66 research outputs found

    Design of CMOS transimpedance amplifiers for remote antenna units in fiber-wireless systems.

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    La memoria de la tesis doctoral: Diseño de Amplificadores de Transimpedancia para Unidades de Antena Remota en Sistemas Fibra-Inalámbrico, se presenta en la modalidad de compendio de Publicaciones. A continuación, se expone un resumen del contexto, motivation y objetivos de la tesis.A lo largo de las últimas décadas, los avances tecnológicos y el esfuerzo por desarrollar nuevos sistemas de comunicaciones han crecido al ritmo que la demanda de información aumentaba a nivel mundial. Desde la aparición de Internet, el tráfico global de datos ha incrementado de forma exponencial y se han creado infinidad de aplicaciones y contenidos desde entonces.Con la llegada de la fibra óptica se produjo un avance muy significativo en el campo de las comunicaciones, ya que la fibra de vidrio y sus características fueron la clave para crear redes de largo alcance y alta velocidad. Por otro lado, los avances en las tecnologías de fabricación de circuitos integrados y de dispositivos fotónicos de alta velocidad han encabezado el desarrollo de los sistemas de comunicaciones ópticos, logrando incrementar la tasa de transmisión de datos hasta prácticamente alcanzar el ancho de banda de la fibra óptica.Para conseguir una mayor eficiencia en las comunicaciones y aumentar la tasa de transferencia, se necesitan métodos de modulación complejos que aprovechen mejor el ancho de banda disponible. No obstante, esta mayor complejidad de la modulación de los datos requiere sistemas con mejores prestaciones en cuanto a rango dinámico y linealidad. Estos esquemas de modulación se emplean desde hace tiempo en los sistemas de comunicaciones inalámbricos, donde el ancho de banda del canal, el aire, es extremadamente limitado y codiciado.Actualmente, los sistemas inalámbricos se enfrentan a una saturación del espectro que supone un límite a la tasa de transmisión de datos. Pese a los esfuerzos por extender el rango frecuencial a bandas superiores para aumentar el ancho de banda disponible, se espera un enorme aumento tanto en el número de dispositivos, como en la cantidad de datos demandados por usuario.Ante esta situación se han planteado distintas soluciones para superar estas limitaciones y mejorar las prestaciones de los sistemas actuales. Entre estas alternativas están los sistemas mixtos fibra-inalámbrico utilizando sistemas de antenas distribuidas (DAS). Estos sistemas prometen ser una solución económica y muy efectiva para mejorar la accesibilidad de los dispositivos inalámbricos, aumentando la cobertura y la tasa de transferencia de las redes a la vez que disminuyen las interferencias. El despliegue de los DAS tendrá un gran efecto en escenarios tales como edificios densamente poblados, hospitales, aeropuertos o edificios de oficinas, así como en áreas residenciales, donde un gran número de dispositivos requieren una cada vez mayor interconectividad.Dependiendo del modo de transmisión de los datos a través de la fibra, los sistemas mixtos fibra-inalámbrico se pueden categorizar de tres formas distintas: Banda base sobre fibra (BBoF), radiofrecuencia sobre fibra (RFoF) y frecuencia intermedia sobre fibra (IFoF). Actualmente, el esquema BBoF es el más utilizado para transmisiones de larga y media distancia. No obstante, utilizar este esquema en un DAS requiere unidades de antena remota (RAU) complejas y costosas, por lo que no está claro que esta configuración pueda ser viable en aplicaciones de bajo coste que requieran de un gran número de RAUs. Los sistemas RFoF e IFoF presentan esquemas más simples, sin necesidad de integrar un modulador/demodulador, puesto que la señal se procesa en una estación base y no en las propias RAUs.El desarrollo de esta tesis se enmarca en el estudio de los distintos esquemas de DAS. A lo largo de esta tesis se presentan varias propuestas de amplificadores de transimpedancia (TIA) adecuadas para su implementación en cada uno de los tres tipos de RAU existentes. La versatilidad y el amplio campo de aplicación de este circuito integrado, tanto en comunicaciones como en otros ámbitos, han motivado el estudio de la implementación de este bloque específico en las diferentes arquitecturas de RAU y en otros sistemas, tales como un receptor de televisión por cable (CATV) o una interfaz de un microsensor inercial capacitivo.La memoria de tesis se ha dividido en tres capítulos. El Capítulo 1 se ha empleado para introducir el concepto de los DAS, proporcionando el contexto y la motivación del diseño de las RAU, partiendo desde los principios básicos de operación de los dispositivos fotónicos y electrónicos y presentando las distintas arquitecturas de RAU. El Capítulo 2 supone el núcleo principal de la tesis. En este capítulo se presenta el estudio y diseño de los diferentes TIAs, que han sido optimizados respectivamente para cada una de las configuraciones de RAU, así como para otras aplicaciones. En un tercer capítulo se recogen los resultados más relevantes y se exponen las conclusiones de este trabajo.Tras llevar a cabo la descripción y comparación de las topologías existentes de TIA, se ha llegado a las siguientes conclusiones, las cuales nos llevan a elegir la topología shunt-feedback como la más adecuada para el diseño: - El compromiso entre ancho de banda, transimpedancia, consumo de potencia y ruido es menos restrictivo en los TIAs de lazo cerrado. - Los TIAs de lazo cerrado tienen un mayor número de grados de libertad para acometer su diseño. - Esta topología presenta una mejor linealidad gracias al lazo de realimentación. Si la respuesta frecuencial del núcleo del amplificador se ajusta de manera adecuada, el TIA shunt-feedback puede presentar una respuesta frecuencial plana y estable.En esta tesis, se ha propuesto una nueva técnica de reducción de ruido, aplicable en receptores ópticos con fotodiodos con un área activa grande (~1mm2). Esta estrategia, que se ha llamado la técnica del fotodiodo troceado, consiste en la fabricación del fotodiodo, no como una estructura única, sino como un array de N sub-fotodiodos, que ocuparían la misma área activa que el original. Las principales conclusiones tras hacer un estudio teórico y realizar un estudio de su aplicación en una de las topologías de TIA propuestas son: - El ruido equivalente a la entrada es menor cuanto mayor es el número de sub-fotodiodos, dado que la contribución al ruido que depende con el cuadrado de la frecuencia (f^2) decrece con una dependencia proporcional a N. - Con una aplicación simple de la técnica, replicando el amplificador de tensión del TIA N veces y utilizando N resistencias de realimentación, cada una con un valor N veces el original, la sensibilidad del receptor aumenta aproximadamente en un factor √N y la estabilidad del sistema no se ve afectada. - Al dividir el fotodiodo en N sub-fotodiodos, la capacidad parásita de cada uno de ellos es N veces menor a la original. Con esta nueva capacidad parásita, el diseño del TIA se puede optimizar, consiguiendo una sensibilidad mucho mejor que con un único fotodiodo para el mismo valor de consumo de potencia.Las principales conclusiones respecto a los diseños de los distintos TIAs para comunicaciones son las siguientes: TIA para BBoF: - El TIA propuesto, alcanza, con un consumo de tan solo 2.9 mW, un ancho de banda de 1 GHz y una sensibilidad de -11 dBm, superando las características de trabajos anteriores en condiciones similares (capacidad del fotodiodo, tecnología y tasa de transmisión). - La técnica del fotodiodo troceado se ha aplicado a este circuito, consiguiendo una mejora de hasta 7.9 dBm en la sensibilidad para un diseño optimizado de 16 sub-fotodiodos, demostrando, en una simulación a nivel de transistor, que la técnica propuesta funciona correctamente. TIA para RFoF: - El diseño propuesto logra una figura de mérito superior a la de trabajos previos, gracias a la combinación de su bajo consumo de potencia y su mayor transimpedancia. - Además, mientras que en la mayoría de trabajos previos no se integra un control de ganancia en el TIA, esta propuesta presenta una transimpedancia controlable desde 45 hasta 65 dBΩ. A través de un sistema de control simultáneo de la transimpedancia y de la ganancia en lazo abierto del amplificador de voltaje, se consigue garantizar una respuesta frecuencial plana y estable en todos los estados de transimpedancia, que le otorga al diseño una superior versatilidad y flexibilidad. TIA para CATV: - Se ha adaptado una versión del TIA para RFoF para demostrar la capacidad de adaptación de esta estructura en una implementación en un receptor CATV con un rango de control de transimpedancia de 18 dB. - Con la implementación del control de ganancia en el TIA, no es necesario el uso de un atenuador variable en el receptor, simplificando así el número de etapas del mismo. - Gracias al control de transimpedancia, el TIA logra rangos de entrada similares a los publicados en trabajos anteriores basados en una tecnología mucho menos accesible como GaAs PHEMT. TIA para IFoF Se ha fabricado un chip en una tecnología CMOS de 65 nm que opera a 1.2 V de tensión de alimentación y se ha realizado su caracterización eléctrica y óptica. - El TIA presenta una programabilidad de su transimpedancia con un control lineal en dB entre 60 y 76 dBΩ mediante un código termómetro de 4 bits. - El ancho de banda se mantiene casi constante en todo el rango de transimpedancia, entre 500 y 600 MHz.Como conclusión general tras comparar el funcionamiento de los TIAs para las distintas configuraciones de RAU, vale la pena mencionar que el TIA para IFoF consigue una figura de mérito muy superior a la de otros trabajos previos diseñados para RFoF. Esto se debe principalmente a la mayor transimpedancia y al muy bajo consumo de potencia del TIA para IFoF propuesto. Además, se consigue una mejor linealidad, ya que, para una transmisión de 54 Mb/s con el estándar 802.11a, se consigue un EVM menor de 2 % en un rango de entrada de 10 dB, comparado con los entre 3 y 5 dB reportados en trabajos previos. El esquema IFoF presenta un gran potencial y ventajas frente al RFoF, lo que lo coloca como una buena alternativa para disminuir los costes y mejorar el rendimiento de los sistemas de antenas distribuidas.Por último, cabe destacar que el diseño de TIA propuesto y fabricado para IFoF contribuye en gran medida al desarrollo y validación de una RAU completa. Se ha demostrado la capacidad de la estructura propuesta para alcanzar un bajo ruido, alta linealidad, simplicidad en la programabilidad de la transimpedancia y adaptabilidad de la topología para diferentes requisitos, lo cual es de un gran interés en el diseño de receptores ópticos.Por otra parte, una versión del TIA para su uso en una interfaz de sensores MEMS capacitivos se ha propuesto y estudiado. Consiste en un convertidor capacidad-voltaje basado en una versión del TIA para RFoF, con el objetivo de conseguir un menor ruido y proveer de una adaptabilidad para diferentes sensores capacitivos. Los resultados más significativos y las conclusiones de este diseño se resumen a continuación: - El TIA presenta un control de transimpedancia con un rango de 34 dB manteniendo el ancho de banda constante en 1.2 MHz. También presenta un control independiente del ancho de banda, desde 75 kHz hasta 1.2 MHz, manteniendo la transimpedancia fija en un valor máximo. - Con un consumo de potencia de tan solo 54 μW, el TIA alcanza una sensibilidad máxima de 1 mV/fF, que corresponde a una sensibilidad de 4.2 mV/g y presenta un ruido de entrada de tan solo 100 µg/√("Hz" ) a 50 kHz en la configuración de máxima transimpedancia.La principal conclusión que destaca de este diseño es su versatilidad y flexibilidad. El diseño propuesto permite adaptar fácilmente la respuesta de la interfaz a una amplia gama de dispositivos sensores, ya que se puede ajustar el ancho de banda para ajustarse a distintas frecuencias de operación, así como la transimpedancia puede ser modificada para conseguir distintas sensibilidades. Este doble control independiente de ancho de banda y transimpedancia le proporcionan una adaptabilidad completa al TIA.<br /

    Characterization And Optimization Of Avalanche Photodiodes Fabricated By Standard Cmos Process For High-Speed High-Speed Photoreceivers

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    A dissertation presented on the characterization and optimization of avalanche photodiodes fabricated by standard CMOS process (CMOS-APD) for high-speed photoreceivers, beginning with the theory and principle related to photodetector and avalanche photodiodes, followed by characterization,optimization, and wavelength dependence of CMOS-APD, and finally link up with the transimpedance amplifier. nMOS-type and pMOS-type silicon avalanche photodiodes were fabricated by standard 0.18 μm CMOS process, and the currentvoltage characteristic and the frequency response of the CMOS-APDs with and without the guard ring structure were measured. CMOS-APDs have features of high avalanche gain below 10 V, wide bandwidth over 5 GHz, and easy integration with electronic circuits. In CMOS-APDs, guard ring structure is introduced for high-speed operation with the role of elimination the slow photo generated carriers in a deep layer and a substrate. The bandwidth of the CMOS-APD is enhanced with the guard ring structure at a sacrifice of the responsivity. Based on comparison of nMOS-type and pMOS-type APDs, the nMOS-type APD is more suitable for high-speed operation. The bandwidth is enhanced with decreasing the spacing of interdigital electrodes due to decreased carrier transit time and with decreasing the detection area and the PAD size for RF probing due to decreased device capacitance. Thus, an nMOS-type APD with the electrode spacing of 0.84 μm, the detection area of 10 x 10 μm², the PAD size for RF probing of 30 x 30 μm² along with the guard ring structure was fabricated. As a results, the maximum bandwidth of 8.4 GHz at the avalanche gain of about 10 and the gain-bandwidth product of 280 GHz were achieved. Furthermore, the wavelength dependence of the responsivity and the bandwidth of the CMOS-APDs with and without the guard ring structure also revealed. At a wavelength of 520 nm or less, there is no difference in the responsivity and the frequency response because all the illuminated light is absorbed in the p+-layer and the Nwell due to strong light absorption of Si. On the other hand, a part of the incident light is absorbed in the Psubstrate and the photo-generated carriers in the P-substrate are eliminated by the guard ring structure for the wavelength longer than 520 nm, and then bandwidth was remarkably enhanced at the sacrifice of the responsivity. In addition, to achieve high-speed photoreceivers, two types of TIA which are common-source and regulated-cascode TIAs were simulated by utilizing the output of the CMOSAPDs.The figure of merits of gain-bandwidth product was used to find the ideal results of the transimpedance gain and bandwidth performance due to trade-offs between both of them. The common-source TIA produced the transimpedance gain of 22.17 dBΩ, the bandwidth of 21.21 GHz and the gain-bandwidth product of 470.23 THz × dBΩ. Besides that, the simulated results of the regulated-cascade TIA configuration demonstrate 79.45 dBΩ transimpedance gain, 10.64 GHz bandwidth, and 845.35 THz × dBΩ gain-bandwidth product. Both of these TIA results meet the target of this research and further encouraging this successful CMOS-APDs to realize high-speed photoreceivers

    Broadband Receiver Electronic Circuits for Fiber-Optical Communication Systems

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    The exponential growth of internet traffic drives datacenters to constantly improve their capacity. As the copper based network infrastructure is being replaced by fiber-optical interconnects, new industrial standards for higher datarates are required. Several research and industrial organizations are aiming towards 400 Gb Ethernet and beyond, which brings new challenges to the field of high-speed broadband electronic circuit design. Replacing OOK with higher M-ary modulation formats and using higher datarates increases network capacity but at the cost of power. With datacenters rapidly becoming significant energy consumers on the global scale, the energy efficiency of the optical interconnect transceivers takes a primary role in the development of novel systems. There are several additional challenges unique in the design of a broadband shortreach fiber-optical receiver system. The sensitivity of the receiver depends on the noise performance of the PD and the electronics. The overall system noise must be optimized for the specific application, modulation scheme, PD and VCSEL characteristics. The topology of the transimpedance amplifier affects the noise and frequency response of the PD, so the system must be optimized as a whole. Most state-of-the-art receivers are built on high-end semiconductor SiGe and InP technologies. However, there are still several design decisions to be made in order to get low noise, high energy efficiency and adequate bandwidth. In order to overcome the frequency limitations of the optoelectronic components, bandwidth enhancement and channel equalization techniques are used. In this work several different blocks of a receiver system are designed and characterized. A broadband, 50 GHz bandwidth CB-based TIA and a tunable gain equalizer are designed in a 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS process. An ultra-broadband traveling wave amplifier is presented, based on a 250 nm InP DHBT technology demonstrating a 207 GHz bandwidth. Two TIA front-end topologies with 133 GHz bandwidth, a CB and a CE with shunt-shunt feedback, based on a 130 nm InP DHBT technology are designed and compared

    Bandwidth Enhancement Techniques For Cmos Transimpedance Amplifier

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    Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2016Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2016CMOS Transferempedans Kuvvetlendiricinin bandgenis¸lig˘ i bas¸arımını gelis¸tirmeye yönelik teknikler haberles¸me teknolojisinde ve uygulamalarında ortaya çıkan hızlı gelis¸meler ve uygulamalar verilere hızlı eris¸im avantajı yanında hızlı hesaplama ve haberles¸me tekniklerine imkan veren bir bilgi çag˘ ını ortaya çıkarmıs¸tır. Sürekli artan hızlı bilgi transferi ihtiyacı, hızlı elemanların ve tümdevrelerin tasarımına yönelik aras¸tırmalara liderlik eden optik haberles¸me teknig˘ ini dog˘ urmus¸tur. Veri iletimi için mevcut ortamlar arasında optik fiber yapıları en iyi bas¸arımı sunmaktadır. Günümüzde optik fiberler çok yog˘ un sayısal veri transferinde genis¸ kullanım alanı bulmaktadır. Yog˘ un veri aktarımı kilometrelerce uzunlukta optik fiberler üzerinde önemli bir kayıp olmaksızın yapılabilmektedir. Normal s¸artlarda, is¸aret aktarımının ıs¸ık ile yapılması durumunda ortaya çıkan kayıp elektriksel yolla yapılan aktarıma gore daha düs¸üktür. Optik fiberler genel bas¸arımı iyiles¸tirmenin yanında düs¸ük maliyet avantajını da sunmaktadır. En yüksek teknolojilerde, optik fiber elemanları ve sistemleri çok yog˘ un veri aktarımı amacıyla kullanılmaktadır. Sonuç olarak optik fiber teknolojisi düs¸ük kayıpla çok yog˘ un veri aktarımını az maliyetle sunabilen bir teknoloji olarak günümüzde çok önemli bir konuma sahiptir. Genel olarak, optik haberles¸me sistemlerinde kullanılan analog devreler Galyum Arsenik (GaAs) veya Indiyum Fosfid (InP) teknolojileri ile üretilmektedir. Bu prosesler yüksek hızlı devreler için olus¸turulmakta olup optik haberles¸me sistemlerinin ihtiyaç duydug˘ u yüksek band genis¸lig˘ ine sahip devreleri üretmek için genellikle tek alternatif olarak kars¸ımıza çıkmaktadırlar. Bununla birlikte, CMOS proseslerinde ortaya çıkan hızlı gelis¸meler sayesinde daha yüksek bas¸arımlara sahip analog devreleri CMOS proses kullanarak tasarlama ve gerçekles¸tirme imkanları gittikçe artmaktadır. CMOS prosesin tercih edilmesine sebep olan en önemli avantaj maliyetlerde ortaya çıkan büyük düs¸üs¸tür. CMOS proseslerin maliyetinin düs¸ük olmasının sebebi, büyük alan kullanımı gerektiren sayısal devre gerçekles¸tirmelerinde çok genis¸ bir kullanıma sahip olmasıdır. CMOS prosesin dig˘ er bir avantajı sayısal ve analog devrelerin aynı taban üzerinde gerçekles¸tirilmesine imkan vermesidir. Transferempedans kuvvetlendirici (TIA) optik haberles¸me alıcılarındaki ilk blok olup giris¸indeki akımı çıkıs¸ında gerilime dönüs¸türmektedir. Tipik bir TIA’nın önemli bas¸arım ihtiyaçları genis¸ bandgenis¸lig˘ i, yüksek transferempedans kazancı, düs¸ük gürültü, düs¸ük güç tüketimi ve küçük grup geçikme deg˘ is¸im aralıg˘ ıdır. Nano teknolojilerdeki güncel gelis¸meler, optik alıcıların giris¸ katı uygulamalarında gerekli kolay bir s¸ekilde elde edilemeyen bas¸arımları sag˘ layabilen CMOS Transfer- empedans Kuvvetlendiricinin (TIA) tasarımını ekonomik hale getirmis¸tir. TIA tasarımında dikkat edilmesi gereken iki önemli mesele bandgenis¸lig˘ i ve giris¸ hassasiyetidir. TIA’nın bandgenis¸lig˘ i genellikle giris¸teki parasitic kapasite tarafından sınırlanmaktadır. TIA’nın bandgenis¸lig˘ i fotodiyot kapasitesi, transistor giris¸ kapasitesi ve transistor giris¸ direncinin belirledig˘ i RC zaman sabiti ile bulunabilir. Giris¸ hassasiyeti ise TIA’nın giris¸ gürültü akımından etkilenmektedir. Bundan dolayı TIA’nın bandgenis¸lig˘ i ve giris¸ is¸areti hassasiyeti bas¸arımlarını optimum bir s¸ekilde temin eden uygun devre topolojisinin belirlenmesi önemli bir meseledir. Bu tez, CMOS teknolojisi kullanan Transferempedans Kuvvetlendiricinin band- genis¸lig˘ i bas¸arımını gelis¸tirmeye yönelik yeni teknikler sunan bir çalıs¸madır. CMOS TIA’nın bandgenis¸lig˘ i bas¸arımını iyiles¸tirmeye yönelik farklı yaklas¸ımlar tez içerisinde gösterilmektedir. Bundan bas¸ka, bu çalıs¸ma transferempedansı kuvvetlendiricinin analizini ve tasarımını tam olarak anlamak için gerekli altyapı bilgisini de sunmaktadır. Bu tezde, sistemle devre tasarımı arasındaki bos¸lug˘ u doldurmak için s¸unlar yapılmıs¸tır: - Band genis¸lig˘ i bas¸arımının arttırılmasının matematiksel analizlerle anlas¸ılması. - Gerçekles¸tirilebilir yeni devre yapılarının tanıtılması. - Teklif edilen tasarımların CMOS teknolojisiyle gerçekles¸tirilebilirlig˘ inin kapsamlı ve detaylı simülasyonlar kullanılarak gösterilmesi. Sunulan yeni devre yapılarının ilki olarak, negatif empedans devresinin bandgenis¸lig˘ i artıs¸ı için kullanılabileceg˘ i bu tezde gösterilmis¸ olup bu teknik bu tezde TIA’nın çıkıs¸ kutpu için uygulanmaktadır. Bandgenis¸lig˘ i, kazancı (gmRout) arttırarak ve çıkıs¸ta aynı zaman sabiti korunarak arttırılabilir. Çıkıs¸ direnci arttırılarak kazanç (A) yükseltilebilir. Çıkıs¸ direnci çıkıs¸a uygulanacak bir negative direnç devresi ile arttırılabilir. Çıkıs¸ta aynı zaman sabitini korumak için ise negatif kapasite devresi kullanılabilir. Daha yüksek kazanç deg˘ eri (A) rezistif geribesleme sayesinde giris¸ direncini azaltarak giris¸ kutbunun yükselmesini sag˘ lamaktadır. Sonuç olarak, bandgenis¸lig˘ i bas¸arımında bir iyiles¸tirme elde edilebilmektedir. Teklif edilen topoloji ile 7GHz bandgenis¸lig˘ ine ve 54.3dB’lik kazanca sahip bir TIA tasarlanmıs¸tır. Teklif edilen TIA’nın 1.8V’luk besleme kaynag˘ ından çektig˘ i toplam güç 29mW’tır. Teklif edilen TIA’nın 0.18um CMOS proses ile post-serimi yapılmıs¸tır. Benzetimle elde edilmis¸ giris¸ gürültü akım yog˘ unlug˘ u 5.9pA/ Hz olup kapladıg˘ ı alan 230umX45um olmus¸tur. Tezde bir sonraki çalıs¸mada es¸les¸tirme teknig˘ i kullanılarak genis¸ bantlı bs¸r TIA tasarlanmıs¸tır. Giris¸te seri empedans es¸les¸tirme teknig˘ i ve çıkıs¸ta T tipi es¸les¸tirme yapısı birlikte kullanılarak TIA’nın bandgenis¸lig˘ i bas¸arımının iyi bir düzeyde iyiles¸tirilebileceg˘ i gösterilmis¸tir. Bu yaklas¸ım 0.18um CMOS teknolojisi ile yapılmıs¸ bir tasarım örneg˘ i ile desteklenmis¸tir. Post serim sonuçları 50fF’lık bir fotodiyot kapasitesi için 20GHz’lik bandgenis¸lig˘ i, 52.6dB’lik transferdirenci kazancı, 8.7pA/ Hz ‘lik giris¸ gürültü akımı ve 3pS’den daha az grup geçikmesi bas¸arımılarını vermis¸tir. Bu TIA uygulaması 1.8V’luk besleme kaynag˘ ından 1.3mW güç çekmis¸tir. Tezin üçüncü as¸amasında TIA band genis¸lig˘ i bas¸arımını arttırmaya yönelik bas¸ka bir yapı sunulmaktadır. Bu yapı, literatürde bilinen regule edilmis¸ ortak geçitli mimari ile birlikte farklı rezonans frekanslarına sahip iki rezonans devresinin paralel kullanımını içermektedir. Teklif edilen TIA devresinde, kapasite dejenarasyon ve seri endüktif tepe teknikleri kutup-sıfır kompanzasyonu için kullanılmıs¸tır. 100fF’lık fotodiyot kapasitesine sahip bir TIA 0.18um CMOS prosesi ili tasarlanmıs¸tır. Post-serim sonuçları 13GHz’lik bandgenis¸lig˘ i, 53dB’lik transferdirenci kazancı, 24pA/ Hz ‘lik xxvi giris¸ gürültü akımı ve 5pS’den daha az grup geçikmesi bas¸arımılarını vermis¸tir. Bu TIA uygulaması 1.8V’luk besleme kaynag˘ ından 11mW güç çekmis¸tir. Tezin dördüncü as¸amasında, regule edilmis¸ ortak geçitli mimari kullanan TIA’nın bandgenis¸lig˘ i bas¸arımını arttırmaya yönelik bir teknik tanıtılmıs¸tır. Bu teknik, resistif kompanzasyon teknig˘ ini ve merdiven es¸les¸tirme yapısını bir kaskod akım kaynag˘ ı ile birlikte kullanmaya dayanmaktadır. Bu yapının bas¸arımını göstermek amacıyla, 0.18um CMOS prosesi ile bir tasarım yapılmıs¸tır. Post-serim sonuçları 8.4GHz’lik bandgenis¸lig˘ i, 51.3dB’lik transferdirenci kazancı, 20pA/ Hz ‘lik giris¸ gürültü akımı ve 4pS’den daha az grup geçikmesi bas¸arımılarını vermis¸tir. Bu TIA uygulaması 1.8V’luk besleme kaynag˘ ından 17.8mW güç çekmis¸tir. Tezin son as¸amasında, tezde sunulan teknikler ve yapıların kendi aralarında kars¸ılas¸tırılması verilmektedir. Kars¸ılas¸tırma öncelikli olarak band genis¸lig˘ i, transferempedansı kazancı, gürültü, güç tüketimi, grup geçikme deg˘ is¸im aralıg˘ ı ve kapladıg˘ ı alan için yapılmaktadır. Bunlara ek olarak, sunulan yapıların kullandıg˘ ı tekniklerin avantajlı yanları ile birlikte (kararlılık üzerinde olus¸abilecek negatif etkiler gibi) dezavantajlı tarafları da tezin son as¸amasında verilmektedir. Tezin son as¸amasında yapılan kars¸ılas¸tırmalar, en iyi bant genis¸lig˘ i bas¸arımının es¸les¸tirme teknig˘ ini kullanan yapıdan elde edildig˘ ini göstermektedir. Bununla birlikte dig˘ er yapıların da band genis¸lig˘ i bas¸arımı üzerinde önemli iyiles¸tirmeler yaptıg˘ ı ortaya konulmaktadır. Gürültü açısından ise en yüksek bas¸arımın negatif empedans teknig˘ ini kullanan yapıda elde edildig˘ i görülmektedir. Bu yapı aynı zamanda düs¸ük alan kullanımı imkanı da sunmaktadır. Tezde sunulan dig˘ er iki yapı ise özellikle yüksek deg˘ erli fotodiyot kapasiteleri için incelenmis¸ olup band genis¸lig˘ i bas¸arımı üzerinde önemli iyiles¸tirmeler yaptıkları gösterilmektedir. Sonuç olarak, bu tezde transferempedans kuvvetlendiricinin bandgenis¸lig˘ i bas¸arımını iyiles¸tiren farklı teknikler sunulmakta olup bu teknikler ayrıntılı ve kars¸ılas¸tırmalı olarak incelenmektedir. Tezde verilen sonuçlar sunulan yeni tekniklerin bas¸arımlarının yüksek oldug˘ unu ve literature yeni ve güçlü alternatfiler sunuldug˘ unu göstermektedir. Tezde sunulan yaklas¸ımların ve tekniklerin gelecekte yapılacak benzer aras¸tırmalara hem yardımcı olacak hem de referans olacak nitelikte oldug˘ u düs¸ünülmektedir.The accelerated development of integrated systems in the communication technology and their application are among the significant technologies that have developed the information era by empowering high-speed computation and communication technique besides high-speed access to stored data. The continuous growth demand for high-speed transport of information has rekindled optical communications, leading to derived research on high-speed device and integrated circuit design. Among the available medium to transfer the data, optical fibers have the best performance. Optical fibers are very common these days to transport very high rate digital data. Such high speed data rates can be transported over kilometers of optical fiber and without significant loss. Normally loss is very low when the signal is transmitted using light rather than electrical signal. These fibers also have the advantage of being low cost in addition to improvement of performance. In state-of-the-art technology, fiber optic devices and systems are evidently employed to realize very high data rates. Fiber optic communication is a solution because high data rates can be transmitted through this high capacity cable with high performance. Traditionally, analog circuits used in optical communication systems are implemented using Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) or Indium Phosphide (InP) technologies. These processes are designed for high speed circuits, and have been traditionally the only technologies able to produce the high bandwidth circuits required in optical communication systems. However, due to the aggressive scaling of the CMOS process, it is now becoming possible to design high performance analog circuits in CMOS. The primary advantage of moving to a CMOS process is a dramatic reduction in cost due to its widespread use in high volume digital circuits. Another advantage of using CMOS is its ability to integrate digital and analog circuits onto the same substrate. Transimpedance amplifier (TIAs) is the first building block in the optical communication receiver that converts the small signal current to a corresponding output voltage signal. The important requirements of a typical TIA are large bandwidth, high transimpedance gain, low noise, low power consumption, and small group delay variation. Current developments in nanoscale technologies made it economically feasible to design CMOS transimpedance amplifier (TIA) that satisfies the stringent performances necessary for the front-end optical transceivers applications such as low power, low cost and high integration which offers the most economical solution in the consumer application market. In designing of TIA, the two major factors that must be considered are the bandwidth and the input sensitivity. The bandwidth of TIA is usually limited by the parasitic capacitance at the input stage, and it can be calculated by its RC time constant contributed by photodiode capacitance, parasitic capacitance and input resistance of the amplifier. The sensitivity is affected by the input current noise of the TIA. Therefore it is challenge to choose the suitable circuit topology that provides an optimal trade-off between bandwidth and input signal sensitivity for TIA. This thesis is an attempt toward providing novel techniques to extend the bandwidth of the transimpedance amplifier using CMOS technology. Different approaches used to improve the bandwidth of CMOS TIAs are covered. Moreover, this research provides the necessary background knowledge to fully understand the analysis and design of the transimpedance amplifier (TIA). Bridging the gap between system and circuit design is done by: Understanding the bandwidth expansion by mathematical analysis. Introducing new circuit architectures that can be realized. Demonstrating implementation of the proposed designs using extensive simulations in CMOS technology. It is shown in this thesis that, using a negative impedance NI circuit can be used for bandwidth extension. In our application, the negative impedance is incorporated into the output pole of TIA. The bandwidth can be improved by increasing the gain (A = gmRout ) and by maintaining the same time constant at the output pole. A better gain A can be obtained if the output resistance Rout is increased. Increasing Rout can be done by placing a negative resistance RIN in parallel with the output resistance Rout . In order to maintain the same time constant at the output node, a negative capacitance can be used. It have been reported that, the shunt feedback architecture is used to improve the bandwidth of TIA. Increasing the gain A effectively decreases the input resistance and hence increase the frequency of the input pole due to feedback. As a result, an improvement of the bandwidth can be obtained. Using the proposed topology, a wide band transimpedance amplifier with a bandwidth of 7 GH z and transimpedance gain of 54.3 dBΩ is achieved. The total power consumption of the proposed TIA from the 1.8 V power supply is 29 mW . The TIA is designed in 0.18 µ m CMOS technology. The simulated input referred noise current spectral density is 5.9 pA/√H z and the TIA occupies 230µ m × 45µ m of area. Furthermore, a wide band TIA is designed using the matching technique. It is shown that by simultaneously using of series input matching topology and T-output matching network, the bandwidth of the TIA can be obviously improved. This methodology is supported by a design example in a 0.18 µ m CMOS technology. The post layout simulation results show a bandwidth of 20 GH z with 50 f F photodiode capacitance, a transimpedance gain of 52.6 dBΩ, 11 pA/√H z input referred noise and group delay less than 8.3 ps. The TIA dissipates 1.3 mW from a 1.8 V supply voltage. In addition, a new design possessing to extend the bandwidth of the TIA is presented. This TIA employs a parallel combination of two series resonate circuits with different resonate frequencies on the conventional regulated common gate (RGC) architecture. In the proposed TIA, a capacitance degeneration and series inductive peaking technique are used for pole-zero elimination. The TIA is implemented in a 0.18 µ m CMOS process, where a 100 f F photodiode is considered. The post layout simulation results show a transimpedance gain of 53 dBΩ transimpedance gain along with a 13 GH z bandwidth. The designed TIA consumes 11 mW from a 1.8 V supply, and its group-delay variation is 5 ps with 24 pA/√H z input referred noise. xxii In the last phase of the work, a technique to enhance the bandwidth of the regulated common gate (RCG) transimpedance amplifier is described. The technique is based on using a cascode current mirror with resistive compensation technique and a ladder matching network. In order to verify the operation and the performance of the proposed technique, a CMOS design example is designed using the 0.18µ m CMOS process technology. The post layout simulation results show that, the proposed TIA achieved a bandwidth of 8.4 GH z, a transimpedance gain of 51.3 dBΩ and input referred noise current spectral density of 20 pA/√H z. The average group-delay variation is 4 ps over the bandwidth and the TIA consumes 17.8 mW from a 1.8 V supply. To sum up, this thesis focuses on various design techniques of transimpedance amplifier (TIA) that improves the bandwidth performance. We believe that, our approaches and techniques exhibit a path which other future researchers can follow and as well refer to as their researching domain and also could be used in their research applications.DoktoraPh

    Wideband integrated circuits for optical communication systems

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    The exponential growth of internet traffic drives datacenters to constantly improvetheir capacity. Several research and industrial organizations are aiming towardsTbps Ethernet and beyond, which brings new challenges to the field of high-speedbroadband electronic circuit design. With datacenters rapidly becoming significantenergy consumers on the global scale, the energy efficiency of the optical interconnecttransceivers takes a primary role in the development of novel systems. Furthermore,wideband optical links are finding application inside very high throughput satellite(V/HTS) payloads used in the ever-expanding cloud of telecommunication satellites,enabled by the maturity of the existing fiber based optical links and the hightechnology readiness level of radiation hardened integrated circuit processes. Thereare several additional challenges unique in the design of a wideband optical system.The overall system noise must be optimized for the specific application, modulationscheme, PD and laser characteristics. Most state-of-the-art wideband circuits are builton high-end semiconductor SiGe and InP technologies. However, each technologydemands specific design decisions to be made in order to get low noise, high energyefficiency and adequate bandwidth. In order to overcome the frequency limitationsof the optoelectronic components, bandwidth enhancement and channel equalizationtechniques are used. In this work various blocks of optical communication systems aredesigned attempting to tackle some of the aforementioned challenges. Two TIA front-end topologies with 133 GHz bandwidth, a CB and a CE with shunt-shunt feedback,are designed and measured, utilizing a state-of-the-art 130 nm InP DHBT technology.A modular equalizer block built in 130 nm SiGe HBT technology is presented. Threeultra-wideband traveling wave amplifiers, a 4-cell, a single cell and a matrix single-stage, are designed in a 250 nm InP DHBT process to test the limits of distributedamplification. A differential VCSEL driver circuit is designed and integrated in a4x 28 Gbps transceiver system for intra-satellite optical communications based in arad-hard 130nm SiGe process

    A Variable Bandwidth, Power-Scalable Optical Receiver Front-End

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    The tremendous growth in internet data traffic and computation power has increased demand for high-speed links in almost all communication systems. Normally, high-speed interconnects in a super computer are implemented using a short distance electrical medium such as a printed circuit board or coaxial cable. However, data transmission through an electrical medium suffers severe bandwidth limitation due to its distributed resistance, inductance and capacitance. To overcome this problem, several equalization techniques are adopted which can make the system more complex and power hungry. An efficient way to enhance the capacity of short-reach link is through the use of an optical channel rather than the band-limited electrical one. The analog front-end is the most important building block of the optical receiver as it converts the small current generated by the photodiode to a significant voltage level. In this work, we present an inductor-less, variable bandwidth, power-scalable optical receiver front-end in TSMC 65nm and 90nm CMOS with two different topologies. The front-end contains a transimpedance amplifier (TIA) and post amplifiers (PA) in 90 nm CMOS (Design 1) whereas in 65 nm CMOS (Design 2) an offset compensation block and a transconductor is incorporated to improve the robustness of the overall receiver front-end.The transimpedance amplifier in both designs is implemented with the shunt feedback topology and the post amplifiers in 90 nm and 65 nm design use the common source topology loaded with modified active inductors and the Cherry-Hooper inverter based topology, respectively. In order to make the receiver front-end power and bandwidth scalable, a current controlling PMOS array and a tuneable resistive bank is implemented in both designs. The Design 1 is able to vary the supported data rate from 1.25 Gb/s to 15 Gb/s. The gain at each data rate is ~ 84 dBΩ. The overall power dissipation varies from 0.94 mW to 7.46 mW as the data rate scales, maintaining an energy per bit lower than 800 fJ at all data rates using a 1.2 V power supply. The input referred noise density varies from 4.31 pA/√Hz to 14.27 pA/√Hz. In the Design 2, the receiver front-end can be tuned from 1.25 Gb/s to 20 Gb/s maintaining a fixed gain of ~75 dBΩ. The power dissipation in this case varies from 0.32 mW to 13.5 mW as the data rate scales up, maintaining energy per bit less than 700 fJ using a 1 V power supply. The input referred noise density varies from 8.46 pA/√Hz to 18 pA/√Hz. Simulation shows that Design 1 is not robust enough against the mismatch and global process variations whereas Design 2 is much more robust against these effects. This type of front-end has applications in links that vary data rate in response to system requirements. Additionally, the lowest data rate can be act as an idle mode which receives data used only to maintain transmitter and receiver synchronization

    Feedback methods for inductorless bandwidth extension and linearisation of post-amplifiers in optical receiver frontends

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    Optical communication is increasingly important in today's telecommunications. It is not only a key component in long-haul infrastructure, but is also being brought into new applications within the datacentre, at the circuit board and integrated circuit level, and in next generation mobile networks. This thesis proposes feedback tuning approaches in order to address two challenges within optical receiver analog frontend circuits: a) the dynamic response of a prior bandwidth extension technique; and b) linearity optimisation. To address dynamic response, we begin with an inductorless method of bandwidth extension using positive feedback loops. In a multi-stage post-amplifier with local positive feedback loops, we propose an approach which tunes each positive feedback gain separately, and demonstrate that this achieves better dynamic response and eye opening than the prior equal-feedback-gain approach. We additionally propose root-locus analysis as a means of characterising dynamic response, and suggest some design guidelines based on this analysis. To address linearity optimisation, we propose the use of an interleaving negative-feedback post-amplifier topology, previously proposed only for bandwidth extension. We investigate the relationship between the feedback gains and linearity and develop a design approach for linearity optimisation. We then designed and fabricated two 70 dB 6 GHz optical receiver circuits, making use of two different post-amplifiers, in order to compare different design approaches. We achieved a linearity of 0.08 dBVrms OIP3 (quasi-static) and a THD of 0.195\% at 1 GHz

    An integrated CMOS optical receiver with clock and data recovery Circuit

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    Traditional implementations of optical receivers are designed to operate with external photodetectors or require integration in a hybrid technology. By integrating a CMOS photodetector monolithically with an optical receiver, it can lead to the advantage of speed performance and cost. This dissertation describes the implementation of a photodetector in CMOS technology and the design of an optical receiver front-end and a clock and data recovery system. The CMOS detector converts the light input into an electrical signal, which is then amplified by the receiver front-end. The recovery system subsequently processes the amplified signal to extract the clock signal and retime the data. An inductive peaking methodology has been used extensively in the front-end. It allows the accomplishment of a necessary gain to compensate for an underperformed responsivity from the photodetector. The recovery circuits based on a nonlinear circuit technique were designed to detect the timing information contained in the data input. The clock and data recovery system consists of two units viz. a frequency-locked loop and a phase-locked loop. The frequency-locked loop adjusts the oscillator’s frequency to the vicinity of data rate before phase locking takes place. The phase-locked loop detects the relative locations between the data transition and the clock edge. It then synchronises the input data to the clock signal generated by the oscillator. A system level simulation was performed and it was found to function correctly and to comply with the gigabit fibre channel specification.Dissertation (MEng (Micro-Electronics))--University of Pretoria, 2007.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte