2 research outputs found

    3-color Schur numbers

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    Let k ≥ 3 be an integer, the Schur number Sk(3) is the least positive integer, such that for every 3-coloring of the integer interval [1, Sk(3)] there exists a monochromatic solution to the equation x1+ · · · + xk= xk+1, where xi , i = 1, . . . , k need not be distinct. In 1966, a lower bound of Sk(3) was established by Znám (1966). In this paper, we determine the exact formula of Sk(3) = k 3 + 2k 2 − 2, finding an upper bound which coincides with the lower bound given by Znám (1966). This is shown in two different ways: in the first instance, by the exhaustive development of all possible cases and in the second instance translating the problem into a Boolean satisfiability problem, which can be handled by a SAT solver

    Rado Numbers and SAT Computations

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    Given a linear equation E\mathcal{E}, the kk-color Rado number Rk(E)R_k(\mathcal{E}) is the smallest integer nn such that every kk-coloring of {1,2,3,…,n}\{1,2,3,\dots,n\} contains a monochromatic solution to E\mathcal E. The degree of regularity of E\mathcal E, denoted dor(E)dor(\mathcal E), is the largest value kk such that Rk(E)R_k(\mathcal E) is finite. In this article we present new theoretical and computational results about the Rado numbers R3(E)R_3(\mathcal{E}) and the degree of regularity of three-variable equations E\mathcal{E}. % We use SAT solvers to compute many new values of the three-color Rado numbers R3(ax+by+cz=0)R_3(ax+by+cz = 0) for fixed integers a,b,a,b, and cc. We also give a SAT-based method to compute infinite families of these numbers. In particular, we show that the value of R3(x−y=(m−2)z)R_3(x-y = (m-2) z) is equal to m3−m2−m−1m^3-m^2-m-1 for m≥3m\ge 3. This resolves a conjecture of Myers and implies the conjecture that the generalized Schur numbers S(m,3)=R3(x1+x2+…xm−1=xm)S(m,3) = R_3(x_1+x_2 + \dots x_{m-1} = x_m) equal m3−m2−m−1m^3-m^2-m-1 for m≥3m\ge 3. Our SAT solver computations, combined with our new combinatorial results, give improved bounds on dor(ax+by=cz)dor(ax+by = cz) and exact values for 1≤a,b,c≤51\le a,b,c\le 5 . We also give counterexamples to a conjecture of Golowich