4 research outputs found

    Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasound Transducers for Non-Destructive Testing Applications

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    The need for using ultrasound non-destructive testing (NDT) to characterize, test and detect flaws within metals, led us to utilize Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasound Transducers (CMUTs) in the ultrasound NDT field. This is due to CMUT's large bandwidths and high receive sensitivity, to be a suitable substitute for piezoelectric (PZT) transducers in NDT applications. The basic operational test of CMUTs, conducted in this research, was carried out based on a pulse-echo technique by propagating acoustic pulses into an object and analyzing the reflected signals. Thus, characterizing the tested material, measuring its dimension, and detecting flaws within it can be achieved. Throughout the course of this research, the fundamental parameters of CMUT including pull-in voltage and resonance frequency were initially calculated analytically and using Finite Element Analysis (FEA). Afterward, the CMUT was fabricated out of two mechanically bonded wafers. The device's movable membrane (top electrode) and stationary electrode (bottom electrode) were made out of Boron-doped Silicon. The two electrodes were electrically isolated by an insulation layer containing a sealed gap. The CMUT was then tested and characterized to analyze its performance for NDT applications. In-immersion characterization revealed that the 2.22 MHz CMUT obtained a -6 dB fractional bandwidth of 189%, and a receive sensitivity of 31.15 mV/kPa, compared to 45% and 4.83 mV/kPa of the PZT probe. A pulse-echo test, performed to examine an aluminum block with and without flaws, showed success in distinguishing the surfaces and the flaws of the tested sample

    Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers (CMUTs) for Humidity Sensing

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    In the last two decades, capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (CMUTs) have proven themselves to be promising for various ultrasound imaging and chemical sensing applications. Although holding many benefits for ultrasound imaging, CMUTs have certain weaknesses such as the relatively low output pressure at transmission, which hinder their development in the diagnostic imaging application. In the sensing area, CMUTs have shown attractive features such as high mass sensitivity, miniaturized array configuration, and ease of functionalization. However, their potential for humidity sensing is less explored. The objectives of this thesis lie in two aspects. One is to offer a solution to overcome the limitation of low output pressure, and the other is to develop CMUTs as resonant gravimetric humidity sensors. The major efforts are made on the second task. For the first objective, a novel dual-element ultrasonic transducer is proposed. It incorporates two transducer technologies by using a circular piezoelectric element for ultrasound transmission and an annular CMUT element for reception. The hybrid transducer combines the broad bandwidth and high receive sensitivity of the CMUT and the high output power of the piezoelectric transducer to improve the overall sensitivity and axial resolution. The annular CMUT is designed, fabricated, and concentrically aligned with the piezoelectric probe via a custom housing. Immersion measurements show that the hybrid dual-element transducer improves the axial resolution by 25.58% and the signal-to-noise ratio by 8.55 dB over the commercial piezoelectric probe. For the second objective, a CMUT-based resonant humidity sensor is first developed with the direct wafer bonding technique. Graphene oxide (GO) is employed as the sensing material. Due to combination of the mass-sensitive CMUT and the moisture-sensitive GO, the sensor exhibits rapid response/recovery, good repeatability, and higher sensitivity than most of its competitors. The second generation of CMUT-based humidity sensors aims to further improve the relative humidity (RH) sensing performance by adopting the nitride-to-oxide wafer bonding technology for CMUT fabrication. In contrast to conventional wafer bonding CMUT processes that use expensive silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafers to produce resonating membranes, the new process employs low-pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) silicon nitride as the membrane material. It provides thinner and lighter membranes, and thus more sensitive CMUT resonators. Additional benefits of the nitride-to-oxide wafer bonding technique are the reduced fabrication complexity and more controllable membrane thickness. Finally, a dual-frequency (10/14 MHz) CMUT is developed using this fabrication technique. It generates two RH response curves and can provide more accurate RH sensing. Due to the independence of the two resonance frequencies, the dual-frequency CMUT also shows great potential for identification of different chemicals. This thesis demonstrates that CMUT sensors can be strong candidates for miniaturized, highly sensitive, and reliable humidity sensors

    Row-Column Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers for Medical Imaging

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    Ultrasound imaging plays an important role in modern medical diagnosis. Recent progress in real-time 3-D ultrasound imaging can offer critical information such as the accurate estimation of organ, cyst, or tumour volumes. However, compared to conventional 2-D ultrasound imaging, the large amount of data and circuit complexity found in 3-D ultrasound imaging results in very expensive systems. Therefore, a simplification scheme for 3-D ultrasound imaging technology is needed for a more wide-spread use and to advance clinical development of volumetric ultrasound. Row-column addressing 2-D array is one particular simplification scheme that requires only N + N addressing lines to activate each element in an N × N array. As a result, the fabrication, circuit, and processing complexity dramatically decrease. Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) technology was chosen to fabricate the array as it offers micro-precision fabrication and a wide bandwidth, which make it an attractive transducer technology. The objective of this thesis is to investigate and demonstrate the imaging potential of row-column CMUT arrays for RT3D imaging. First, the motivation, physics, and modelling of both CMUTs and row-column arrays are described, followed by the demonstration of a customized row-column CMUT pseudo-real-time 3-D imaging system. One particular limitation about row-column arrays discovered as part of this dissertation work is the limited field-of-view of the row-column arrays’ imaging performance. A curved row-column CMUT array was proposed to improve the field-of-view, and the resulting modelling of the acoustic field and simulated reconstructed image are presented. Furthermore, a new fabrication process was proposed to construct a curved row-column CMUT array. The resulting device was tested to demonstrate its flexibility to achieve the necessary curvature. Finally, a new wafer bonding process is introduced to tackle the next generation of RC-CMUT fabrication. Many of the new fabrication techniques reported in this work are useful for CMUT fabrication engineers. The analysis on row-column array also provides additional insights for 2-D array simplification research

    Beamforming for 3D Transesophageal Echocardiography

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    In this thesis, we study beamforming techniques that offer opportunities for 3D transesophageal echocardiography imaging, especially to achieve higher frame rates. In 3D TEE with a matrix transducer, two main challenges are to connect a large number of elements to a standard ultrasound system and to achieve a high volume rate (>200 Hz). We develop a prototype miniaturized matrix transducer for pediatric patients with micro-beamforming to reduce the channel count. Initially, we propose two dual stage beamforming techniques for 1D arrays to produce high-quality images with reduced channel count: one using fixed focused receive and another with a simple summation in receive (no delays). Because of their inapplicability to the prototype transducer, we propose multiline 3D ultrasound beamforming schemes that utilize the micro-beamforming capabilities. The proposed beamforming schemes use an angle-weighted combination of the neighboring overlapping sub-volumes to suppress the crossover artifacts that are typical for parallel beamforming and produce high-quality images at a high volume rate (~300 Hz). A similar beamforming scheme adapted for a newly designed prototype matrix adult TEE probe is used for in vivo 3D imaging of the heart of a healthy adult pig to produce good quality 3D images at a high frame rate. The proposed 3D beamforming scheme can easily be adapted for matrix probes with micro-beamforming capabilities to produce good quality volume images at a high volume rate, even for a very different layout of the transmit and receive arrays