38 research outputs found

    A Bayesian Data Augmentation Approach for Learning Deep Models

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    Data augmentation is an essential part of the training process applied to deep learning models. The motivation is that a robust training process for deep learning models depends on large annotated datasets, which are expensive to be acquired, stored and processed. Therefore a reasonable alternative is to be able to automatically generate new annotated training samples using a process known as data augmentation. The dominant data augmentation approach in the field assumes that new training samples can be obtained via random geometric or appearance transformations applied to annotated training samples, but this is a strong assumption because it is unclear if this is a reliable generative model for producing new training samples. In this paper, we provide a novel Bayesian formulation to data augmentation, where new annotated training points are treated as missing variables and generated based on the distribution learned from the training set. For learning, we introduce a theoretically sound algorithm --- generalised Monte Carlo expectation maximisation, and demonstrate one possible implementation via an extension of the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). Classification results on MNIST, CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 show the better performance of our proposed method compared to the current dominant data augmentation approach mentioned above --- the results also show that our approach produces better classification results than similar GAN models.Comment: Accepted to NISP 201

    Syntax-aware Data Augmentation for Neural Machine Translation

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    Data augmentation is an effective performance enhancement in neural machine translation (NMT) by generating additional bilingual data. In this paper, we propose a novel data augmentation enhancement strategy for neural machine translation. Different from existing data augmentation methods which simply choose words with the same probability across different sentences for modification, we set sentence-specific probability for word selection by considering their roles in sentence. We use dependency parse tree of input sentence as an effective clue to determine selecting probability for every words in each sentence. Our proposed method is evaluated on WMT14 English-to-German dataset and IWSLT14 German-to-English dataset. The result of extensive experiments show our proposed syntax-aware data augmentation method may effectively boost existing sentence-independent methods for significant translation performance improvement

    G2R Bound: A Generalization Bound for Supervised Learning from GAN-Synthetic Data

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    Performing supervised learning from the data synthesized by using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), dubbed GAN-synthetic data, has two important applications. First, GANs may generate more labeled training data, which may help improve classification accuracy. Second, in scenarios where real data cannot be released outside certain premises for privacy and/or security reasons, using GAN- synthetic data to conduct training is a plausible alternative. This paper proposes a generalization bound to guarantee the generalization capability of a classifier learning from GAN-synthetic data. This generalization bound helps developers gauge the generalization gap between learning from synthetic data and testing on real data, and can therefore provide the clues to improve the generalization capability

    Population Based Augmentation: Efficient Learning of Augmentation Policy Schedules

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    A key challenge in leveraging data augmentation for neural network training is choosing an effective augmentation policy from a large search space of candidate operations. Properly chosen augmentation policies can lead to significant generalization improvements; however, state-of-the-art approaches such as AutoAugment are computationally infeasible to run for the ordinary user. In this paper, we introduce a new data augmentation algorithm, Population Based Augmentation (PBA), which generates nonstationary augmentation policy schedules instead of a fixed augmentation policy. We show that PBA can match the performance of AutoAugment on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and SVHN, with three orders of magnitude less overall compute. On CIFAR-10 we achieve a mean test error of 1.46%, which is a slight improvement upon the current state-of-the-art. The code for PBA is open source and is available at https://github.com/arcelien/pba.Comment: ICML 201

    DADA: Deep Adversarial Data Augmentation for Extremely Low Data Regime Classification

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    Deep learning has revolutionized the performance of classification, but meanwhile demands sufficient labeled data for training. Given insufficient data, while many techniques have been developed to help combat overfitting, the challenge remains if one tries to train deep networks, especially in the ill-posed extremely low data regimes: only a small set of labeled data are available, and nothing -- including unlabeled data -- else. Such regimes arise from practical situations where not only data labeling but also data collection itself is expensive. We propose a deep adversarial data augmentation (DADA) technique to address the problem, in which we elaborately formulate data augmentation as a problem of training a class-conditional and supervised generative adversarial network (GAN). Specifically, a new discriminator loss is proposed to fit the goal of data augmentation, through which both real and augmented samples are enforced to contribute to and be consistent in finding the decision boundaries. Tailored training techniques are developed accordingly. To quantitatively validate its effectiveness, we first perform extensive simulations to show that DADA substantially outperforms both traditional data augmentation and a few GAN-based options. We then extend experiments to three real-world small labeled datasets where existing data augmentation and/or transfer learning strategies are either less effective or infeasible. All results endorse the superior capability of DADA in enhancing the generalization ability of deep networks trained in practical extremely low data regimes. Source code is available at https://github.com/SchafferZhang/DADA.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Learning to Generate Synthetic Data via Compositing

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    We present a task-aware approach to synthetic data generation. Our framework employs a trainable synthesizer network that is optimized to produce meaningful training samples by assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a `target' network. The synthesizer and target networks are trained in an adversarial manner wherein each network is updated with a goal to outdo the other. Additionally, we ensure the synthesizer generates realistic data by pairing it with a discriminator trained on real-world images. Further, to make the target classifier invariant to blending artefacts, we introduce these artefacts to background regions of the training images so the target does not over-fit to them. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach by applying it to different target networks including a classification network on AffNIST, and two object detection networks (SSD, Faster-RCNN) on different datasets. On the AffNIST benchmark, our approach is able to surpass the baseline results with just half the training examples. On the VOC person detection benchmark, we show improvements of up to 2.7% as a result of our data augmentation. Similarly on the GMU detection benchmark, we report a performance boost of 3.5% in mAP over the baseline method, outperforming the previous state of the art approaches by up to 7.5% on specific categories.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 2019, supplementary material include

    Robustness and Overfitting Behavior of Implicit Background Models

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    In this paper, we examine the overfitting behavior of image classification models modified with Implicit Background Estimation (SCrIBE), which transforms them into weakly supervised segmentation models that provide spatial domain visualizations without affecting performance. Using the segmentation masks, we derive an overfit detection criterion that does not require testing labels. In addition, we assess the change in model performance, calibration, and segmentation masks after applying data augmentations as overfitting reduction measures and testing on various types of distorted images.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted to IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP

    Efficient Training of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks by Augmentation in Embedding Space

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    Recent advances in the field of artificial intelligence have been made possible by deep neural networks. In applications where data are scarce, transfer learning and data augmentation techniques are commonly used to improve the generalization of deep learning models. However, fine-tuning a transfer model with data augmentation in the raw input space has a high computational cost to run the full network for every augmented input. This is particularly critical when large models are implemented on embedded devices with limited computational and energy resources. In this work, we propose a method that replaces the augmentation in the raw input space with an approximate one that acts purely in the embedding space. Our experimental results show that the proposed method drastically reduces the computation, while the accuracy of models is negligibly compromised

    Using BibTeX to Automatically Generate Labeled Data for Citation Field Extraction

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    Accurate parsing of citation reference strings is crucial to automatically construct scholarly databases such as Google Scholar or Semantic Scholar. Citation field extraction (CFE) is precisely this task---given a reference label which tokens refer to the authors, venue, title, editor, journal, pages, etc. Most methods for CFE are supervised and rely on training from labeled datasets that are quite small compared to the great variety of reference formats. BibTeX, the widely used reference management tool, provides a natural method to automatically generate and label training data for CFE. In this paper, we describe a technique for using BibTeX to generate, automatically, a large-scale 41M labeled strings), labeled dataset, that is four orders of magnitude larger than the current largest CFE dataset, namely the UMass Citation Field Extraction dataset [Anzaroot and McCallum, 2013]. We experimentally demonstrate how our dataset can be used to improve the performance of the UMass CFE using a RoBERTa-based [Liu et al., 2019] model. In comparison to previous SoTA, we achieve a 24.48% relative error reduction, achieving span level F1-scores of 96.3%

    This dataset does not exist: training models from generated images

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    Current generative networks are increasingly proficient in generating high-resolution realistic images. These generative networks, especially the conditional ones, can potentially become a great tool for providing new image datasets. This naturally brings the question: Can we train a classifier only on the generated data? This potential availability of nearly unlimited amounts of training data challenges standard practices for training machine learning models, which have been crafted across the years for limited and fixed size datasets. In this work we investigate this question and its related challenges. We identify ways to improve significantly the performance over naive training on randomly generated images with regular heuristics. We propose three standalone techniques that can be applied at different stages of the pipeline, i.e., data generation, training on generated data, and deploying on real data. We evaluate our proposed approaches on a subset of the ImageNet dataset and show encouraging results compared to classifiers trained on real images