1 research outputs found

    Adjacencies in Permutations

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    A permutation on an alphabet Ξ£ \Sigma , is a sequence where every element in Ξ£ \Sigma occurs precisely once. Given a permutation Ο€ \pi = (Ο€1\pi_{1} , Ο€2 \pi_{2} , Ο€3 \pi_{3} ,....., Ο€n \pi_{n} ) over the alphabet Ξ£ \Sigma ={\{ 0, 1, . . . , nβˆ’-1 }\} the elements in two consecutive positions in Ο€ \pi e.g. Ο€i \pi_{i} and Ο€i+1 \pi_{i+1} are said to form an \emph{adjacency} if Ο€i+1 \pi_{i+1} =Ο€i \pi_{i} +1. The concept of adjacencies is widely used in computation. The set of permutations over Ξ£ \Sigma forms a symmetric group, that we call Pn _{n} . The identity permutation, In _{n} ∈\in Pn_{n} where In_{n} =(0,1,2,...,nβˆ’-1) has exactly nβˆ’ - 1 adjacencies. Likewise, the reverse order permutation Rn(∈Pn)_{n} (\in P_{n})=(nβˆ’-1, nβˆ’-2, nβˆ’-3, nβˆ’-4, ...,0) has no adjacencies. We denote the set of permutations in Pn_{n} with exactly k adjacencies with Pn_{n} (k). We study variations of adjacency. % A transposition exchanges adjacent sublists; when one of the sublists is restricted to be a prefix (suffix) then one obtains a prefix (suffix) transposition. We call the operations: transpositions, prefix transpositions and suffix transpositions as block-moves. A particular type of adjacency and a particular block-move are closely related. In this article we compute the cardinalities of Pn_{n}(k) i.e. βˆ€k∣ \forall_k \mid Pn _{n} (k) ∣ \mid for each type of adjacency in O(n2)O(n^2) time. Given a particular adjacency and the corresponding block-move, we show that βˆ€k∣Pn(k)∣\forall_{k} \mid P_{n}(k)\mid and the expected number of moves to sort a permutation in Pn_{n} are closely related. Consequently, we propose a model to estimate the expected number of moves to sort a permutation in Pn_{n} with a block-move. We show the results for prefix transposition. Due to symmetry, these results are also applicable to suffix transposition.Comment: 20 pages. 5 table