2,409 research outputs found

    SceneFlowFields: Dense Interpolation of Sparse Scene Flow Correspondences

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    While most scene flow methods use either variational optimization or a strong rigid motion assumption, we show for the first time that scene flow can also be estimated by dense interpolation of sparse matches. To this end, we find sparse matches across two stereo image pairs that are detected without any prior regularization and perform dense interpolation preserving geometric and motion boundaries by using edge information. A few iterations of variational energy minimization are performed to refine our results, which are thoroughly evaluated on the KITTI benchmark and additionally compared to state-of-the-art on MPI Sintel. For application in an automotive context, we further show that an optional ego-motion model helps to boost performance and blends smoothly into our approach to produce a segmentation of the scene into static and dynamic parts.Comment: IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 201

    Block-Matching Optical Flow for Dynamic Vision Sensor- Algorithm and FPGA Implementation

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    Rapid and low power computation of optical flow (OF) is potentially useful in robotics. The dynamic vision sensor (DVS) event camera produces quick and sparse output, and has high dynamic range, but conventional OF algorithms are frame-based and cannot be directly used with event-based cameras. Previous DVS OF methods do not work well with dense textured input and are designed for implementation in logic circuits. This paper proposes a new block-matching based DVS OF algorithm which is inspired by motion estimation methods used for MPEG video compression. The algorithm was implemented both in software and on FPGA. For each event, it computes the motion direction as one of 9 directions. The speed of the motion is set by the sample interval. Results show that the Average Angular Error can be improved by 30\% compared with previous methods. The OF can be calculated on FPGA with 50\,MHz clock in 0.2\,us per event (11 clock cycles), 20 times faster than a Java software implementation running on a desktop PC. Sample data is shown that the method works on scenes dominated by edges, sparse features, and dense texture.Comment: Published in ISCAS 201

    Cascading Convolutional Temporal Colour Constancy

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    Computational Colour Constancy (CCC) consists of estimating the colour of one or more illuminants in a scene and using them to remove unwanted chromatic distortions. Much research has focused on illuminant estimation for CCC on single images, with few attempts of leveraging the temporal information intrinsic in sequences of correlated images (e.g., the frames in a video), a task known as Temporal Colour Constancy (TCC). The state-of-the-art for TCC is TCCNet, a deep-learning architecture that uses a ConvLSTM for aggregating the encodings produced by CNN submodules for each image in a sequence. We extend this architecture with different models obtained by (i) substituting the TCCNet submodules with C4, the state-of-the-art method for CCC targeting images; (ii) adding a cascading strategy to perform an iterative improvement of the estimate of the illuminant. We tested our models on the recently released TCC benchmark and achieved results that surpass the state-of-the-art. Analyzing the impact of the number of frames involved in illuminant estimation on performance, we show that it is possible to reduce inference time by training the models on few selected frames from the sequences while retaining comparable accuracy