1 research outputs found

    A CORBA Domain Management Service

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    . Policy{based management of large numbers of objects is not adequately supported by current CORBA environments. We discuss and present a policy{neutral Domain Management Service for the grouping of managed objects into domains and the association of policies with these domains. The Domain Service supports domain hierarchies and meta{ policies for the resolution of conicts between policies in overlapping domains. 1 Introduction In large distributed systems, objects are typically not managed individually but grouped into management domains. This allow managers to structure large systems into manageable subsystems and to model the diverse spheres of management authority and responsibility that are frequently found in large organizations. In the context of policy{based management [Slo94], domains can be regarded as a scoping mechanism for management policies [Hos93, ST94]. To support policy{based management, a number of general{purpose policy languages have been proposed, e.g. [S..