1,631 research outputs found

    Exploring matter wave scattering by means of the phase diagram

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    For matter wave scattering from passive quantum obstacles, we propose a phase diagram in terms of phase and modulus of scattering coefficients to explore all possible directional scattering patterns. In the phase diagram, we can not only have the physical bounds on scattering coefficients for all channels, but also indicate the competitions among absorption, extinction, and scattering cross sessions. With help of this phase diagram, we discuss different scenarios to steer scattering probability distribution, through the interference between ss- and pp-channels. In particular, we reveal the required conditions to implement a quantum scatterer, i.e., a quantum dot in semiconductor matrix, with a minimum (or zero) value in the scattering probability toward any direction. Our results provide a guideline in designing quantum scatterers with controlling and sensing matter waves.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Ab initio investigation of lasing thresholds in photonic molecules

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    We investigate lasing thresholds in a representative photonic molecule composed of two coupled active cylinders of slightly different radii. Specifically, we use the recently formulated steady-state ab initio laser theory (SALT) to assess the effect of the underlying gain transition on lasing frequencies and thresholds. We find that the order in which modes lase can be modified by choosing suitable combinations of the gain center frequency and linewidth, a result that cannot be obtained using the conventional approach of quasi-bound modes. The impact of the gain transition center on the lasing frequencies, the frequency pulling effect, is also quantified

    Negative reflection of elastic guided waves in chaotic and random scattering media

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    The propagation of waves in complex media can be harnessed either by taming the incident wave-field impinging on the medium or by forcing waves along desired paths through its careful design. These two alternative strategies have given rise to fascinating concepts such as time reversal or negative refraction. Here, we show how these two processes are intimately linked through the negative reflection phenomenon. A negative reflecting mirror converts a wave of positive phase velocity into its negative counterpart and vice versa. In this article, we experimentally demonstrate this phenomenon with elastic waves in a 2D billiard and in a disordered plate by means of laser interferometry. Despite the complexity of such configurations, the negatively reflected wave field focuses back towards the initial source location, thereby mimicking a phase conjugation operation while being a fully passive process. The super-focusing capability of negative reflection is also highlighted in a monochromatic regime. The negative reflection phenomenon is not restricted to guided elastic waves since it can occur in zero-gap systems such as photonic crystals, chiral metamaterials or graphene. Negative reflection can thus become a tool of choice for the control of waves in all fields of wave physics.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Modes of Random Lasers

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    In conventional lasers, the optical cavity that confines the photons also determines essential characteristics of the lasing modes such as wavelength, emission pattern, ... In random lasers, which do not have mirrors or a well-defined cavity, light is confined within the gain medium by means of multiple scattering. The sharp peaks in the emission spectra of semiconductor powders, first observed in 1999, has therefore lead to an intense debate about the nature of the lasing modes in these so-called lasers with resonant feedback. In this paper, we review numerical and theoretical studies aimed at clarifying the nature of the lasing modes in disordered scattering systems with gain. We will discuss in particular the link between random laser modes near threshold (TLM) and the resonances or quasi-bound (QB) states of the passive system without gain. For random lasers in the localized regime, QB states and threshold lasing modes were found to be nearly identical within the scattering medium. These studies were later extended to the case of more lossy systems such as random systems in the diffusive regime where differences between quasi-bound states and lasing modes were measured. Very recently, a theory able to treat lasers with arbitrarily complex and open cavities such as random lasers established that the TLM are better described in terms of the so-called constant-flux states.Comment: Review paper submitted to Advances in Optics and Photonic