229 research outputs found

    Scalable bloom-filter based content dissemination in community networks using information centric principles

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    Information-Centric Networking (ICN) is a new communication paradigm that shifts the focus from content location to content objects themselves. Users request the content by its name or some other form of identifier. Then, the network is responsible for locating the requested content and sending it to the users. Despite a large number of works on ICN in recent years, the problem of scalability of ICN systems has not been studied and addressed adequately. This is especially true when considering real-world deployments and the so-called alternative networks such as community networks. In this work, we explore the applicability of ICN principles in the challenging and unpredictable environments of community networks. In particular, we focus on stateless content dissemination based on Bloom filters (BFs). We highlight the scalability limitations of the classical single-stage BF based approach and argue that by enabling multiple BF stages would lead to performance enhancements. That is, a multi-stage BF based content dissemination mechanism could support large network topologies with heterogeneous traffic and diverse channel conditions. In addition to scalability improvements, this approach also is more secure with regard to Denial of Service attacks

    ATP: a Datacenter Approximate Transmission Protocol

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    Many datacenter applications such as machine learning and streaming systems do not need the complete set of data to perform their computation. Current approximate applications in datacenters run on a reliable network layer like TCP. To improve performance, they either let sender select a subset of data and transmit them to the receiver or transmit all the data and let receiver drop some of them. These approaches are network oblivious and unnecessarily transmit more data, affecting both application runtime and network bandwidth usage. On the other hand, running approximate application on a lossy network with UDP cannot guarantee the accuracy of application computation. We propose to run approximate applications on a lossy network and to allow packet loss in a controlled manner. Specifically, we designed a new network protocol called Approximate Transmission Protocol, or ATP, for datacenter approximate applications. ATP opportunistically exploits available network bandwidth as much as possible, while performing a loss-based rate control algorithm to avoid bandwidth waste and re-transmission. It also ensures bandwidth fair sharing across flows and improves accurate applications' performance by leaving more switch buffer space to accurate flows. We evaluated ATP with both simulation and real implementation using two macro-benchmarks and two real applications, Apache Kafka and Flink. Our evaluation results show that ATP reduces application runtime by 13.9% to 74.6% compared to a TCP-based solution that drops packets at sender, and it improves accuracy by up to 94.0% compared to UDP

    Safe Inter-domain Routing under Diverse Commercial Agreements

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    Commercial agreements drive the routing policies used in today\u27s Internet. The two most extensively studied commercial agreements are transit and peering; however, they are only two of many diverse and continuously evolving commercial agreements that ISPs enter into. So far, the only known practical safe and robust routing policy is Gao and Rexford\u27s policy guideline, which is applicable to transit and peering agreements only. It is, therefore, of importance to identify routing policies that are safe and robust and at the same time capable of accommodating the diverse commercial agreements existing in the Internet. In particular, this paper investigates the extent to which routing policies can be devised to accommodate complex mutual transit agreements. We propose a series of policy guidelines that allow mutual transit agreements with progressively broader semantics to be established. Those policy guidelines guarantee routing safety and robustness as long as the AS graph satisfies a corresponding set of precise topological constraints. An experimental evaluation of the proposed policy guidelines demonstrates the benefits they would likely afford in terms of routing reliability, if adopted in the current Internet

    On distributed virtual network embedding with guarantees

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    To provide wide-area network services, resources from different infrastructure providers are needed. Leveraging the consensus-based resource allocation literature, we propose a general distributed auction mechanism for the (NP-hard) virtual network (VNET) embedding problem. Under reasonable assumptions on the bidding scheme, the proposed mechanism is proven to converge, and it is shown that the solutions guarantee a worst case efficiency of (?????) relative to the optimal solution, and that this bound is optimal, that is, no better approximation exists. Using extensive simulations, we confirm superior convergence properties and resource utilization when compared with existing distributed VNET embedding solutions, and we show how byappropriate policy design, our mechanism can be instantiated to accommodate the embedding goals of different service and infrastructure providers, resulting in an attractive and flexible resource allocation solution.This work is supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant CNS-0963974

    On distributed virtual network embedding with guarantees

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    To provide wide-area network services, resources from different infrastructure providers are needed. Leveraging the consensus-based resource allocation literature, we propose a general distributed auction mechanism for the (NP-hard) virtual network (VNET) embedding problem. Under reasonable assumptions on the bidding scheme, the proposed mechanism is proven to converge, and it is shown that the solutions guarantee a worst case efficiency of (?????) relative to the optimal solution, and that this bound is optimal, that is, no better approximation exists. Using extensive simulations, we confirm superior convergence properties and resource utilization when compared with existing distributed VNET embedding solutions, and we show how byappropriate policy design, our mechanism can be instantiated to accommodate the embedding goals of different service and infrastructure providers, resulting in an attractive and flexible resource allocation solution.This work is supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant CNS-0963974

    Exploiting Inter- and Intra-Memory Asymmetries for Data Mapping in Hybrid Tiered-Memories

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    Modern computing systems are embracing hybrid memory comprising of DRAM and non-volatile memory (NVM) to combine the best properties of both memory technologies, achieving low latency, high reliability, and high density. A prominent characteristic of DRAM-NVM hybrid memory is that it has NVM access latency much higher than DRAM access latency. We call this inter-memory asymmetry. We observe that parasitic components on a long bitline are a major source of high latency in both DRAM and NVM, and a significant factor contributing to high-voltage operations in NVM, which impact their reliability. We propose an architectural change, where each long bitline in DRAM and NVM is split into two segments by an isolation transistor. One segment can be accessed with lower latency and operating voltage than the other. By introducing tiers, we enable non-uniform accesses within each memory type (which we call intra-memory asymmetry), leading to performance and reliability trade-offs in DRAM-NVM hybrid memory. We extend existing NVM-DRAM OS in three ways. First, we exploit both inter- and intra-memory asymmetries to allocate and migrate memory pages between the tiers in DRAM and NVM. Second, we improve the OS's page allocation decisions by predicting the access intensity of a newly-referenced memory page in a program and placing it to a matching tier during its initial allocation. This minimizes page migrations during program execution, lowering the performance overhead. Third, we propose a solution to migrate pages between the tiers of the same memory without transferring data over the memory channel, minimizing channel occupancy and improving performance. Our overall approach, which we call MNEME, to enable and exploit asymmetries in DRAM-NVM hybrid tiered memory improves both performance and reliability for both single-core and multi-programmed workloads.Comment: 15 pages, 29 figures, accepted at ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Managemen

    On distributed virtual network embedding with guarantees

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    To provide wide-area network services, resources from different infrastructure providers are needed. Leveraging the consensus-based resource allocation literature, we propose a general distributed auction mechanism for the (NP-hard) virtual network (VNET) embedding problem. Under reasonable assumptions on the bidding scheme, the proposed mechanism is proven to converge, and it is shown that the solutions guarantee a worst-case efficiency of (1-(1/e)) relative to the optimal node embedding, or VNET embedding if virtual links are mapped to exactly one physical link. This bound is optimal, that is, no better polynomial-time approximation algorithm exists, unless P=NP. Using extensive simulations, we confirm superior convergence properties and resource utilization when compared to existing distributed VNET embedding solutions, and we show how by appropriate policy design, our mechanism can be instantiated to accommodate the embedding goals of different service and infrastructure providers, resulting in an attractive and flexible resource allocation solution.CNS-0963974 - National Science Foundationhttp://www.cs.bu.edu/fac/matta/Papers/ToN-CAD.pdfAccepted manuscrip
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