6 research outputs found

    Between environmental perception and decision-making: compositional engineering of safe automated driving systems

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    Development of autonomous vehicles has hit a slump in the past years. This slump is caused by the so-called approval trap for autonomous vehicles: While the industry has mostly mastered the methods for building autonomous vehicles, reliable mechanisms for ensuring their safety are still missing. It is generally accepted that the brute-force approach of driving enough mileage for documenting the relatively higher safety of autonomous vehicles (compared to human drivers) is not feasible. Since, as of today, no alternative strategies for the safety approval of autonomous vehicles exist. One promising strategy is decomposition of safety validation into many sub-tasks with compositional sub-goals (akin to safety cases but for a vehicles intended functionality) for replacing mileage by combining validation tasks that together document safety. A prerequisite for this strategy is that the required performance of each component can be specified and shown. Specifying how accurate an environmental perception needs to be, however, is a non-trivial task. Whether perceptual inaccuracies, like a wrongly classified or missing object, also lead to hazardous behavior can only be evaluated when considering both the residual processing chain and the operational situation the autonomous vehicle is in. This thesis proposes a formal approach for the validation of perception components consisting of three consecutive steps: creation of a taxonomy regarding perception component inaccuracy, elicitation of verifiable requirements for perception components regarding these inaccuracies and evaluation of the elicited requirements. To that end, we firstly touch on the specification of perception errors and propose an approach to determine relevance of objects in urban areas. Secondly, we elicit verifiable perception requirements subject to a given decision-making module in different scenarios by structured testing in a simulation framework. Finally, we deal with the evaluation of perception components. This includes our approach for the generation of dimension and classification reference values and an exemplary evaluation of an object detection module regarding relevant errors and our previously elicited requirements. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that a coherent, formal approach for a decomposed safety validation of perception components is proposed and demonstrated. We conclude, that our contributions provide a novel perspective on the interface between perception and decision-making and thus further support the idea of a decomposed safety validation for automated driving systems

    A Formal Safety Net for Waypoint-Following in Ground Robots

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