14 research outputs found


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    Improved Constructions of Frameproof Codes

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    Frameproof codes are used to preserve the security in the context of coalition when fingerprinting digital data. Let Mc,l(q)M_{c,l}(q) be the largest cardinality of a qq-ary cc-frameproof code of length ll and Rc,l=lim⁑qβ†’βˆžMc,l(q)/q⌈l/cβŒ‰R_{c,l}=\lim_{q\rightarrow \infty}M_{c,l}(q)/q^{\lceil l/c\rceil}. It has been determined by Blackburn that Rc,l=1R_{c,l}=1 when l≑1Β (β€Šmodβ€ŠΒ c)l\equiv 1\ (\bmod\ c), Rc,l=2R_{c,l}=2 when c=2c=2 and ll is even, and R3,5=5/3R_{3,5}=5/3. In this paper, we give a recursive construction for cc-frameproof codes of length ll with respect to the alphabet size qq. As applications of this construction, we establish the existence results for qq-ary cc-frameproof codes of length c+2c+2 and size c+2c(qβˆ’1)2+1\frac{c+2}{c}(q-1)^2+1 for all odd qq when c=2c=2 and for all q≑4(mod6)q\equiv 4\pmod{6} when c=3c=3. Furthermore, we show that Rc,c+2=(c+2)/cR_{c,c+2}=(c+2)/c meeting the upper bound given by Blackburn, for all integers cc such that c+1c+1 is a prime power.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in Information Theory, IEEE Transactions o

    Linear time Constructions of some dd-Restriction Problems

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    We give new linear time globally explicit constructions for perfect hash families, cover-free families and separating hash functions

    Probabilistic Existence Results for Separable Codes

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    Separable codes were defined by Cheng and Miao in 2011, motivated by applications to the identification of pirates in a multimedia setting. Combinatorially, tβ€Ύ\overline{t}-separable codes lie somewhere between tt-frameproof and (tβˆ’1)(t-1)-frameproof codes: all tt-frameproof codes are tβ€Ύ\overline{t}-separable, and all tβ€Ύ\overline{t}-separable codes are (tβˆ’1)(t-1)-frameproof. Results for frameproof codes show that (when qq is large) there are qq-ary tβ€Ύ\overline{t}-separable codes of length nn with approximately q⌈n/tβŒ‰q^{\lceil n/t\rceil} codewords, and that no qq-ary tβ€Ύ\overline{t}-separable codes of length nn can have more than approximately q⌈n/(tβˆ’1)βŒ‰q^{\lceil n/(t-1)\rceil} codewords. The paper provides improved probabilistic existence results for tβ€Ύ\overline{t}-separable codes when tβ‰₯3t\geq 3. More precisely, for all tβ‰₯3t\geq 3 and all nβ‰₯3n\geq 3, there exists a constant ΞΊ\kappa (depending only on tt and nn) such that there exists a qq-ary tβ€Ύ\overline{t}-separable code of length nn with at least ΞΊqn/(tβˆ’1)\kappa q^{n/(t-1)} codewords for all sufficiently large integers qq. This shows, in particular, that the upper bound (derived from the bound on (tβˆ’1)(t-1)-frameproof codes) on the number of codewords in a tβ€Ύ\overline{t}-separable code is realistic. The results above are more surprising after examining the situation when t=2t=2. Results due to Gao and Ge show that a qq-ary 2β€Ύ\overline{2}-separable code of length nn can contain at most 32q2⌈n/3βŒ‰βˆ’12q⌈n/3βŒ‰\frac{3}{2}q^{2\lceil n/3\rceil}-\frac{1}{2}q^{\lceil n/3\rceil} codewords, and that codes with at least ΞΊq2n/3\kappa q^{2n/3} codewords exist. So optimal 2β€Ύ\overline{2}-separable codes behave neither like 22-frameproof nor 11-frameproof codes. Also, the Gao--Ge bound is strengthened to show that a qq-ary 2β€Ύ\overline{2}-separable code of length nn can have at most q⌈2n/3βŒ‰+12q⌊n/3βŒ‹(q⌊n/3βŒ‹βˆ’1) q^{\lceil 2n/3\rceil}+\tfrac{1}{2}q^{\lfloor n/3\rfloor}(q^{\lfloor n/3\rfloor}-1) codewords.Comment: 16 pages. Typos corrected and minor changes since last version. Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Separating hash families with large universe

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    Separating hash families are useful combinatorial structures which generalize several well-studied objects in cryptography and coding theory. Let pt(N,q)p_t(N, q) denote the maximum size of universe for a tt-perfect hash family of length NN over an alphabet of size qq. In this paper, we show that q2βˆ’o(1)<pt(t,q)=o(q2)q^{2-o(1)}<p_t(t, q)=o(q^2) for all tβ‰₯3t\geq 3, which answers an open problem about separating hash families raised by Blackburn et al. in 2008 for certain parameters. Previously, this result was known only for t=3,4t=3, 4. Our proof is obtained by establishing the existence of a large set of integers avoiding nontrivial solutions to a set of correlated linear equations.Comment: 17 pages, no figur

    Fingerprinting Codes and Related Combinatorial Structures

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    Fingerprinting codes were introduced by Boneh and Shaw in 1998 as a method of copyright control. The desired properties of a good fingerprinting code has been found to have deep connections to combinatorial structures such as error-correcting codes and cover-free families. The particular property that motivated our research is called "frameproof". This has been studied extensively when the alphabet size q is at least as large as the colluder size w. Much less is known about the case q < w, and we prove several interesting properties about the binary case q = 2 in this thesis. When the length of the code N is relatively small, we have shown that the number of codewords n cannot exceed N, which is a tight bound since the n = N case can be satisfied a trivial construction using permutation matrices. Furthermore, the only possible candidates are equivalent to this trivial construction. Generalization to a restricted parameter set of separating hash families is also given. As a consequence, the above result motivates the question of when a non-trivial construction can be found, and we give some definitive answers by considering combinatorial designs. In particular, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for a symmetric design to be a binary 3-frameproof code, and provide example classes of symmetric designs that satisfy or fail this condition. Finally, we apply our results to a problem of constructing short binary frameproof codes