30,571 research outputs found

    Efficient Discriminative Nonorthogonal Binary Subspace with its Application to Visual Tracking

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    One of the crucial problems in visual tracking is how the object is represented. Conventional appearance-based trackers are using increasingly more complex features in order to be robust. However, complex representations typically not only require more computation for feature extraction, but also make the state inference complicated. We show that with a careful feature selection scheme, extremely simple yet discriminative features can be used for robust object tracking. The central component of the proposed method is a succinct and discriminative representation of the object using discriminative non-orthogonal binary subspace (DNBS) which is spanned by Haar-like features. The DNBS representation inherits the merits of the original NBS in that it efficiently describes the object. It also incorporates the discriminative information to distinguish foreground from background. However, the problem of finding the DNBS bases from an over-complete dictionary is NP-hard. We propose a greedy algorithm called discriminative optimized orthogonal matching pursuit (D-OOMP) to solve this problem. An iterative formulation named iterative D-OOMP is further developed to drastically reduce the redundant computation between iterations and a hierarchical selection strategy is integrated for reducing the search space of features. The proposed DNBS representation is applied to object tracking through SSD-based template matching. We validate the effectiveness of our method through extensive experiments on challenging videos with comparisons against several state-of-the-art trackers and demonstrate its capability to track objects in clutter and moving background.Comment: 15 page

    Decomposition into Low-rank plus Additive Matrices for Background/Foreground Separation: A Review for a Comparative Evaluation with a Large-Scale Dataset

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    Recent research on problem formulations based on decomposition into low-rank plus sparse matrices shows a suitable framework to separate moving objects from the background. The most representative problem formulation is the Robust Principal Component Analysis (RPCA) solved via Principal Component Pursuit (PCP) which decomposes a data matrix in a low-rank matrix and a sparse matrix. However, similar robust implicit or explicit decompositions can be made in the following problem formulations: Robust Non-negative Matrix Factorization (RNMF), Robust Matrix Completion (RMC), Robust Subspace Recovery (RSR), Robust Subspace Tracking (RST) and Robust Low-Rank Minimization (RLRM). The main goal of these similar problem formulations is to obtain explicitly or implicitly a decomposition into low-rank matrix plus additive matrices. In this context, this work aims to initiate a rigorous and comprehensive review of the similar problem formulations in robust subspace learning and tracking based on decomposition into low-rank plus additive matrices for testing and ranking existing algorithms for background/foreground separation. For this, we first provide a preliminary review of the recent developments in the different problem formulations which allows us to define a unified view that we called Decomposition into Low-rank plus Additive Matrices (DLAM). Then, we examine carefully each method in each robust subspace learning/tracking frameworks with their decomposition, their loss functions, their optimization problem and their solvers. Furthermore, we investigate if incremental algorithms and real-time implementations can be achieved for background/foreground separation. Finally, experimental results on a large-scale dataset called Background Models Challenge (BMC 2012) show the comparative performance of 32 different robust subspace learning/tracking methods.Comment: 121 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Computer Science Review. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1312.7167, arXiv:1109.6297, arXiv:1207.3438, arXiv:1105.2126, arXiv:1404.7592, arXiv:1210.0805, arXiv:1403.8067 by other authors, Computer Science Review, November 201

    Unsupervised Deep Context Prediction for Background Foreground Separation

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    In many advanced video based applications background modeling is a pre-processing step to eliminate redundant data, for instance in tracking or video surveillance applications. Over the past years background subtraction is usually based on low level or hand-crafted features such as raw color components, gradients, or local binary patterns. The background subtraction algorithms performance suffer in the presence of various challenges such as dynamic backgrounds, photometric variations, camera jitters, and shadows. To handle these challenges for the purpose of accurate background modeling we propose a unified framework based on the algorithm of image inpainting. It is an unsupervised visual feature learning hybrid Generative Adversarial algorithm based on context prediction. We have also presented the solution of random region inpainting by the fusion of center region inpaiting and random region inpainting with the help of poisson blending technique. Furthermore we also evaluated foreground object detection with the fusion of our proposed method and morphological operations. The comparison of our proposed method with 12 state-of-the-art methods shows its stability in the application of background estimation and foreground detection.Comment: 17 page

    Unsupervised learning of foreground object detection

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    Unsupervised learning poses one of the most difficult challenges in computer vision today. The task has an immense practical value with many applications in artificial intelligence and emerging technologies, as large quantities of unlabeled videos can be collected at relatively low cost. In this paper, we address the unsupervised learning problem in the context of detecting the main foreground objects in single images. We train a student deep network to predict the output of a teacher pathway that performs unsupervised object discovery in videos or large image collections. Our approach is different from published methods on unsupervised object discovery. We move the unsupervised learning phase during training time, then at test time we apply the standard feed-forward processing along the student pathway. This strategy has the benefit of allowing increased generalization possibilities during training, while remaining fast at testing. Our unsupervised learning algorithm can run over several generations of student-teacher training. Thus, a group of student networks trained in the first generation collectively create the teacher at the next generation. In experiments our method achieves top results on three current datasets for object discovery in video, unsupervised image segmentation and saliency detection. At test time the proposed system is fast, being one to two orders of magnitude faster than published unsupervised methods.Comment: International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), 201

    Stories in the Eye: Contextual Visual Interactions for Efficient Video to Language Translation

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    Integrating higher level visual and linguistic interpretations is at the heart of human intelligence. As automatic visual category recognition in images is approaching human performance, the high level understanding in the dynamic spatiotemporal domain of videos and its translation into natural language is still far from being solved. While most works on vision-to-text translations use pre-learned or pre-established computational linguistic models, in this paper we present an approach that uses vision alone to efficiently learn how to translate into language the video content. We discover, in simple form, the story played by main actors, while using only visual cues for representing objects and their interactions. Our method learns in a hierarchical manner higher level representations for recognizing subjects, actions and objects involved, their relevant contextual background and their interaction to one another over time. We have a three stage approach: first we take in consideration features of the individual entities at the local level of appearance, then we consider the relationship between these objects and actions and their video background, and third, we consider their spatiotemporal relations as inputs to classifiers at the highest level of interpretation. Thus, our approach finds a coherent linguistic description of videos in the form of a subject, verb and object based on their role played in the overall visual story learned directly from training data, without using a known language model. We test the efficiency of our approach on a large scale dataset containing YouTube clips taken in the wild and demonstrate state-of-the-art performance, often superior to current approaches that use more complex, pre-learned linguistic knowledge

    Efficient Image Splicing Localization via Contrastive Feature Extraction

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    In this work, we propose a new data visualization and clustering technique for discovering discriminative structures in high-dimensional data. This technique, referred to as cPCA++, utilizes the fact that the interesting features of a "target" dataset may be obscured by high variance components during traditional PCA. By analyzing what is referred to as a "background" dataset (i.e., one that exhibits the high variance principal components but not the interesting structures), our technique is capable of efficiently highlighting the structure that is unique to the "target" dataset. Similar to another recently proposed algorithm called "contrastive PCA" (cPCA), the proposed cPCA++ method identifies important dataset specific patterns that are not detected by traditional PCA in a wide variety of settings. However, the proposed cPCA++ method is significantly more efficient than cPCA, because it does not require the parameter sweep in the latter approach. We applied the cPCA++ method to the problem of image splicing localization. In this application, we utilize authentic edges as the background dataset and the spliced edges as the target dataset. The proposed method is significantly more efficient than state-of-the-art methods, as the former does not require iterative updates of filter weights via stochastic gradient descent and backpropagation, nor the training of a classifier. Furthermore, the cPCA++ method is shown to provide performance scores comparable to the state-of-the-art Multi-task Fully Convolutional Network (MFCN).Comment: This manuscript was submitted for publicatio

    Unsupervised learning from video to detect foreground objects in single images

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    Unsupervised learning from visual data is one of the most difficult challenges in computer vision, being a fundamental task for understanding how visual recognition works. From a practical point of view, learning from unsupervised visual input has an immense practical value, as very large quantities of unlabeled videos can be collected at low cost. In this paper, we address the task of unsupervised learning to detect and segment foreground objects in single images. We achieve our goal by training a student pathway, consisting of a deep neural network. It learns to predict from a single input image (a video frame) the output for that particular frame, of a teacher pathway that performs unsupervised object discovery in video. Our approach is different from the published literature that performs unsupervised discovery in videos or in collections of images at test time. We move the unsupervised discovery phase during the training stage, while at test time we apply the standard feed-forward processing along the student pathway. This has a dual benefit: firstly, it allows in principle unlimited possibilities of learning and generalization during training, while remaining very fast at testing. Secondly, the student not only becomes able to detect in single images significantly better than its unsupervised video discovery teacher, but it also achieves state of the art results on two important current benchmarks, YouTube Objects and Object Discovery datasets. Moreover, at test time, our system is at least two orders of magnitude faster than other previous methods

    Background Subtraction using Compressed Low-resolution Images

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    Image processing and recognition are an important part of the modern society, with applications in fields such as advanced artificial intelligence, smart assistants, and security surveillance. The essential first step involved in almost all the visual tasks is background subtraction with a static camera. Ensuring that this critical step is performed in the most efficient manner would therefore improve all aspects related to objects recognition and tracking, behavior comprehension, etc.. Although background subtraction method has been applied for many years, its application suffers from real-time requirement. In this letter, we present a novel approach in implementing the background subtraction. The proposed method uses compressed, low-resolution grayscale image for the background subtraction. These low-resolution grayscale images were found to preserve the salient information very well. To verify the feasibility of our methodology, two prevalent methods, ViBe and GMM, are used in the experiment. The results of the proposed methodology confirm the effectiveness of our approach.Comment: 4 pages,36 figure

    Screen Content Image Segmentation Using Robust Regression and Sparse Decomposition

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    This paper considers how to separate text and/or graphics from smooth background in screen content and mixed document images and proposes two approaches to perform this segmentation task. The proposed methods make use of the fact that the background in each block is usually smoothly varying and can be modeled well by a linear combination of a few smoothly varying basis functions, while the foreground text and graphics create sharp discontinuity. The algorithms separate the background and foreground pixels by trying to fit background pixel values in the block into a smooth function using two different schemes. One is based on robust regression, where the inlier pixels will be considered as background, while remaining outlier pixels will be considered foreground. The second approach uses a sparse decomposition framework where the background and foreground layers are modeled with a smooth and sparse components respectively. These algorithms have been tested on images extracted from HEVC standard test sequences for screen content coding, and are shown to have superior performance over previous approaches. The proposed methods can be used in different applications such as text extraction, separate coding of background and foreground for compression of screen content, and medical image segmentation

    The DDO IVC Distance Project

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    We present the first set of distance limits from the David Dunlap Observatory Intermediate Velocity Cloud (DDO IVC) distance project. Such distance measures are crucial to understanding the origins and dynamics of IVCs, as the distances set most of the basic physical parameters for the clouds. Currently there are very few IVCs with reliably known distances. This paper describes in some detail the basic techniques used to measure distances, with particular emphasis on the the analysis of interstellar absorption line data, which forms the basis of our distance determinations. As an example, we provide a detailed description of our distance determination for the Draco Cloud. Preliminary distance limits for a total of eleven clouds are provided.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, to appear in 'High-Velocity Clouds', ASP Conference Serie
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