decentralized type of wireless network. The ad hoc networks incorporate several protocols that are used to mainly serve the process of communication from one node to another. The routing protocols are categorized as Reactive and Proactive Routing Protocols. To overcome the disadvantages of these both, the Hybrid Routing Protocol has been proposed. Zone Routing Protocol is one such Hybrid Ad Hoc Network. This paper mainly focuses on the enhancements made on the Zone Routing Protocol and evaluated against few parameters. Each enhancement is carefully studied and analyzed for their characteristics and compared to the Zone Routing Protocol

    Ad hoc networking via named data

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    Survey And New Approach In Service Discovery And Advertisement For Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.

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    Service advertisement and discovery is an important component for mobile adhoc communications and collaboration in ubiquitous computing environments. The ability to discover services offered in a mobile adhoc network is the major prerequisite for effective usability of these networks. This paper aims to classify and compare existing Service Discovery (SD) protocols for MANETs by grouping them based on their SD strategies and service information accumulation strategies, and to propose an efficient approach for addressing the inherent issues

    A Gossip-based optimistic replication for efficient delay-sensitive streaming using an interactive middleware support system

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    While sharing resources the efficiency is substantially degraded as a result of the scarceness of availability of the requested resources in a multiclient support manner. These resources are often aggravated by many factors like the temporal constraints for availability or node flooding by the requested replicated file chunks. Thus replicated file chunks should be efficiently disseminated in order to enable resource availability on-demand by the mobile users. This work considers a cross layered middleware support system for efficient delay-sensitive streaming by using each device's connectivity and social interactions in a cross layered manner. The collaborative streaming is achieved through the epidemically replicated file chunk policy which uses a transition-based approach of a chained model of an infectious disease with susceptible, infected, recovered and death states. The Gossip-based stateful model enforces the mobile nodes whether to host a file chunk or not or, when no longer a chunk is needed, to purge it. The proposed model is thoroughly evaluated through experimental simulation taking measures for the effective throughput Eff as a function of the packet loss parameter in contrast with the effectiveness of the replication Gossip-based policy.Comment: IEEE Systems Journal 201

    Spatial Multipath Location Aided Routing

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    Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) are infrastructure-free networks of mobile nodes that communicate with each other wirelessly. There are several routing schemes that have been proposed and several of these have been already extensively simulated or implemented as well. The primary applications of such networks have been in disaster relief operations, military use, conferencing and environment sensing. There are several ad hoc routing algorithms at present that utilize position information (usually in two dimensional terms) to make routing decisions at each node. Our goal is to utilize three-dimensional (3D) position information to provide more reliable as well as efficient routing for certain applications. We thus describe extensions to various location aware routing algorithms to work in 3D. We propose a new hierarchical, zone-based 3D routing algorithm, based on GRID by Liao, Tseng and Sheu. Our new algorithm called Hyper-GRID is a hybrid algorithm that uses multipath routing (alternate path caching) in 3D. We propose replacing LAR with Multipath LAR (MLAR) in GRID. We have implemented MLAR and are validating MLAR through simulation using ns-2 and studying its efficiency, scalability and other properties. We use a random waypoint mobility model and compare our MLAR approach versus LAR, AODV and AOMDV in both 2D and 3D for a range of traffic and mobility scenarios. Our simulation results demonstrate the performance benefits of MLAR over LAR and AODV in most mobility situations. AOMDV delivers more packets than MLAR consistently, but does so at the cost of more frequent flooding of control packets and thus higher bandwidth usage than MLAR

    Performance Analysis of Reactive Routing Protocols AODV, DYMO, DSR, LAR in MANETs

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    MANETs are one the cutting-edgeevolving wireless technologies. The routing in mobile ad hoc networksplays a vital role and has been researchedwide-range in last decade. The routing protocols are classified as proactive,reactive and hybrid. Reactive routing protocols are considered for its advantages compared to others. In this paper, reactive routing protocols, Ad Hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV), Dynamic MANET On-demand (DYMO) protocol, Dynamic Source Routing protocol (DSR), Location Aided Routing protocol have been selected to analyze the performance and compare the routing protocols by varying Network size and Mobility speed to various levels. The performance metrics analyzed were Average Throughput, Average End-to-End Delay, Average Jitter, Energy Consumed in Transmit Mode, Energy Consumed in Receive Mode. The simulations were carried on Exata 5.4 simulator. The analysis of the routing protocols for the configuration setting is presented at the conclusion