7 research outputs found

    Radar-on-Lidar: metric radar localization on prior lidar maps

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    Radar and lidar, provided by two different range sensors, each has pros and cons of various perception tasks on mobile robots or autonomous driving. In this paper, a Monte Carlo system is used to localize the robot with a rotating radar sensor on 2D lidar maps. We first train a conditional generative adversarial network to transfer raw radar data to lidar data, and achieve reliable radar points from generator. Then an efficient radar odometry is included in the Monte Carlo system. Combining the initial guess from odometry, a measurement model is proposed to match the radar data and prior lidar maps for final 2D positioning. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed localization framework on the public multi-session dataset. The experimental results show that our system can achieve high accuracy for long-term localization in outdoor scenes

    A Survey on Global LiDAR Localization

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    Knowledge about the own pose is key for all mobile robot applications. Thus pose estimation is part of the core functionalities of mobile robots. In the last two decades, LiDAR scanners have become a standard sensor for robot localization and mapping. This article surveys recent progress and advances in LiDAR-based global localization. We start with the problem formulation and explore the application scope. We then present the methodology review covering various global localization topics, such as maps, descriptor extraction, and consistency checks. The contents are organized under three themes. The first is the combination of global place retrieval and local pose estimation. Then the second theme is upgrading single-shot measurement to sequential ones for sequential global localization. The third theme is extending single-robot global localization to cross-robot localization on multi-robot systems. We end this survey with a discussion of open challenges and promising directions on global lidar localization