5 research outputs found

    Semantic Object Prediction and Spatial Sound Super-Resolution with Binaural Sounds

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    Humans can robustly recognize and localize objects by integrating visual and auditory cues. While machines are able to do the same now with images, less work has been done with sounds. This work develops an approach for dense semantic labelling of sound-making objects, purely based on binaural sounds. We propose a novel sensor setup and record a new audio-visual dataset of street scenes with eight professional binaural microphones and a 360 degree camera. The co-existence of visual and audio cues is leveraged for supervision transfer. In particular, we employ a cross-modal distillation framework that consists of a vision `teacher' method and a sound `student' method -- the student method is trained to generate the same results as the teacher method. This way, the auditory system can be trained without using human annotations. We also propose two auxiliary tasks namely, a) a novel task on Spatial Sound Super-resolution to increase the spatial resolution of sounds, and b) dense depth prediction of the scene. We then formulate the three tasks into one end-to-end trainable multi-tasking network aiming to boost the overall performance. Experimental results on the dataset show that 1) our method achieves promising results for semantic prediction and the two auxiliary tasks; and 2) the three tasks are mutually beneficial -- training them together achieves the best performance and 3) the number and orientations of microphones are both important. The data and code will be released to facilitate the research in this new direction.Comment: Project page: https://www.trace.ethz.ch/publications/2020/sound_perception/index.htm

    Evaluation of depth-camera-systems for usage in semi-controlled assembly environments

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    With the availability of affordable depth-camera-systems like the Microsoft Kinect, Depth Imaging has seen a fast-growing number of applications in many different fields over the last years. Such systems can however be based on different measurement principles with widely differing parameters and hence are difficult to evaluate against a single benchmark. While accuracy and precision of depth-camera-systems inherently vary significantly with measuring distance and changing environments, and therefore impose heavy constraints on real world applications, they even allow for automated quality assurance in controlled environments. Context aware assistive systems in manual assembly environments push these boundaries by employing quality assurance in more open environments, where distracting influences by the worker or the work-space environment cannot be ruled out. The thesis concerns itself with the exploration and evaluation of different depth measuring approaches (e.g. Time of Flight, Structured Light, Stereo Vision) for usage in semi-controlled assembly environments. The still underexplored effects of material properties on measurements are experimentally evaluated and the resulting limitations of each approach for usage in assembly environments are discussed

    Context-driven Object Detection and Segmentation with Auxiliary Information

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    One fundamental problem in computer vision and robotics is to localize objects of interest in an image. The task can either be formulated as an object detection problem if the objects are described by a set of pose parameters, or an object segmentation one if we recover object boundary precisely. A key issue in object detection and segmentation concerns exploiting the spatial context, as local evidence is often insufficient to determine object pose in the presence of heavy occlusions or large object appearance variations. This thesis addresses the object detection and segmentation problem in such adverse conditions with auxiliary depth data provided by RGBD cameras. We focus on four main issues in context-aware object detection and segmentation: 1) what are the effective context representations? 2) how can we work with limited and imperfect depth data? 3) how to design depth-aware features and integrate depth cues into conventional visual inference tasks? 4) how to make use of unlabeled data to relax the labeling requirements for training data? We discuss three object detection and segmentation scenarios based on varying amounts of available auxiliary information. In the first case, depth data are available for model training but not available for testing. We propose a structured Hough voting method for detecting objects with heavy occlusion in indoor environments, in which we extend the Hough hypothesis space to include both the object's location, and its visibility pattern. We design a new score function that accumulates votes for object detection and occlusion prediction. In addition, we explore the correlation between objects and their environment, building a depth-encoded object-context model based on RGBD data. In the second case, we address the problem of localizing glass objects with noisy and incomplete depth data. Our method integrates the intensity and depth information from a single view point, and builds a Markov Random Field that predicts glass boundary and region jointly. In addition, we propose a nonparametric, data-driven label transfer scheme for local glass boundary estimation. A weighted voting scheme based on a joint feature manifold is adopted to integrate depth and appearance cues, and we learn a distance metric on the depth-encoded feature manifold. In the third case, we make use of unlabeled data to relax the annotation requirements for object detection and segmentation, and propose a novel data-dependent margin distribution learning criterion for boosting, which utilizes the intrinsic geometric structure of datasets. One key aspect of this method is that it can seamlessly incorporate unlabeled data by including a graph Laplacian regularizer. We demonstrate the performance of our models and compare with baseline methods on several real-world object detection and segmentation tasks, including indoor object detection, glass object segmentation and foreground segmentation in video