197 research outputs found

    Center-based Clustering under Perturbation Stability

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    Clustering under most popular objective functions is NP-hard, even to approximate well, and so unlikely to be efficiently solvable in the worst case. Recently, Bilu and Linial \cite{Bilu09} suggested an approach aimed at bypassing this computational barrier by using properties of instances one might hope to hold in practice. In particular, they argue that instances in practice should be stable to small perturbations in the metric space and give an efficient algorithm for clustering instances of the Max-Cut problem that are stable to perturbations of size O(n1/2)O(n^{1/2}). In addition, they conjecture that instances stable to as little as O(1) perturbations should be solvable in polynomial time. In this paper we prove that this conjecture is true for any center-based clustering objective (such as kk-median, kk-means, and kk-center). Specifically, we show we can efficiently find the optimal clustering assuming only stability to factor-3 perturbations of the underlying metric in spaces without Steiner points, and stability to factor 2+32+\sqrt{3} perturbations for general metrics. In particular, we show for such instances that the popular Single-Linkage algorithm combined with dynamic programming will find the optimal clustering. We also present NP-hardness results under a weaker but related condition

    Coverage, Matching, and Beyond: New Results on Budgeted Mechanism Design

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    We study a type of reverse (procurement) auction problems in the presence of budget constraints. The general algorithmic problem is to purchase a set of resources, which come at a cost, so as not to exceed a given budget and at the same time maximize a given valuation function. This framework captures the budgeted version of several well known optimization problems, and when the resources are owned by strategic agents the goal is to design truthful and budget feasible mechanisms, i.e. elicit the true cost of the resources and ensure the payments of the mechanism do not exceed the budget. Budget feasibility introduces more challenges in mechanism design, and we study instantiations of this problem for certain classes of submodular and XOS valuation functions. We first obtain mechanisms with an improved approximation ratio for weighted coverage valuations, a special class of submodular functions that has already attracted attention in previous works. We then provide a general scheme for designing randomized and deterministic polynomial time mechanisms for a class of XOS problems. This class contains problems whose feasible set forms an independence system (a more general structure than matroids), and some representative problems include, among others, finding maximum weighted matchings, maximum weighted matroid members, and maximum weighted 3D-matchings. For most of these problems, only randomized mechanisms with very high approximation ratios were known prior to our results

    Prioritized Metric Structures and Embedding

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    Metric data structures (distance oracles, distance labeling schemes, routing schemes) and low-distortion embeddings provide a powerful algorithmic methodology, which has been successfully applied for approximation algorithms \cite{llr}, online algorithms \cite{BBMN11}, distributed algorithms \cite{KKMPT12} and for computing sparsifiers \cite{ST04}. However, this methodology appears to have a limitation: the worst-case performance inherently depends on the cardinality of the metric, and one could not specify in advance which vertices/points should enjoy a better service (i.e., stretch/distortion, label size/dimension) than that given by the worst-case guarantee. In this paper we alleviate this limitation by devising a suit of {\em prioritized} metric data structures and embeddings. We show that given a priority ranking (x1,x2,…,xn)(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n) of the graph vertices (respectively, metric points) one can devise a metric data structure (respectively, embedding) in which the stretch (resp., distortion) incurred by any pair containing a vertex xjx_j will depend on the rank jj of the vertex. We also show that other important parameters, such as the label size and (in some sense) the dimension, may depend only on jj. In some of our metric data structures (resp., embeddings) we achieve both prioritized stretch (resp., distortion) and label size (resp., dimension) {\em simultaneously}. The worst-case performance of our metric data structures and embeddings is typically asymptotically no worse than of their non-prioritized counterparts.Comment: To appear at STOC 201
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