38 research outputs found

    Scheduling Optimisations for SPIN to Minimise Buffer Requirements in Synchronous Data Flow

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    Synchronous Data flow (SDF) graphs have a simple and elegant semantics (essentially linear algebra) which makes SDF graphs eminently suitable as a vehicle for studying scheduling optimisations. We extend related work on using SPIN to experiment with scheduling optimisations aimed at minimising buffer requirements.We show that for a benchmark of commonly used case studies the performance of our SPIN based scheduler is comparable to that of state of the art research tools. The key to success is using the semantics of SDF to prove when using (even unsound and/or incomplete) optimisations are justified. The main benefit of our approach lies in gaining deep insight in the optimisations at relatively low cost

    Developing a Practical Reactive Synthesis Tool: Experience and Lessons Learned

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    We summarise our experience developing and using Termite, the first reactive synthesis tool intended for use by software development practitioners. We identify the main barriers to making reactive synthesis accessible to software developers and describe the key features of Termite designed to overcome these barriers, including an imperative C-like specification language, an interactive source-level debugger, and a user-guided code generator. Based on our experience applying Termite to synthesising real-world reactive software, we identify several caveats of the practical use of the reactive synthesis technology. We hope that these findings will help define the agenda for future research on practical reactive synthesis

    Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design – FMCAD 2022

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    The Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD) is an annual conference on the theory and applications of formal methods in hardware and system verification. FMCAD provides a leading forum to researchers in academia and industry for presenting and discussing groundbreaking methods, technologies, theoretical results, and tools for reasoning formally about computing systems. FMCAD covers formal aspects of computer-aided system design including verification, specification, synthesis, and testing

    Synchronous Digital Circuits as Functional Programs

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    Functional programming techniques have been used to describe synchronous digital circuits since the early 1980s and have proven successful at describing certain types of designs. Here we survey the systems and formal underpinnings that constitute this tradition. We situate these techniques with respect to other formal methods for hardware design and discuss the work yet to be done

    Automated generation of hybrid automata for multi-rigid-body mechanical systems and its application to the falsification of safety properties

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    © 2017 The Authors. Published by Taylor & Francis. This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1080/13873954.2017.1369437What if we designed a tool to automatically generate a dynamical transition system for the formal specification of mechanical systems subject to multiple impacts, contacts and discontinuous friction? Such a tool would represent an advance in the description and simulation of these complex systems. This is precisely what this paper offers: Dyverse Rigid Body Toolbox (DyverseRBT). This tool requires a sufficiently expressive computational model that can accurately describe the behaviour of the system as it evolves over time. For this purpose, we propose an alternative abstraction of multi-rigid-body (MRB) mechanical systems with multiple contacts as an extended version of the classical hybrid automaton, which we call MRB hybrid automaton. One of the chief characteristics of the MRB hybrid automaton is the inclusion of computation nodes to encode algorithms to calculate the contact forces. The computation nodes consist of a set of non-dynamical discrete locations, discrete transitions and guards between these locations, and resets on transitions. They can account for the energy transfer not explicitly considered within the rigid-body formalism. The proposed modelling framework is well suited for the automated verification of dynamical properties of realistic mechanical systems. We show this by the falsification of safety properties over the transition system generated by DyverseRBT.This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the UK: [Grant Number EP/I001689/1] (‘DYVERSE: A New Kind of Control for Hybrid Systems’), and the Research Councils UK (RCUK): [Grant Number EP/E50048/1].Published versio

    Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design – FMCAD 2022

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    The Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD) is an annual conference on the theory and applications of formal methods in hardware and system verification. FMCAD provides a leading forum to researchers in academia and industry for presenting and discussing groundbreaking methods, technologies, theoretical results, and tools for reasoning formally about computing systems. FMCAD covers formal aspects of computer-aided system design including verification, specification, synthesis, and testing

    Modelling and Analysis for Cyber-Physical Systems: An SMT-based approach

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    Bounded Model Checking of Industrial Code

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    Abstract: Bounded Model Checking(BMC) is an effective and precise static analysis technique that reduces program verification to satisfiability (SAT) solving. However, with a few exceptions, BMC is not actively used in software industry, especially, when compared to dynamic analysis techniques such as fuzzing, or light-weight formal static analysis. This thesis describes our experience of applying BMC to industrial code using a novel BMC tool SEABMC. We present three contributions: First, a case study of (re)verifying the aws-c-common library from AWS using SEABMC and KLEE. This study explores the methodology from the perspective of three research questions: (a) can proof artifacts be used across verification tools; (b) are there bugs in verified code; and (c) can specifications be improved. To study these questions, we port the verification tasks for aws-c-common library to SEAHORN and KLEE. We show the benefits of using compiler semantics and cross-checking specifications with different verification techniques, and call for standardizing proof library extensions to increase specification reuse. Second, a description of SEABMC - a novel BMC engine for SEAHORN. We start with a custom IR (called SEA-IR) that explicitly purifies all memory operations by explicating dependencies between them. We then run program transformations and allow for generating many different styles of verification conditions. To support memory safety checking, we extend our base approach with fat pointers and shadow bits of memory to keep track of metadata, such as the size of a pointed-to object. To evaluate SEABMC, we use the aws-c-common library from AWS as a benchmark and compare with CBMC, SMACK, and KLEE. We show that SEABMC is capable of providing an order of magnitude improvement compared with state-of-the-art. Third, a case study of extending SEABMC to work with Rust - a young systems programming language. We ask three research questions: (a) can SEABMC be used to verify Rust programs easily; (b) can the specification style of aws-c-common be applied successfully to Rust programs; and (c) can verification become more efficient when using higher level language information. We answer these questions by verifying aspects of the Rust standard library using SEAURCHIN, an extension of SEABMC for Rust

    CAESAR_SOLVE: A Generic Library for On-the-Fly Resolution of Alternation-Free Boolean Equation Systems

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    Boolean Equation Systems (BESs) provide a useful framework for modeling various verification problems on finite-state concurrent systems, such as equivalence checking and model checking. These problems can be solved on-the-fly (i.e., without constructing explicitly the state space of the system under analysis) by using a demand-driven construction and resolution of the corresponding BES. In this report, we present a generic software library dedicated to on-the-fly resolution of alternation-free BESs (i.e., without mutually recursive minimal and maximal fixed point equations). Four resolution algorithms are currently provided by the library: algorithms A1 and A2 are general, the latter being optimized to produce small-depth diagnostics, whereas algorithms A3 and A4 are specialized for handling acyclic and disjunctive/conjunctive BESs in a memory-efficient way. The library is developed within the CADP verification toolbox using the generic OPEN/CAESAR environment and is currently used for three purposes: on-the-fly equivalence checking modulo five widely-used equivalence relations, on-the-fly model checking of regular alternation-free mu-calculus, and on-the-fly reduction of state spaces based on tau-confluence