25 research outputs found

    Applying textural Law’s masks to images using machine learning

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    Currently, artificial neural networks are experiencing a rebirth, which is primarily due to the increase in the computing power of modern computers and the emergence of very large training data sets available in global networks. The article considers Laws texture masks as weights for a machine-learning algorithm for clustering aerospace images. The use of Laws texture masks in machine learning can help in the analysis of the textural characteristics of objects in the image, which are further identified as pockets of weeds. When solving problems in applied areas, in particular in the field of agriculture, there are often problems associated with small sample sizes of images obtained from aerospace and unmanned aerial vehicles and insufficient quality of the source material for training. This determines the relevance of research and development of new methods and algorithms for classifying crop damage. The purpose of the work is to use the method of texture masks of Laws in machine learning for automated processing of high-resolution images in the case of small samples using the example of problems of segmentation and classification of the nature of damage to crops

    Robust semi-automatic vessel tracing in the human retinal image by an instance segmentation neural network

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    The morphology and hierarchy of the vascular systems are essential for perfusion in supporting metabolism. In human retina, one of the most energy-demanding organs, retinal circulation nourishes the entire inner retina by an intricate vasculature emerging and remerging at the optic nerve head (ONH). Thus, tracing the vascular branching from ONH through the vascular tree can illustrate vascular hierarchy and allow detailed morphological quantification, and yet remains a challenging task. Here, we presented a novel approach for a robust semi-automatic vessel tracing algorithm on human fundus images by an instance segmentation neural network (InSegNN). Distinct from semantic segmentation, InSegNN separates and labels different vascular trees individually and therefore enable tracing each tree throughout its branching. We have built-in three strategies to improve robustness and accuracy with temporal learning, spatial multi-sampling, and dynamic probability map. We achieved 83% specificity, and 50% improvement in Symmetric Best Dice (SBD) compared to literature, and outperformed baseline U-net. We have demonstrated tracing individual vessel trees from fundus images, and simultaneously retain the vessel hierarchy information. InSegNN paves a way for any subsequent morphological analysis of vascular morphology in relation to retinal diseases

    Multi-scale, class-generic, privacy-preserving video

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    In recent years, high-performance video recording devices have become ubiquitous, posing an unprecedented challenge to preserving personal privacy. As a result, privacy-preserving video systems have been receiving increased attention. In this paper, we present a novel privacy-preserving video algorithm that uses semantic segmentation to identify regions of interest, which are then anonymized with an adaptive blurring algorithm. This algorithm addresses two of the most important shortcomings of existing solutions: it is multi-scale, meaning it can identify and uniformly anonymize objects of different scales in the same image, and it is class-generic, so it can be used to anonymize any class of objects of interest. We show experimentally that our algorithm achieves excellent anonymity while preserving meaning in the visual data processed

    Model Compression Methods for YOLOv5: A Review

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    Over the past few years, extensive research has been devoted to enhancing YOLO object detectors. Since its introduction, eight major versions of YOLO have been introduced with the purpose of improving its accuracy and efficiency. While the evident merits of YOLO have yielded to its extensive use in many areas, deploying it on resource-limited devices poses challenges. To address this issue, various neural network compression methods have been developed, which fall under three main categories, namely network pruning, quantization, and knowledge distillation. The fruitful outcomes of utilizing model compression methods, such as lowering memory usage and inference time, make them favorable, if not necessary, for deploying large neural networks on hardware-constrained edge devices. In this review paper, our focus is on pruning and quantization due to their comparative modularity. We categorize them and analyze the practical results of applying those methods to YOLOv5. By doing so, we identify gaps in adapting pruning and quantization for compressing YOLOv5, and provide future directions in this area for further exploration. Among several versions of YOLO, we specifically choose YOLOv5 for its excellent trade-off between recency and popularity in literature. This is the first specific review paper that surveys pruning and quantization methods from an implementation point of view on YOLOv5. Our study is also extendable to newer versions of YOLO as implementing them on resource-limited devices poses the same challenges that persist even today. This paper targets those interested in the practical deployment of model compression methods on YOLOv5, and in exploring different compression techniques that can be used for subsequent versions of YOLO.Comment: 18 pages, 7 Figure

    Multi-task multi-modality SVM for early COVID-19 Diagnosis using chest CT data

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    Since January 2020 Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with free information in English and Mandarin on the novel coronavirus COVID 19. The COVID-19 resource centre is hosted on Elsevier Connect, the company's public news and information website. Elsevier hereby grants permission to make all its COVID-19-related research that is available on the COVID-19 resource centre - including this research content - immediately available in PubMed Central and other publicly funded repositories, such as the WHO COVID database with rights for unrestricted research re-use and analyses in any form or by any means with acknowledgement of the original source. These permissions are granted for free by Elsevier for as long as the COVID-19 resource centre remains activePublishe

    Finding Nano-\"Otzi: Semi-Supervised Volume Visualization for Cryo-Electron Tomography

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    Cryo-Electron Tomography (cryo-ET) is a new 3D imaging technique with unprecedented potential for resolving submicron structural detail. Existing volume visualization methods, however, cannot cope with its very low signal-to-noise ratio. In order to design more powerful transfer functions, we propose to leverage soft segmentation as an explicit component of visualization for noisy volumes. Our technical realization is based on semi-supervised learning where we combine the advantages of two segmentation algorithms. A first weak segmentation algorithm provides good results for propagating sparse user provided labels to other voxels in the same volume. This weak segmentation algorithm is used to generate dense pseudo labels. A second powerful deep-learning based segmentation algorithm can learn from these pseudo labels to generalize the segmentation to other unseen volumes, a task that the weak segmentation algorithm fails at completely. The proposed volume visualization uses the deep-learning based segmentation as a component for segmentation-aware transfer function design. Appropriate ramp parameters can be suggested automatically through histogram analysis. Finally, our visualization uses gradient-free ambient occlusion shading to further suppress visual presence of noise, and to give structural detail desired prominence. The cryo-ET data studied throughout our technical experiments is based on the highest-quality tilted series of intact SARS-CoV-2 virions. Our technique shows the high impact in target sciences for visual data analysis of very noisy volumes that cannot be visualized with existing techniques

    An automated learning method of semantic segmentation for train autonomous driving environment understanding

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    One of the major reasons for the explosion of autonomous driving in recent years is the great development of computer vision. As one of the most fundamental and challenging problems in autonomous driving, environment understanding has been widely studied. It directly determines whether the entire in-vehicle system can effectively identify surrounding objects of vehicles and make correct path planning. Semantic segmentation is the most important means of environment understanding among the many image recognition algorithms used in autonomous driving. However, the success of semantic segmentation models is highly dependent on human expertise in data preparation and hyperparameter optimization, and the tedious process of training is repeated over and over for each new scene. Automated machine learning (AutoML) is a research area for this problem that aims to automate the development of end-to-end ML models. In this paper, we propose an automatic learning method for semantic segmentation based on reinforcement learning (RL), which can realize automatic selection of training data and guide automatic training of semantic segmentation. The results show that our scheme converges faster and has higher accuracy than researchers manually training semantic segmentation models, while requiring no human involvement

    Semantic Segmentation based deep learning approaches for weed detection

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    Global increase in herbicide use to control weeds has led to issues such as evolution of herbicide-resistant weeds, off-target herbicide movement, etc. Precision agriculture advocates Site Specific Weed Management (SSWM) application to achieve precise and right amount of herbicide spray and reduce off-target herbicide movement. Recent advancements in Deep Learning (DL) have opened possibilities for adaptive and accurate weed recognitions for field based SSWM applications with traditional and emerging spraying equipment; however, challenges exist in identifying the DL model structure and train the model appropriately for accurate and rapid model applications over varying crop/weed growth stages and environment. In our study, an encoder-decoder based DL architecture was proposed that performs pixel-wise Semantic Segmentation (SS) classifications of crop, soil, and weed patches in the fields. The objective of this study was to develop a robust weed detection algorithm using DL techniques that can accurately and reliably locate weed infestations in low altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) imagery with acceptable application speed. Two different encoder-decoder based SS models of LinkNet and UNet were developed using transfer learning techniques. We performed various measures such as backpropagation optimization and refining of the dataset used for training to address the class-imbalance problem which is a common issue in developing weed detection models. It was found that LinkNet model with ResNet18 as the encoder section and use of ‘Focal loss’ loss function was able to achieve the highest mean and class-wise Intersection over Union scores for different class categories while performing predictions on unseen dataset. The developed state-of-art model did not require a large amount of data during training and the techniques used to develop the model in our study provides a propitious opportunity that performs better than the existing SS based weed detections models. The proposed model integrates a futuristic approach to develop a model that could be used for weed detection on aerial imagery from UAV and perform real-time SSWM applications Advisor: Yeyin Sh

    Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Input Transform for Cyst Segmentation in OCT Images Based on a Deep Learning Framework

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    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) represents a non-invasive, high-resolution cross-sectional imaging modality. Macular edema is the swelling of the macular region. Segmentation of fluid or cyst regions in OCT images is essential, to provide useful information for clinicians and prevent visual impairment. However, manual segmentation of fluid regions is a time-consuming and subjective procedure. Traditional and off-the-shelf deep learning methods fail to extract the exact location of the boundaries under complicated conditions, such as with high noise levels and blurred edges. Therefore, developing a tailored automatic image segmentation method that exhibits good numerical and visual performance is essential for clinical application. The dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DTCWT) can extract rich information from different orientations of image boundaries and extract details that improve OCT fluid semantic segmentation results in difficult conditions. This paper presents a comparative study of using DTCWT subbands in the segmentation of fluids. To the best of our knowledge, no previous studies have focused on the various combinations of wavelet transforms and the role of each subband in OCT cyst segmentation. In this paper, we propose a semantic segmentation composite architecture based on a novel U-net and information from DTCWT subbands. We compare different combination schemes, to take advantage of hidden information in the subbands, and demonstrate the performance of the methods under original and noise-added conditions. Dice score, Jaccard index, and qualitative results are used to assess the performance of the subbands. The combination of subbands yielded high Dice and Jaccard values, outperforming the other methods, especially in the presence of a high level of noise