3 research outputs found

    6DoF Object Pose Estimation via Differentiable Proxy Voting Loss

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    Estimating a 6DOF object pose from a single image is very challenging due to occlusions or textureless appearances. Vector-field based keypoint voting has demonstrated its effectiveness and superiority on tackling those issues. However, direct regression of vector-fields neglects that the distances between pixels and keypoints also affect the deviations of hypotheses dramatically. In other words, small errors in direction vectors may generate severely deviated hypotheses when pixels are far away from a keypoint. In this paper, we aim to reduce such errors by incorporating the distances between pixels and keypoints into our objective. To this end, we develop a simple yet effective differentiable proxy voting loss (DPVL) which mimics the hypothesis selection in the voting procedure. By exploiting our voting loss, we are able to train our network in an end-to-end manner. Experiments on widely used datasets, i.e., LINEMOD and Occlusion LINEMOD, manifest that our DPVL improves pose estimation performance significantly and speeds up the training convergence

    End-to-End Differentiable 6DoF Object Pose Estimation with Local and Global Constraints

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    Inferring the 6DoF pose of an object from a single RGB image is an important but challenging task, especially under heavy occlusion. While recent approaches improve upon the two stage approaches by training an end-to-end pipeline, they do not leverage local and global constraints. In this paper, we propose pairwise feature extraction to integrate local constraints, and triplet regularization to integrate global constraints for improved 6DoF object pose estimation. Coupled with better augmentation, our approach achieves state of the art results on the challenging Occlusion Linemod dataset, with a 9% improvement over the previous state of the art, and achieves competitive results on the Linemod dataset.Comment: Accepted at the Workshop on Differentiable vision, graphics, and physics applied to machine learning at Neurips 202

    REDE: End-to-end Object 6D Pose Robust Estimation Using Differentiable Outliers Elimination

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    Object 6D pose estimation is a fundamental task in many applications. Conventional methods solve the task by detecting and matching the keypoints, then estimating the pose. Recent efforts bringing deep learning into the problem mainly overcome the vulnerability of conventional methods to environmental variation due to the hand-crafted feature design. However, these methods cannot achieve end-to-end learning and good interpretability at the same time. In this paper, we propose REDE, a novel end-to-end object pose estimator using RGB-D data, which utilizes network for keypoint regression, and a differentiable geometric pose estimator for pose error back-propagation. Besides, to achieve better robustness when outlier keypoint prediction occurs, we further propose a differentiable outliers elimination method that regresses the candidate result and the confidence simultaneously. Via confidence weighted aggregation of multiple candidates, we can reduce the effect from the outliers in the final estimation. Finally, following the conventional method, we apply a learnable refinement process to further improve the estimation. The experimental results on three benchmark datasets show that REDE slightly outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches and is more robust to object occlusion