450 research outputs found

    Beyond Desartes and Newton: Recovering life and humanity

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    Attempts to ā€˜naturalizeā€™ phenomenology challenge both traditional phenomenology and traditional approaches to cognitive science. They challenge Edmund Husserlā€™s rejection of naturalism and his attempt to establish phenomenology as a foundational transcendental discipline, and they challenge efforts to explain cognition through mainstream science. While appearing to be a retreat from the bold claims made for phenomenology, it is really its triumph. Naturalized phenomenology is spearheading a successful challenge to the heritage of Cartesian dualism. This converges with the reaction against Cartesian thought within science itself. Descartes divided the universe between res cogitans, thinking substances, and res extensa, the mechanical world. The latter won with Newton and we have, in most of objective science since, literally lost our mind, hence our humanity. Despite Darwin, biologists remain children of Newton, and dream of a grand theory that is epistemologically complete and would allow lawful entailment of the evolution of the biosphere. This dream is no longer tenable. We now have to recognize that science and scientists are within and part of the world we are striving to comprehend, as proponents of endophysics have argued, and that physics, biology and mathematics have to be reconceived accordingly. Interpreting quantum mechanics from this perspective is shown to both illuminate conscious experience and reveal new paths for its further development. In biology we must now justify the use of the word ā€œfunctionā€. As we shall see, we cannot prestate the ever new biological functions that arise and constitute the very phase space of evolution. Hence, we cannot mathematize the detailed becoming of the biosphere, nor write differential equations for functional variables we do not know ahead of time, nor integrate those equations, so no laws ā€œentailā€ evolution. The dream of a grand theory fails. In place of entailing laws, a post-entailing law explanatory framework is proposed in which Actuals arise in evolution that constitute new boundary conditions that are enabling constraints that create new, typically unprestatable, Adjacent Possible opportunities for further evolution, in which new Actuals arise, in a persistent becoming. Evolution flows into a typically unprestatable succession of Adjacent Possibles. Given the concept of function, the concept of functional closure of an organism making a living in its world, becomes central. Implications for patterns in evolution include historical reconstruction, and statistical laws such as the distribution of extinction events, or species per genus, and the use of formal cause, not efficient cause, laws

    Evolutionary dynamics in structured populations

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    Evolutionary dynamics shape the living world around us. At the centre of every evolutionary process is a population of reproducing individuals. The structure of that population affects evolutionary dynamics. The individuals can be molecules, cells, viruses, multicellular organisms or humans. Whenever the fitness of individuals depends on the relative abundance of phenotypes in the population, we are in the realm of evolutionary game theory. Evolutionary game theory is a general approach that can describe the competition of species in an ecosystem, the interaction between hosts and parasites, between viruses and cells, and also the spread of ideas and behaviours in the human population. In this perspective, we review the recent advances in evolutionary game dynamics with a particular emphasis on stochastic approaches in finite sized and structured populations. We give simple, fundamental laws that determine how natural selection chooses between competing strategies. We study the well-mixed population, evolutionary graph theory, games in phenotype space and evolutionary set theory. We apply these results to the evolution of cooperation. The mechanism that leads to the evolution of cooperation in these settings could be called ā€˜spatial selectionā€™: cooperators prevail against defectors by clustering in physical or other spaces

    Current Research in Supporting Complex Search Tasks

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    ABSTRACT ere is broad consensus in the eld of IR that search is complex in many use cases and applications, both on the Web and in domain speci c collections, and both professionally and in our daily life. Yet our understanding of complex search tasks, in comparison to simple look up tasks, is fragmented at best. e workshop addresses many open research questions: What are the obvious use cases and applications of complex search? What are essential features of work tasks and search tasks to take into account? And how do these evolve over time? With a multitude of information, varying from introductory to specialized, and from authoritative to speculative or opinionated, when to show what sources of information? How does the information seeking process evolve and what are relevant di erences between di erent stages? With complex task and search process management, blending searching, browsing, and recommendations, and supporting exploratory search to sensemaking and analytics, UI and UX design pose an overconstrained challenge. How do we evaluate and compare approaches? Which measures should be taken into account? Supporting complex search tasks requires new collaborations across the elds of CHI and IR, and the proposed workshop will bring together a diverse group of researchers to work together on one of the greatest challenges of our eld

    Developing and Evaluating Visual Analogies to Support Insight and Creative Problem Solving

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    The primary aim of this thesis is to gain a richer understanding of visual analogies for insight problem solving, and, in particular, how they can be better developed to ensure their effectiveness as hints. While much work has explored the role of visual analogies in problem solving and their facilitative role, only a few studies have analysed how they could be designed. This thesis employs a mixed method consisting of a practice-led approach for studying how visual analogies can be designed and developed and an experimental research approach for testing their effectiveness as hints for solving visual insight problems

    Report on the Second Workshop on Supporting Complex Search Tasks

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    There is broad consensus in the field of IR that search is complex in many use cases and applications, both on the Web and in domain-specific collections, and both in our professional and in our daily life. Yet our understanding of complex search tasks, in comparison to simple look up tasks, is fragmented at best. The workshop addressed many open research questions: What are the obvious use cases and applications of complex search? What are essential features of work tasks and search tasks to take into account? And how do these evolve over time? With a multitude of information, varying from introductory to specialized, and from authoritative to speculative or opinionated, when should which sources of information be shown? How does the information seeking process evolve and what are relevant differences between different stages? With complex task and search process management, blending searching, browsing, and recommendations, and supporting exploratory search to sensemaking and analytics, UI and UX design pose an overconstrained challenge. How do we know that our approach is any good? Supporting complex search tasks requires new collaborations across the whole field of IR, and the proposed workshop brought together a diverse group of researchers to work together on one of the greatest challenges of our field. The workshop featured three main elements. First, two keynotes, one on the complexity of meaningful interactive IR evaluation by Mark Hall and one on the types of search complexity encountered in real-world applications by Jussi Karlgren. Second, a lively boaster and poster session in which seven contributed papers were presented. Third, three breakout groups discussed concrete ideas on: (1) search context and tasks, (2) search process, and (3) evaluation of complex search tasks. There was an general feeling that the discussion made progress, and built new connections between related strands of research in IR

    Mathematical Investigations: A Primary Teacher Educator's Narrative Journey of Professional Awareness

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    Over a period of twenty months a mathematics teacher educator uses narrative inquiry, a form of story-telling, to investigate her professional practice in working alongside pre-service primary teachers. Two main themes emerge in this research. The first of these centres around the use of mathematical investigations as a vehicle for supporting pre-service primary teachers to consider what the learning and teaching of mathematics may entail. As part of this process the author personally undertook several mathematical investigations. This resulted in significant learning about previously unrecognised personal beliefs about the nature and learning of mathematics. These beliefs were discovered to include ideas that 'real' mathematicians solve problems quickly, do so on their own and do not get stuck. Surprisingly, all of these subconscious assumptions were contrary to what the author espoused in the classroom. A consequence of this learning included some changed beliefs and teaching practices. One such change has been moving from a conception of mathematics as a separate body of 'correct' mathematical ideas, and where the emphasis when doing mathematics was on attaining the correct answer, to now viewing mathematics as a sense-making activity involving discovering, doing and communicating in situations involving numbers, patterns, shape and space. Thus, mathematics is now perceived to primarily be found in the 'doing' rather than existing as a predetermined body of knowledge. As such one's interpretations of a mathematical problem are important to consider. Changes in teaching include using mathematical investigations as a teaching approach with the belief that students can effectively learn mathematical ideas using this approach; an acceptance that this may involve periods of being 'stuck' and that this does not mean that the teacher needs to immediately support the students in becoming 'unstuck'; more in-depth interactions, including questioning, to support this mathematical learning; and an acceptance that mathematics can be learned by people working in a collaborative manner. The second theme encountered in this narrative inquiry involves the exploration of narrative as a powerful means with which to pursue professional development. Narrative inquiry, including a mention of differing forms of narrative writing, is described. Issues also considered include the place of reflection in narrative; the notion of multiple perspectives that are encountered in qualitative research such as this; issues of validity and authenticity; a consideration of what the products of narrative research might be and who may benefit from such research; a brief mention of collaboration; and the place of emotion in qualitative research. The concept of change occurring within a narrative inquiry is not seen to imply an initial deficit position. Rather the research process is regarded as the building of a narrative layer that supports and grows alongside the writer's life as it occurs (Brown Jones, 2001). Thus there is not a seeking of perfection or an ideal, but a greater awareness of one's professional practice. The results of narrative research therefore, are not definitive statements or generalisations about an aspect of that which is being researched (e.g., Winkler, 2003). As such, a definitive statement about how to be a teacher of pre-service students learning mathematics is not offered. Rather, a story is shared that may connect with the stories of the reader

    Developing understanding of triangle

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    As children develop concepts of shape they move from a visual understanding to a property based approach to classification. In this study two cohorts, one a longitudinal study from grade 1 to 4 and the other a sample across a school from pre-school to grade 8, were asked to identify triangles. The resulting data shows errors of inclusion are greater than errors of exclusion and suggests an order in which particular properties are attended to as children learn

    Probabilistic Analogical Mapping with Semantic Relation Networks

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    The human ability to flexibly reason using analogies with domain-general content depends on mechanisms for identifying relations between concepts, and for mapping concepts and their relations across analogs. Building on a recent model of how semantic relations can be learned from non-relational word embeddings, we present a new computational model of mapping between two analogs. The model adopts a Bayesian framework for probabilistic graph matching, operating on semantic relation networks constructed from distributed representations of individual concepts and of relations between concepts. Through comparisons of model predictions with human performance in a novel mapping task requiring integration of multiple relations, as well as in several classic studies, we demonstrate that the model accounts for a broad range of phenomena involving analogical mapping by both adults and children. We also show the potential for extending the model to deal with analog retrieval. Our approach demonstrates that human-like analogical mapping can emerge from comparison mechanisms applied to rich semantic representations of individual concepts and relations
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