4,895 research outputs found

    Risk factors for house-entry by malaria vectors in a rural town and satellite villages in The Gambia.

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    Background: In the pre-intervention year of a randomized controlled trial investigating the protective effects of house screening against malaria-transmitting vectors, a multi-factorial risk factor analysis study was used to identify factors that influence mosquito house entry. Methods: Mosquitoes were sampled using CDC light traps in 976 houses, each on one night, in Farafenni town and surrounding villages during the malaria-transmission season in The Gambia. Catches from individual houses were both (a) left unadjusted and (b) adjusted relative to the number of mosquitoes caught in four sentinel houses that were operated nightly throughout the period, to allow for night-to-night variation. Houses were characterized by location, architecture, human occupancy and their mosquito control activities, and the number and type of domestic animals within the compound. Results: 106,536 mosquitoes were caught, of which 55% were Anopheles gambiae sensu lato, the major malaria vectors in the region. There were seven fold higher numbers of An. gambiae s.l. in the villages (geometric mean per trap night = 43.7, 95% confidence intervals, CIs = 39.5–48.4) than in Farafenni town (6.3, 5.7–7.2) and significant variation between residential blocks (p < 0.001). A negative binomial multivariate model performed equally well using unadjusted or adjusted trap data. Using the unadjusted data the presence of nuisance mosquitoes was reduced if the house was located in the town (odds ratio, OR = 0.11, 95% CIs = 0.09–0.13), the eaves were closed (OR = 0.71, 0.60–0.85), a horse was tethered near the house (OR = 0.77, 0.73–0.82), and churai, a local incense, was burned in the room at night (OR = 0.56, 0.47–0.66). Mosquito numbers increased per additional person in the house (OR = 1.04, 1.02–1.06) or trapping room (OR = 1.19, 1.13–1.25) and when the walls were made of mud blocks compared with concrete (OR = 1.44, 1.10–1.87). Conclusion: This study demonstrates that the risk of malaria transmission is greatest in rural areas, where large numbers of people sleep in houses made of mud blocks, where the eaves are open, horses are not tethered nearby and where churai is not burnt at night. These factors need to be considered in the design and analysis of intervention studies designed to reduce malaria transmission in The Gambia and other parts of sub-Saharan Africa

    A transcriptome-driven analysis of epithelial brushings and bronchial biopsies to define asthma phenotypes in U-BIOPRED

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    RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: Asthma is a heterogeneous disease driven by diverse immunologic and inflammatory mechanisms. We used transcriptomic profiling of airway tissues to help define asthma phenotypes. METHODS: The transcriptome from bronchial biopsies and epithelial brushings of 107 moderate-to-severe asthmatics were annotated by gene-set variation analysis (GSVA) using 42 gene-signatures relevant to asthma, inflammation and immune function. Topological data analysis (TDA) of clinical and histological data was used to derive clusters and the nearest shrunken centroid algorithm used for signature refinement. RESULTS: 9 GSVA signatures expressed in bronchial biopsies and airway epithelial brushings distinguished two distinct asthma subtypes associated with high expression of T-helper type 2 (Th-2) cytokines and lack of corticosteroid response (Group 1 and Group 3). Group 1 had the highest submucosal eosinophils, high exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) levels, exacerbation rates and oral corticosteroid (OCS) use whilst Group 3 patients showed the highest levels of sputum eosinophils and had a high BMI. In contrast, Group 2 and Group 4 patients had an 86% and 64% probability of having non-eosinophilic inflammation. Using machine-learning tools, we describe an inference scheme using the currently-available inflammatory biomarkers sputum eosinophilia and exhaled nitric oxide levels along with OCS use that could predict the subtypes of gene expression within bronchial biopsies and epithelial cells with good sensitivity and specificity. CONCLUSION: This analysis demonstrates the usefulness of a transcriptomic-driven approach to phenotyping that segments patients who may benefit the most from specific agents that target Th2-mediated inflammation and/or corticosteroid insensitivity

    Bridge over troubled gas: clusters and associations under the SMC and LMC tidal stresses

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    We obtained SOAR telescope B and V photometry of 14 star clusters and 2 associations in the Bridge tidal structure connecting the LMC and SMC. These objects are used to study the formation and evolution of star clusters and associations under tidal stresses from the Clouds. Typical star clusters in the Bridge are not richly populated and have in general relatively large diameters (~30-35 pc), being larger than Galactic counterparts of similar age. Ages and other fundamental parameters are determined with field-star decontaminated photometry. A self-consistent approach is used to derive parameters for the most-populated sample cluster NGC 796 and two young CMD templates built with the remaining Bridge clusters. We find that the clusters are not coeval in the Bridge. They range from approximately a few Myr (still related to optical HII regions and WISE and Spitzer dust emission measurements) to about 100-200 Myr. The derived distance moduli for the Bridge objects suggests that the Bridge is a structure connecting the LMC far-side in the East to the foreground of the SMC to the West. Most of the present clusters are part of the tidal dwarf candidate D 1, which is associated with an H I overdensity. We find further evidence that the studied part of the Bridge is evolving into a tidal dwarf galaxy, decoupling from the Bridge.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, MNRAS, Accepted 2015 July 2

    Trace element and isotope constraints on crustal anatexis by upwelling mantle melts in the North Atlantic Igneous Province: an example form the Isle of Rum, NW Scotland

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    Sr and Nd isotope ratios, together with lithophile trace elements, have been measured in a representative set of igneous rocks and Lewisian gneisses from the Isle of Rum in order to unravel the petrogenesis of the felsic rocks that erupted in the early stages of Palaeogene magmatism in the North Atlantic Igneous Province (NAIP). The Rum rhyodacites appear to be the products of large amounts of melting of Lewisian amphibolite gneiss. The Sr and Nd isotopic composition of the magmas can be explained without invoking an additional granulitic crustal component. Concentrations of the trace element Cs in the rhyodacites strongly suggests that the gneiss parent rock had experienced Cs and Rb loss prior to Palaeogene times, possibly during a Caledonian event. This depletion caused heterogeneity with respect to 87Sr/86Sr in the crustal source of silicic melts. Other igneous rock types on Rum (dacites, early gabbros) are mixtures of crustalmelts and and primarymantle melts. Forward Rare Earth Element modelling shows that late stage picritic melts on Rum are close analogues for the parent melts of the Rum Layered Suite, and for the mantle melts that caused crustal anatexis of the Lewisian gneiss. These primary mantle melts have close affinities to Mid-Oceanic Ridge Basalts (MORB), whose trace element content varies from slightly depleted to slightly enriched. Crustal anatexis is a common process in the rift-to-drift evolution during continental break-up and the formation of Volcanic Rifted Margins systems. The ‘early felsic–later mafic’ volcanic rock associations from Rum are compared to similar associations recovered from the now-drowned seaward-dipping wedges on the shelf of SE Greenland and on the Vøring Plateau (Norwegian Sea). These three regions show geochemical differences that result from variations in the regional crustal composition and the depth at which crustal anatexis took place

    Marine radiocarbon reservoir effects for the Mesolithic and Medieval Periods in the Western Isles of Scotland

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    This article presents new values for the Scottish marine radiocarbon reservoir effect (MRE) during the Mesolithic at 4540–4240 BC (6490–6190 BP) and the Medieval period at AD 1460–1630 (490–320 BP). The results give a ΔR of –126±39 14C yr for the Mesolithic and of –130±36 14C yr for the Medieval. We recalculate previously published MRE values for the earlier Holocene in this region, at 6480–6290 BC (8430–8180 BP). Here, MRE values are slightly elevated, with a ΔR of 64±41 14C yr, possibly relating to the 8.2ka BP cold event. New values for the Mesolithic and Medieval indicate lower MRE values, broadly consistent with an existing data set of 37 mid- to late Holocene assessments for Scottish waters, indicating stable ocean conditions. We compare the intercept and probability density function (PDF) methods for assessing ΔR. The ΔR values are indistinguishable, but confidence intervals are slightly larger with the PDF method. We therefore apply this more conservative method to calculate ΔR. The MRE values presented fill important gaps in understanding Scottish marine 14C dynamics, providing confidence when calibrating material from critical periods in Scotland’s prehistory, particularly the Mesolithic, when the use of marine resources by coastal populations was high

    Witnessing history: a personal view of half a century in public health

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    Former Chief Medical Officer Sir Kenneth Calman recently celebrated 50 years in medicine. It was a period which saw the evolution of the public health agenda from communicable diseases to diseases of lifestyle, the change from a hospital-orientated health service to one dominated by community-based services, and the increasing recognition of inequalities as a major determinant of health. This paper documents selected highlights from his career including the Aberdeen typhoid outbreak, AIDS, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, foot and mouth disease, radioactive fallout, the invention of computerised tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, and draws parallels between the development of the modern understanding of public health and the theoretical background to the science 100 years earlier