24 research outputs found

    Polynomial Invariants for Affine Programs

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    We exhibit an algorithm to compute the strongest polynomial (or algebraic) invariants that hold at each location of a given affine program (i.e., a program having only non-deterministic (as opposed to conditional) branching and all of whose assignments are given by affine expressions). Our main tool is an algebraic result of independent interest: given a finite set of rational square matrices of the same dimension, we show how to compute the Zariski closure of the semigroup that they generate

    On the Expressiveness of Joining

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    The expressiveness of communication primitives has been explored in a common framework based on the pi-calculus by considering four features: synchronism (asynchronous vs synchronous), arity (monadic vs polyadic data), communication medium (shared dataspaces vs channel-based), and pattern-matching (binding to a name vs testing name equality vs intensionality). Here another dimension coordination is considered that accounts for the number of processes required for an interaction to occur. Coordination generalises binary languages such as pi-calculus to joining languages that combine inputs such as the Join Calculus and general rendezvous calculus. By means of possibility/impossibility of encodings, this paper shows coordination is unrelated to the other features. That is, joining languages are more expressive than binary languages, and no combination of the other features can encode a joining language into a binary language. Further, joining is not able to encode any of the other features unless they could be encoded otherwise.Comment: In Proceedings ICE 2015, arXiv:1508.04595. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1408.145

    Typed Equivalence of Effect Handlers and Delimited Control

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    It is folklore that effect handlers and delimited control operators are closely related: recently, this relationship has been proved in an untyped setting for deep handlers and the shift_0 delimited control operator. We positively resolve the conjecture that in an appropriately polymorphic type system this relationship can be extended to the level of types, by identifying the necessary forms of polymorphism, thus extending the definability result to the typed context. In the process, we identify a novel and potentially interesting type system feature for delimited control operators. Moreover, we extend these results to substantiate the folklore connection between shallow handlers and control_0 flavour of delimited control, both in an untyped and typed settings

    No Unification Variable Left Behind: Fully Grounding Type Inference for the HDM System

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    The Hindley-Damas-Milner (HDM) system provides polymorphism, a key feature of functional programming languages such as Haskell and OCaml. It does so through a type inference algorithm, whose soundness and completeness have been well-studied and proven both manually (on paper) and mechanically (in a proof assistant). Earlier research has focused on the problem of inferring the type of a top-level expression. Yet, in practice, we also may wish to infer the type of subexpressions, either for the sake of elaboration into an explicitly-typed target language, or for reporting those types back to the programmer. One key difference between these two problems is the treatment of underconstrained types: in the former, unification variables that do not affect the overall type need not be instantiated. However, in the latter, instantiating all unification variables is essential, because unification variables are internal to the algorithm and should not leak into the output. We present an algorithm for the HDM system that explicitly tracks the scope of all unification variables. In addition to solving the subexpression type reconstruction problem described above, it can be used as a basis for elaboration algorithms, including those that implement elaboration-based features such as type classes. The algorithm implements input and output contexts, as well as the novel concept of full contexts, which significantly simplifies the state-passing of traditional algorithms. The algorithm has been formalised and proven sound and complete using the Coq proof assistant

    Differential cost analysis with simultaneous potentials and anti-potentials

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    We present a novel approach to differential cost analysis that, given a program revision, attempts to statically bound the difference in resource usage, or cost, between the two program versions. Differential cost analysis is particularly interesting because of the many compelling applications for it, such as detecting resource-use regressions at code-review time or proving the absence of certain side-channel vulnerabilities. One prior approach to differential cost analysis is to apply relational reasoning that conceptually constructs a product program on which one can over-approximate the difference in costs between the two program versions. However, a significant challenge in any relational approach is effectively aligning the program versions to get precise results. In this paper, our key insight is that we can avoid the need for and the limitations of program alignment if, instead, we bound the difference of two cost-bound summaries rather than directly bounding the concrete cost difference. In particular, our method computes a threshold value for the maximal difference in cost between two program versions simultaneously using two kinds of cost-bound summaries---a potential function that evaluates to an upper bound for the cost incurred in the first program and an anti-potential function that evaluates to a lower bound for the cost incurred in the second. Our method has a number of desirable properties: it can be fully automated, it allows optimizing the threshold value on relative cost, it is suitable for programs that are not syntactically similar, and it supports non-determinism. We have evaluated an implementation of our approach on a number of program pairs collected from the literature, and we find that our method computes tight threshold values on relative cost in most examples

    Non-polynomial Worst-Case Analysis of Recursive Programs

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    We study the problem of developing efficient approaches for proving worst-case bounds of non-deterministic recursive programs. Ranking functions are sound and complete for proving termination and worst-case bounds of nonrecursive programs. First, we apply ranking functions to recursion, resulting in measure functions. We show that measure functions provide a sound and complete approach to prove worst-case bounds of non-deterministic recursive programs. Our second contribution is the synthesis of measure functions in nonpolynomial forms. We show that non-polynomial measure functions with logarithm and exponentiation can be synthesized through abstraction of logarithmic or exponentiation terms, Farkas' Lemma, and Handelman's Theorem using linear programming. While previous methods obtain worst-case polynomial bounds, our approach can synthesize bounds of the form O(nlogn)\mathcal{O}(n\log n) as well as O(nr)\mathcal{O}(n^r) where rr is not an integer. We present experimental results to demonstrate that our approach can obtain efficiently worst-case bounds of classical recursive algorithms such as (i) Merge-Sort, the divide-and-conquer algorithm for the Closest-Pair problem, where we obtain O(nlogn)\mathcal{O}(n \log n) worst-case bound, and (ii) Karatsuba's algorithm for polynomial multiplication and Strassen's algorithm for matrix multiplication, where we obtain O(nr)\mathcal{O}(n^r) bound such that rr is not an integer and close to the best-known bounds for the respective algorithms.Comment: 54 Pages, Full Version to CAV 201

    Differential cost analysis with simultaneous potentials and anti-potentials

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    We present a novel approach to differential cost analysis that, given a program revision, attempts to statically bound the difference in resource usage, or cost, between the two program versions. Differential cost analysis is particularly interesting because of the many compelling applications for it, such as detecting resource-use regressions at code-review time or proving the absence of certain side-channel vulnerabilities. One prior approach to differential cost analysis is to apply relational reasoning that conceptually constructs a product program on which one can over-approximate the difference in costs between the two program versions. However, a significant challenge in any relational approach is effectively aligning the program versions to get precise results. In this paper, our key insight is that we can avoid the need for and the limitations of program alignment if, instead, we bound the difference of two cost-bound summaries rather than directly bounding the concrete cost difference. In particular, our method computes a threshold value for the maximal difference in cost between two program versions simultaneously using two kinds of cost-bound summaries---a potential function that evaluates to an upper bound for the cost incurred in the first program and an anti-potential function that evaluates to a lower bound for the cost incurred in the second. Our method has a number of desirable properties: it can be fully automated, it allows optimizing the threshold value on relative cost, it is suitable for programs that are not syntactically similar, and it supports non-determinism. We have evaluated an implementation of our approach on a number of program pairs collected from the literature, and we find that our method computes tight threshold values on relative cost in most example

    Polynomial Time and Dependent Types

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    We combine dependent types with linear type systems that soundly and completely capture polynomial time computation. We explore two systems for capturing polynomial time: one system that disallows construction of iterable data, and one, based on the LFPL system of Martin Hofmann, that controls construction via a payment method. Both of these are extended to full dependent types via Quantitative Type Theory, allowing for arbitrary computation in types alongside guaranteed polynomial time computation in terms. We prove the soundness of the systems using a realisability technique due to Dal Lago and Hofmann. Our long-term goal is to combine the extensional reasoning of type theory with intensional reasoning about the resources intrinsically consumed by programs. This paper is a step along this path, which we hope will lead both to practical systems for reasoning about programs' resource usage, and to theoretical use as a form of synthetic computational complexity theory

    Sized Types with Usages for Parallel Complexity of Pi-Calculus Processes

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    We address the problem of analysing the complexity of concurrent programs written in Pi-calculus. We are interested in parallel complexity, or span, understood as the execution time in a model with maximal parallelism. A type system for parallel complexity has been recently proposed by the first two authors but it is too imprecise for non-linear channels and cannot analyse some concurrent processes. Aiming for a more precise analysis, we design a type system which builds on the concepts of sized types and usages. The sized types allow us to parametrize the complexity by the size of inputs, and the usages allow us to achieve a kind of rely-guarantee reasoning on the timing each process communicates with its environment. We prove that our new type system soundly estimates the parallel complexity, and show through examples that it is often more precise than the previous type system of the first two authors