81,629 research outputs found

    Deep Autoencoders for Cross-Modal Retrieval

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    Increased accuracy and affordability of depth sensors such as Kinect has created a great depth-data source for 3D processing. Specifically, 3D model retrieval is attracting attention in the field of computer vision and pattern recognition due to its numerous applications. A cross-domain retrieval approach such as depth image based 3D model retrieval has the challenges of occlusion, noise, and view variability present in both query and training data. In this research, we propose a new supervised deep autoencoder approach followed by semantic modeling to retrieve 3D shapes based on depth images. The key novelty is the two-fold feature abstraction to cope with the incompleteness and ambiguity present in the depth images. First, we develop a supervised autoencoder to extract robust features from both real depth images and synthetic ones rendered from 3D models, which are intended to balance reconstruction and classification capabilities of mix-domain data. We investigate the relation between encoder and decoder layers in a deep autoencoder and claim that an asymmetric structure of a supervised deep autoencoder is more capable of extracting robust features than that of a symmetric one. The asymmetric deep autoencoder features are less invariant to small sample changes in mixed domain data. In addition, semantic modeling of the supervised autoencoder features offers the next level of abstraction to the incompleteness and ambiguity of the depth data. It is interesting that, unlike any other pairwise model structures, the cross-domain retrieval is still possible using only one single deep network trained on real and synthetic data. The experimental results on the NYUD2 and ModelNet10 datasets demonstrate that the proposed supervised method outperforms the recent approaches for cross modal 3D model retrieval

    Multi-view Convolutional Neural Networks for 3D Shape Recognition

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    A longstanding question in computer vision concerns the representation of 3D shapes for recognition: should 3D shapes be represented with descriptors operating on their native 3D formats, such as voxel grid or polygon mesh, or can they be effectively represented with view-based descriptors? We address this question in the context of learning to recognize 3D shapes from a collection of their rendered views on 2D images. We first present a standard CNN architecture trained to recognize the shapes' rendered views independently of each other, and show that a 3D shape can be recognized even from a single view at an accuracy far higher than using state-of-the-art 3D shape descriptors. Recognition rates further increase when multiple views of the shapes are provided. In addition, we present a novel CNN architecture that combines information from multiple views of a 3D shape into a single and compact shape descriptor offering even better recognition performance. The same architecture can be applied to accurately recognize human hand-drawn sketches of shapes. We conclude that a collection of 2D views can be highly informative for 3D shape recognition and is amenable to emerging CNN architectures and their derivatives.Comment: v1: Initial version. v2: An updated ModelNet40 training/test split is used; results with low-rank Mahalanobis metric learning are added. v3 (ICCV 2015): A second camera setup without the upright orientation assumption is added; some accuracy and mAP numbers are changed slightly because a small issue in mesh rendering related to specularities is fixe

    Pix3D: Dataset and Methods for Single-Image 3D Shape Modeling

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    We study 3D shape modeling from a single image and make contributions to it in three aspects. First, we present Pix3D, a large-scale benchmark of diverse image-shape pairs with pixel-level 2D-3D alignment. Pix3D has wide applications in shape-related tasks including reconstruction, retrieval, viewpoint estimation, etc. Building such a large-scale dataset, however, is highly challenging; existing datasets either contain only synthetic data, or lack precise alignment between 2D images and 3D shapes, or only have a small number of images. Second, we calibrate the evaluation criteria for 3D shape reconstruction through behavioral studies, and use them to objectively and systematically benchmark cutting-edge reconstruction algorithms on Pix3D. Third, we design a novel model that simultaneously performs 3D reconstruction and pose estimation; our multi-task learning approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on both tasks.Comment: CVPR 2018. The first two authors contributed equally to this work. Project page: http://pix3d.csail.mit.ed

    3D Shape Reconstruction from Sketches via Multi-view Convolutional Networks

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    We propose a method for reconstructing 3D shapes from 2D sketches in the form of line drawings. Our method takes as input a single sketch, or multiple sketches, and outputs a dense point cloud representing a 3D reconstruction of the input sketch(es). The point cloud is then converted into a polygon mesh. At the heart of our method lies a deep, encoder-decoder network. The encoder converts the sketch into a compact representation encoding shape information. The decoder converts this representation into depth and normal maps capturing the underlying surface from several output viewpoints. The multi-view maps are then consolidated into a 3D point cloud by solving an optimization problem that fuses depth and normals across all viewpoints. Based on our experiments, compared to other methods, such as volumetric networks, our architecture offers several advantages, including more faithful reconstruction, higher output surface resolution, better preservation of topology and shape structure.Comment: 3DV 2017 (oral
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