3 research outputs found

    State of the art in chip-to-chip interconnects

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    This thesis presents a study of short-range links for chips mounted in the same package, on printed circuit boards or interposers. Implemented in CMOS technology between 7 and 250 nm, with links that operate at a data rate between 0,4 and 112 Gb/s/pin and with energy efficiencies from 0,3 to 67,7 pJ/bit. The links operate on channels with an attenuation lower than 50 dB. A comparison is made with graphical representations between the different articles that shows the correlation between the different essential metrics of chip-to-chip interconnects, as well as its evolution over the last 20 years.Esta tesis presenta un estudio de enlaces de corto alcance para chips montados en un mismo paquete, en placas de circuito impreso o intercaladores. Implementado en tecnología CMOS entre 7 y 250 nm, con enlaces que operan a una velocidad de datos entre 0,4 y 112 Gb/s/pin y con eficiencias energéticas de 0,3 a 67,7 pJ/bit. Los enlaces operan en canales con una atenuación inferior a 50 dB. Se realiza una comparación con representaciones gráficas entre los diferentes artículos que muestra la correlación entre las distintas métricas esenciales de las interconexiones chip a chip, así como su evolución en los últimos 20 años.Aquesta tesi presenta un estudi d'enllaços de curt abast per a xips muntats en el mateix paquet, en plaques de circuits impresos o interposers. Implementat en tecnologia CMOS entre 7 i 250 nm, amb enllaços que funcionen a una velocitat de dades entre 0,4 i 112 Gb/s/pin i amb eficiències energètiques de 0,3 a 67,7 pJ/bit. Els enllaços funcionen en canals amb una atenuació inferior a 50 dB. Es fa una comparació amb representacions gràfiques entre els diferents articles que mostra la correlació entre les diferents mètriques essencials d'interconnexions xip a xip, així com la seva evolució en els darrers 20 anys

    High Speed Reconfigurable NRZ/PAM4 Transceiver Design Techniques

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    While the majority of wireline standards use simple binary non-return-to-zero (NRZ) signaling, four-level pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM4) standards are emerging to increase bandwidth density. This dissertation proposes efficient implementations for high speed NRZ/PAM4 transceivers. The first prototype includes a dual-mode NRZ/PAM4 serial I/O transmitter which can support both modulations with minimum power and hardware overhead. A source-series-terminated (SST) transmitter achieves 1.2Vpp output swing and employs lookup table (LUT) control of a 31-segment output digital-to-analog converter (DAC) to implement 4/2-tap feed-forward equalization (FFE) in NRZ/PAM4 modes, respectively. Transmitter power is improved with low-overhead analog impedance control in the DAC cells and a quarter-rate serializer based on a tri-state inverter-based mux with dynamic pre-driver gates. The transmitter is designed to work with a receiver that implements an NRZ/PAM4 decision feedback equalizer (DFE) that employs 1 finite impulse response (FIR) and 2 infinite impulse response (IIR) taps for first post-cursor and long-tail ISI cancellation, respectively. Fabricated in GP 65-nm CMOS, the transmitter occupies 0.060mm² area and achieves 16Gb/s NRZ and 32Gb/s PAM4 operation at 10.4 and 4.9 mW/Gb/s while operating over channels with 27.6 and 13.5dB loss at Nyquist, respectively. The second prototype presents a 56Gb/s four-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM4) quarter-rate wireline receiver which is implemented in a 65nm CMOS process. The frontend utilize a single stage continuous time linear equalizer (CTLE) to boost the main cursor and relax the pre-cursor cancelation requirement, requiring only a 2-tap pre-cursor feed-forward equalization (FFE) on the transmitter side. A 2-tap decision feedback equalizer (DFE) with one finite impulse response (FIR) tap and one infinite impulse response (IIR) tap is employed to cancel first post-cursor and longtail inter-symbol interference (ISI). The FIR tap direct feedback is implemented inside the CML slicers to relax the critical timing of DFE and maximize the achievable data-rate. In addition to the per-slice main 3 data samplers, an error sampler is utilized for background threshold control and an edge-based sampler performs both PLL-based CDR phase detection and generates information for background DFE tap adaptation. The receiver consumes 4.63mW/Gb/s and compensates for up to 20.8dB loss when operated with a 2- tap FFE transmitter. The experimental results and comparison with state-of-the-art shows superior power efficiency of the presented prototypes for similar data-rate and channel loss. The usage of proposed design techniques are not limited to these specific prototypes and can be applied for any wireline transceiver with different modulation, data-rate and CMOS technology

    Hybrid NRZ/Multi-Tone Signaling for High-Speed Low-Power Wireline Transceivers

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    Over the past few decades, incessant growth of Internet networking traffic and High-Performance Computing (HPC) has led to a tremendous demand for data bandwidth. Digital communication technologies combined with advanced integrated circuit scaling trends have enabled the semiconductor and microelectronic industry to dramatically scale the bandwidth of high-loss interfaces such as Ethernet, backplane, and Digital Subscriber Line (DSL). The key to achieving higher bandwidth is to employ equalization technique to compensate the channel impairments such as Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI), crosstalk, and environmental noise. Therefore, todayâs advanced input/outputs (I/Os) has been equipped with sophisticated equalization techniques to push beyond the uncompensated bandwidth of the system. To this end, process scaling has continually increased the data processing capability and improved the I/O performance over the last 15 years. However, since the channel bandwidth has not scaled with the same pace, the required signal processing and equalization circuitry becomes more and more complicated. Thereby, the energy efficiency improvements are largely offset by the energy needed to compensate channel impairments. In this design paradigm, re-thinking about the design strategies in order to not only satisfy the bandwidth performance, but also to improve power-performance becomes an important necessity. It is well known in communication theory that coding and signaling schemes have the potential to provide superior performance over band-limited channels. However, the choice of the optimum data communication algorithm should be considered by accounting for the circuit level power-performance trade-offs. In this thesis we have investigated the application of new algorithm and signaling schemes in wireline communications, especially for communication between microprocessors, memories, and peripherals. A new hybrid NRZ/Multi-Tone (NRZ/MT) signaling method has been developed during the course of this research. The system-level and circuit-level analysis, design, and implementation of the proposed signaling method has been performed in the frame of this work, and the silicon measurement results have proved the efficiency and the robustness of the proposed signaling methodology for wireline interfaces. In the first part of this work, a 7.5 Gb/s hybrid NRZ/MT transceiver (TRX) for multi-drop bus (MDB) memory interfaces is designed and fabricated in 40 nm CMOS technology. Reducing the complexity of the equalization circuitry on the receiver (RX) side, the proposed architecture achieves 1 pJ/bit link efficiency for a MDB channel bearing 45 dB loss at 2.5 GHz. The measurement results of the first prototype confirm that NRZ/MT serial data TRX can offer an energy-efficient solution for MDB memory interfaces. Motivated by the satisfying results of the first prototype, in the second phase of this research we have exploited the properties of multi-tone signaling, especially orthogonality among different sub-bands, to reduce the effect of crosstalk in high-dense wireline interconnects. A four-channel transceiver has been implemented in a standard CMOS 40 nm technology in order to demonstrate the performance of NRZ/MT signaling in presence of high channel loss and strong crosstalk noise. The proposed system achieves 1 pJ/bit power efficiency, while communicating over a MDB memory channel at 36 Gb/s aggregate data rate