7,453 research outputs found

    Which groups are amenable to proving exponent two for matrix multiplication?

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    The Cohn-Umans group-theoretic approach to matrix multiplication suggests embedding matrix multiplication into group algebra multiplication, and bounding ω\omega in terms of the representation theory of the host group. This framework is general enough to capture the best known upper bounds on ω\omega and is conjectured to be powerful enough to prove ω=2\omega = 2, although finding a suitable group and constructing such an embedding has remained elusive. Recently it was shown, by a generalization of the proof of the Cap Set Conjecture, that abelian groups of bounded exponent cannot prove ω=2\omega = 2 in this framework, which ruled out a family of potential constructions in the literature. In this paper we study nonabelian groups as potential hosts for an embedding. We prove two main results: (1) We show that a large class of nonabelian groups---nilpotent groups of bounded exponent satisfying a mild additional condition---cannot prove ω=2\omega = 2 in this framework. We do this by showing that the shrinkage rate of powers of the augmentation ideal is similar to the shrinkage rate of the number of functions over (Z/pZ)n(\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z})^n that are degree dd polynomials; our proof technique can be seen as a generalization of the polynomial method used to resolve the Cap Set Conjecture. (2) We show that symmetric groups SnS_n cannot prove nontrivial bounds on ω\omega when the embedding is via three Young subgroups---subgroups of the form Sk1×Sk2××SkS_{k_1} \times S_{k_2} \times \dotsb \times S_{k_\ell}---which is a natural strategy that includes all known constructions in SnS_n. By developing techniques for negative results in this paper, we hope to catalyze a fruitful interplay between the search for constructions proving bounds on ω\omega and methods for ruling them out.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figur

    Tensor rank is not multiplicative under the tensor product

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    The tensor rank of a tensor t is the smallest number r such that t can be decomposed as a sum of r simple tensors. Let s be a k-tensor and let t be an l-tensor. The tensor product of s and t is a (k + l)-tensor. Tensor rank is sub-multiplicative under the tensor product. We revisit the connection between restrictions and degenerations. A result of our study is that tensor rank is not in general multiplicative under the tensor product. This answers a question of Draisma and Saptharishi. Specifically, if a tensor t has border rank strictly smaller than its rank, then the tensor rank of t is not multiplicative under taking a sufficiently hight tensor product power. The "tensor Kronecker product" from algebraic complexity theory is related to our tensor product but different, namely it multiplies two k-tensors to get a k-tensor. Nonmultiplicativity of the tensor Kronecker product has been known since the work of Strassen. It remains an open question whether border rank and asymptotic rank are multiplicative under the tensor product. Interestingly, lower bounds on border rank obtained from generalised flattenings (including Young flattenings) multiply under the tensor product

    A Quantum Interior Point Method for LPs and SDPs

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    We present a quantum interior point method with worst case running time O~(n2.5ξ2μκ3log(1/ϵ))\widetilde{O}(\frac{n^{2.5}}{\xi^{2}} \mu \kappa^3 \log (1/\epsilon)) for SDPs and O~(n1.5ξ2μκ3log(1/ϵ))\widetilde{O}(\frac{n^{1.5}}{\xi^{2}} \mu \kappa^3 \log (1/\epsilon)) for LPs, where the output of our algorithm is a pair of matrices (S,Y)(S,Y) that are ϵ\epsilon-optimal ξ\xi-approximate SDP solutions. The factor μ\mu is at most 2n\sqrt{2}n for SDPs and 2n\sqrt{2n} for LP's, and κ\kappa is an upper bound on the condition number of the intermediate solution matrices. For the case where the intermediate matrices for the interior point method are well conditioned, our method provides a polynomial speedup over the best known classical SDP solvers and interior point based LP solvers, which have a worst case running time of O(n6)O(n^{6}) and O(n3.5)O(n^{3.5}) respectively. Our results build upon recently developed techniques for quantum linear algebra and pave the way for the development of quantum algorithms for a variety of applications in optimization and machine learning.Comment: 32 page

    Sharp Quantum vs. Classical Query Complexity Separations

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    We obtain the strongest separation between quantum and classical query complexity known to date -- specifically, we define a black-box problem that requires exponentially many queries in the classical bounded-error case, but can be solved exactly in the quantum case with a single query (and a polynomial number of auxiliary operations). The problem is simple to define and the quantum algorithm solving it is also simple when described in terms of certain quantum Fourier transforms (QFTs) that have natural properties with respect to the algebraic structures of finite fields. These QFTs may be of independent interest, and we also investigate generalizations of them to noncommutative finite rings.Comment: 13 pages, change in title, improvements in presentation, and minor corrections. To appear in Algorithmic