128 research outputs found

    On the development of slime mould morphological, intracellular and heterotic computing devices

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    The use of live biological substrates in the fabrication of unconventional computing (UC) devices is steadily transcending the barriers between science fiction and reality, but efforts in this direction are impeded by ethical considerations, the field’s restrictively broad multidisciplinarity and our incomplete knowledge of fundamental biological processes. As such, very few functional prototypes of biological UC devices have been produced to date. This thesis aims to demonstrate the computational polymorphism and polyfunctionality of a chosen biological substrate — slime mould Physarum polycephalum, an arguably ‘simple’ single-celled organism — and how these properties can be harnessed to create laboratory experimental prototypes of functionally-useful biological UC prototypes. Computing devices utilising live slime mould as their key constituent element can be developed into a) heterotic, or hybrid devices, which are based on electrical recognition of slime mould behaviour via machine-organism interfaces, b) whole-organism-scale morphological processors, whose output is the organism’s morphological adaptation to environmental stimuli (input) and c) intracellular processors wherein data are represented by energetic signalling events mediated by the cytoskeleton, a nano-scale protein network. It is demonstrated that each category of device is capable of implementing logic and furthermore, specific applications for each class may be engineered, such as image processing applications for morphological processors and biosensors in the case of heterotic devices. The results presented are supported by a range of computer modelling experiments using cellular automata and multi-agent modelling. We conclude that P. polycephalum is a polymorphic UC substrate insofar as it can process multimodal sensory input and polyfunctional in its demonstrable ability to undertake a variety of computing problems. Furthermore, our results are highly applicable to the study of other living UC substrates and will inform future work in UC, biosensing, and biomedicine

    Generalized reconfigurable memristive dynamical system (MDS) for neuromorphic applications

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    This study firstly presents (i) a novel general cellular mapping scheme for two dimensional neuromorphic dynamical systems such as bio-inspired neuron models, and (ii) an efficient mixed analog-digital circuit, which can be conveniently implemented on a hybrid memristor-crossbar/CMOS platform, for hardware implementation of the scheme. This approach employs 4n memristors and no switch for implementing an n-cell system in comparison with 2n2 memristors and 2n switches of a Cellular Memristive Dynamical System (CMDS). Moreover, this approach allows for dynamical variables with both analog and one-hot digital values opening a wide range of choices for interconnections and networking schemes. Dynamical response analyses show that this circuit exhibits various responses based on the underlying bifurcation scenarios which determine the main characteristics of the neuromorphic dynamical systems. Due to high programmability of the circuit, it can be applied to a variety of learning systems, real-time applications, and analytically indescribable dynamical systems. We simulate the FitzHugh-Nagumo (FHN), Adaptive Exponential (AdEx) integrate and fire, and Izhikevich neuron models on our platform, and investigate the dynamical behaviors of these circuits as case studies. Moreover, error analysis shows that our approach is suitably accurate. We also develop a simple hardware prototype for experimental demonstration of our approach.Unión Europea H2020 ECOMODE project under grant agreement 604102Unión Europea HBP project under grant number FP7-ICT-2013-FET-F-60410

    Dynamically reconfigurable bio-inspired hardware

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    During the last several years, reconfigurable computing devices have experienced an impressive development in their resource availability, speed, and configurability. Currently, commercial FPGAs offer the possibility of self-reconfiguring by partially modifying their configuration bitstream, providing high architectural flexibility, while guaranteeing high performance. These configurability features have received special interest from computer architects: one can find several reconfigurable coprocessor architectures for cryptographic algorithms, image processing, automotive applications, and different general purpose functions. On the other hand we have bio-inspired hardware, a large research field taking inspiration from living beings in order to design hardware systems, which includes diverse topics: evolvable hardware, neural hardware, cellular automata, and fuzzy hardware, among others. Living beings are well known for their high adaptability to environmental changes, featuring very flexible adaptations at several levels. Bio-inspired hardware systems require such flexibility to be provided by the hardware platform on which the system is implemented. In general, bio-inspired hardware has been implemented on both custom and commercial hardware platforms. These custom platforms are specifically designed for supporting bio-inspired hardware systems, typically featuring special cellular architectures and enhanced reconfigurability capabilities; an example is their partial and dynamic reconfigurability. These aspects are very well appreciated for providing the performance and the high architectural flexibility required by bio-inspired systems. However, the availability and the very high costs of such custom devices make them only accessible to a very few research groups. Even though some commercial FPGAs provide enhanced reconfigurability features such as partial and dynamic reconfiguration, their utilization is still in its early stages and they are not well supported by FPGA vendors, thus making their use difficult to include in existing bio-inspired systems. In this thesis, I present a set of architectures, techniques, and methodologies for benefiting from the configurability advantages of current commercial FPGAs in the design of bio-inspired hardware systems. Among the presented architectures there are neural networks, spiking neuron models, fuzzy systems, cellular automata and random boolean networks. For these architectures, I propose several adaptation techniques for parametric and topological adaptation, such as hebbian learning, evolutionary and co-evolutionary algorithms, and particle swarm optimization. Finally, as case study I consider the implementation of bio-inspired hardware systems in two platforms: YaMoR (Yet another Modular Robot) and ROPES (Reconfigurable Object for Pervasive Systems); the development of both platforms having been co-supervised in the framework of this thesis

    Memristor Platforms for Pattern Recognition Memristor Theory, Systems and Applications

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    In the last decade a large scientific community has focused on the study of the memristor. The memristor is thought to be by many the best alternative to CMOS technology, which is gradually showing its flaws. Transistor technology has developed fast both under a research and an industrial point of view, reducing the size of its elements to the nano-scale. It has been possible to generate more and more complex machinery and to communicate with that same machinery thanks to the development of programming languages based on combinations of boolean operands. Alas as shown by Moore’s law, the steep curve of implementation and of development of CMOS is gradually reaching a plateau. It is clear the need of studying new elements that can combine the efficiency of transistors and at the same time increase the complexity of the operations. Memristors can be described as non-linear resistors capable of maintaining memory of the resistance state that they reached. From their first theoretical treatment by Professor Leon O. Chua in 1971, different research groups have devoted their expertise in studying the both the fabrication and the implementation of this new promising technology. In the following thesis a complete study on memristors and memristive elements is presented. The road map that characterizes this study departs from a deep understanding of the physics that govern memristors, focusing on the HP model by Dr. Stanley Williams. Other devices such as phase change memories (PCMs) and memristive biosensors made with Si nano-wires have been studied, developing emulators and equivalent circuitry, in order to describe their complex dynamics. This part sets the first milestone of a pathway that passes trough more complex implementations such as neuromorphic systems and neural networks based on memristors proving their computing efficiency. Finally it will be presented a memristror-based technology, covered by patent, demonstrating its efficacy for clinical applications. The presented system has been designed for detecting and assessing automatically chronic wounds, a syndrome that affects roughly 2% of the world population, through a Cellular Automaton which analyzes and processes digital images of ulcers. Thanks to its precision in measuring the lesions the proposed solution promises not only to increase healing rates, but also to prevent the worsening of the wounds that usually lead to amputation and death

    On microelectronic self-learning cognitive chip systems

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    After a brief review of machine learning techniques and applications, this Ph.D. thesis examines several approaches for implementing machine learning architectures and algorithms into hardware within our laboratory. From this interdisciplinary background support, we have motivations for novel approaches that we intend to follow as an objective of innovative hardware implementations of dynamically self-reconfigurable logic for enhanced self-adaptive, self-(re)organizing and eventually self-assembling machine learning systems, while developing this new particular area of research. And after reviewing some relevant background of robotic control methods followed by most recent advanced cognitive controllers, this Ph.D. thesis suggests that amongst many well-known ways of designing operational technologies, the design methodologies of those leading-edge high-tech devices such as cognitive chips that may well lead to intelligent machines exhibiting conscious phenomena should crucially be restricted to extremely well defined constraints. Roboticists also need those as specifications to help decide upfront on otherwise infinitely free hardware/software design details. In addition and most importantly, we propose these specifications as methodological guidelines tightly related to ethics and the nowadays well-identified workings of the human body and of its psyche
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