16,138 research outputs found

    Public Bikesharing in North America During a Period of Rapid Expansion: Understanding Business Models, Industry Trends & User Impacts, MTI Report 12-29

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    Public bikesharing—the shared use of a bicycle fleet—is an innovative transportation strategy that has recently emerged in major cities around the world, including North America. Information technology (IT)-based bikesharing systems typically position bicycles throughout an urban environment, among a network of docking stations, for immediate access. Trips can be one-way, round-trip, or both, depending on the operator. Bikesharing can serve as a first-and-last mile connector to other modes, as well as for both short and long distance destinations. In 2012, 22 IT-based public bikesharing systems were operating in the United States, with a total of 884,442 users and 7,549 bicycles. Four IT-based programs in Canada had a total of 197,419 users and 6,115 bicycles. Two IT-based programs in Mexico had a total of 71,611 users and 3,680 bicycles. (Membership numbers reflect the total number of short- and long-term users.) This study evaluates public bikesharing in North America, reviewing the change in travel behavior exhibited by members of different programs in the context of their business models and operational environment. This Phase II research builds on data collected during our Phase I research conducted in 2012. During the 2012 research (Phase I), researchers conducted 14 expert interviews with industry experts and public officials in the United States and Canada, as well as 19 interviews with the manager and/or key staff of IT-based bikesharing organizations. For more information on the Phase I research, please see the Shaheen et al., 2012 report Public Bikesharing in North America: Early Operator and User Understanding. For this Phase II study, an additional 23 interviews were conducted with IT-based bikesharing organizations in the United States, Canada, and Mexico in Spring 2013. Notable developments during this period include the ongoing expansion of public bikesharing in North America, including the recent launches of multiple large bikesharing programs in the United States (i.e., Citi Bike in New York City, Divvy in Chicago, and Bay Area Bike Share in the San Francisco Bay Area). In addition to expert interviews, the authors conducted two kinds of surveys with bikesharing users. One was the online member survey. This survey was sent to all people for whom the operator had an email address.The population of this survey was mainly annual members of the bikesharing system, and the members took the survey via a URL link sent to them from the operator. The second survey was an on-street survey. This survey was designed for anyone, including casual users (i.e., those who are not members of the system and use it on a short-term basis), to take “on-street” via a smartphone. The member survey was deployed in five cities: Montreal, Toronto, Salt Lake City, Minneapolis-Saint Paul, and Mexico City. The on-street survey was implemented in three cities: Boston, Salt Lake City, and San Antonio

    Canadian Graphic Art in Wartime

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    2019 CHA Elections Results / Résultats de l’élection 2019 de la SHC

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    Again this year, CHA members could choose from a list of well-qualified candidates for the elections. The CHA is proud to introduce its newest Council and Nominating Committee members as well as its student representative.Encore une fois cette année, les membres de la SHC ont pu choisir parmi une liste de candidats très compétents pour l’élection. La SHC est heureuse de présenter ses plus récents membres du conseil d’administration et du comité de mises en candidature ainsi que sa représentante étudiante

    Les femmes nommées ministres au Canada pendant la période 1921-2007 : la loi de la disparité progressive est-elle dépassée?

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    Ce texte examine la participation des femmes aux cabinets canadiens, et ce, à la lumière de la loi de la disparité progressive. Trois hypothèses l’ont inspiré : 1) la proportion de femmes nommées ministres est plus élevée que la proportion de femmes élues députées; 2) la proportion de femmes au Cabinet reflète la proportion de députées au sein du caucus parlementaire du parti qui forme le gouvernement; 3) les femmes nommées ministres sont cantonnées dans les secteurs traditionnellement considérés comme féminins et au bas de la hiérarchie exécutive. Ces hypothèses ont été vérifiées auprès des 286 femmes nommées ministres dans un cabinet fédéral ou provincial au Canada de 1921 à 2007. Il ressort de l’analyse que la loi de la disparité progressive offre un potentiel heuristique mitigé pour expliquer la participation des femmes aux cabinets canadiens.This article examines female participation within Canadian cabinets, whilst considering the law of increasing disproportion. It draws from three hypotheses : 1) the proportion of female ministers is higher than the proportion of female deputies; 2) the proportion of women in cabinet reflects the proportion of female deputies within the governing party caucus in Parliament; 3) women ministers are relegated to traditionally-defined female portfolios, which also tend to be found at the bottom of the executive hierarchy. These hypotheses have been verified through the study of 286 women who have been cabinet ministers in either federal or provincial cabinets in Canada from 1921 to 2007. What transpires is that the law of increasing disproportion offers a limited heuristic perspective for interpreting women’s participation into Canadian cabinets

    Le Nouveau-Brunswick : Pour que cette crise serve Ă  quelque chose

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    Une crise en puissance guette le Nouveau-Brunswick. Bien qu’elle soit de nature économique, elle pourrait rendre le Nouveau-Brunswick de plus en plus difficile à gouverner, à moins qu’on ne s’y attaque avec un sentiment d’urgence. Le Nouveau-Brunswick doit relever toute une série de défis économiques : un déficit structurel, une population vieillissante, l’incertitude entourant les transferts fédéraux, une croissance anémique de l’économie, une économie mondiale extrêmement concurrentielle et une incapacité à attirer de nouveaux Canadiens. Cet article soutient que le Nouveau-Brunswick ne doit pas rater l’occasion qu’offre cette crise et qu’il doit envisager de faire des choses « qu’il ne pensait pas pouvoir faire auparavant ». Cet article affirme que la communauté universitaire de la province doit exercer un certain leadership afin de s’assurer que cette crise serve à quelque chose

    David Spriggs : Stratachrome

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    "This book deals with David Sprigg’s monumental installation Stratachrome, a work that puts into perspective the principal factors that govern the way we interpret the colour green. Aside from its ecological connotation, green has become photogenic. The use of large green screens to create special effects for movies has made this colour a contemporary symbol of substitution. These days, green is also the colour of holograms and, at its most virtual, of night vision systems. Stratachrome, exhibited from September 3 to October 9, 2010, was produced in residence in the Galerie de l’UQAM space, which served as the artist’s laboratory throughout the summer. The catalogue includes an essay by the curator, Marie-Eve Beaupré, and numerous colour illustrations." -- Publisher's website

    Théâtre Canadien et Redéfinitions Planétaires

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