11 research outputs found

    Les versions dans les bases de données orientées objet : modélisation et manipulation

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    This thesis concerns object oriented databases; it proposes solutions to model and manage databases integrating versions. The concept of version is needed in various application fields such as technical documentation management, computer aided design and software engineering. Versions permit notably to keep and manage the evolution of the real world entities handled in such fields. There are different ways for versioning. Some works chose to describe the global evolution of a database; they manage versions of the whole database or versions of a database subpart. Our study focuses on representing independently the evolution of each entity described in the database. On the one hand, we propose a conceptual model extended to the versioning of objects and classes. Composition and relationship links, whose semantics are refined by cardinalities, integrate versioning for complex entities. Such links, including versions, induce complex contraints for structural integrity. On the other hand, we propose a language to manage this kind of databases. Particularly, this language provide a SelectFromWhere-type querying which take into account the specificities of versions; a query can take the most of the different abstraction levels related to versions that is to say derivation forests, trees and versions. The model and the language are realized within a prototype. This prototype is an end-user interface which provides a graphical management of databases integrating versions.Cette thĂšse s'inscrit dans le domaine des bases de donnĂ©es orientĂ©es objet ; elle propose des solutions pour dĂ©crire et manipuler des bases de donnĂ©es intĂ©grant des versions. Le concept de version est nĂ©cessaire dans de nombreux domaines d'application comme la gestion de documentations techniques, la conception assistĂ©e par ordinateur et le gĂ©nie logiciel. Les versions permettent notamment de conserver et manipuler l'Ă©volution des entitĂ©s du monde rĂ©el gĂ©rĂ©es dans de tels domaines. DiffĂ©rentes gestions de versions sont possibles. Certains travaux gĂšrent des versions de base ou d'une partie de base pour dĂ©crire l'Ă©volution globale d'une base de donnĂ©es ; notre Ă©tude s'intĂ©resse, quant Ă  elle, Ă  la reprĂ©sentation de l'Ă©volution de chaque entitĂ© dĂ©crite dans la base, de maniĂšre indĂ©pendante. Nous proposons, d'une part, un modĂšle conceptuel intĂ©grant la gestion de versions d'objets et de classes. Les relations de composition et d'association, dont la sĂ©mantique est affinĂ©e Ă  l'aide de cardinalitĂ©s, intĂšgrent les versions pour des entitĂ©s complexes. De telles relations, incluant les versions, induisent des contraintes d'intĂ©gritĂ© structurelle complexes, dont nous faisons l'Ă©tude. D'autre part, nous proposons un langage pour manipuler ce type de bases de donnĂ©es. Ce langage permet notamment une interrogation de type Select From Where qui prend en compte les spĂ©cificitĂ©s liĂ©es aux versions ; les diffĂ©rents niveaux d'abstraction liĂ©s aux versions c'est-Ă -dire les forĂȘts de dĂ©rivation, les arbres et les versions, peuvent ĂȘtre exploitĂ©s lors d'une interrogation. Une rĂ©alisation du modĂšle et du langage est effectuĂ©e au sein d'un prototype. Ce prototype est une interface destinĂ©e Ă  des utilisateurs occasionnels, en permettant de manipuler graphiquement une base de donnĂ©es intĂ©grant des versions

    More than a Hull: Religious Ritual and Sacred Space on Board the Ancient Ship

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    Greco-Roman religion in the ancient Mediterranean permeated aspects of everyday life, including seafaring. Besides cargo, ships transported mariners' religious beliefs from port to port, thus disseminating religious culture. Shipboard ritual, however, remains largely inferred from Latin and Greek texts, iconography, and isolated archaeological finds. Several accounts record that tutelary statues were carried on board to deliver a ship from peril. These accounts are supported by iconographic representations of deities on the hull and a relief scene which shows the use of altars and incense in shipboard ritual. Moreover, ritual objects, including altars, small statuary, incense burners, and lustral basins, have been found among shipwrecks, but prior archaeological research has been particularistic, singling out ritual objects in shipwrecks. Their presence, however, does not necessitate shipboard ritual since these items may have been cargo. To distinguish between personal items and cargo on board ancient shipwrecks, I analyze such objects both objectively and subjectively: first focusing on an object to discern a potential purpose and then again within a spatial context to define its actual purpose. Additionally, I develop religious and social space theories for shipboard analysis, identifying ritual at the bow and stern and concluding that the stern in particular served as an axis mundi, a central location for divine communication. Furthermore, because of this comprehensive approach, large ritual objects such as altars and lustral basins often can be identified primarily as cargo. Ultimately, applying social space theory to shipwrecks can redefine our interpretation of religious activity on board the ship, an intermediary in the dissemination of culture

    A Study of Lead Ingot Cargoes from Ancient Mediterranean Shipwrecks

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    Lead is often relegated to a footnote or sidebar in the study of ancient metals. However, the hundreds of lead ingots discovered in underwater sites over the past half-century have attested to the widespread production and trade of this utilitarian metal. Shipwreck sites allow independent dating evidence not available for many land find. They also provide information about shipment size as well as accompanying cargo which can offer clues about trade patterns and markets for lead in the ancient world. While lead was not particularly rare nor valuable, it represents small- to moderate-scale trade that bridges the gap between luxury trade and the circulation of staple agricultural products. It thus can be viewed as a proxy for the many other perishable materials that supported daily life, such as timber, cloth, cordage, leather and pigments. Due to the abundance of lead ingot finds, published in many different languages with great variation in the details provided, it is difficult to compare all of this material. This thesis, therefore, compiles and presents data on all published lead ingots from Mediterranean and Atlantic shipwrecks through the fourth century C.E., in order to provide a framework to analyze the ancient seaborne lead trade. Sixty-eight sites containing lead ingots, lead ore or lead minerals are included in the analysis, divided into six time periods: Bronze Age, Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic, Roman Republic and Roman Empire. A typology of ingots has been developed to allow for comparison of ingots between wrecks. The uses of lead are reviewed, organized by type of use: domestic, professional, military and infrastructural. This allows insight into both the consumers in need of lead and the volume and regularity of consumption required for each use. An overview of lead production and its economic limitations further informs the discussion of the lead trade. The final analysis considers all of these factors in creating a picture of lead trade for each of the six periods, focusing on the regions of supply, the types of demand, and the dominant forces that drove the mining and production of lead

    Geothermal Energy: Delivering on the Global Potential

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    After decades of being largely the preserve of countries in volcanic regions, the use of geothermal energy—for both heat and power applications—is now expanding worldwide. This reflects its excellent low-carbon credentials and its ability to offer baseload and dispatchable output - rare amongst the mainstream renewables. Yet uptake of geothermal still lags behind that of solar and wind, principally because of (i) uncertainties over resource availability in poorly-explored reservoirs and (ii) the concentration of full-lifetime costs into early-stage capital expenditure (capex). Recent advances in reservoir characterization techniques are beginning to narrow the bounds of exploration uncertainty, both by improving estimates of reservoir geometry and properties, and by providing pre-drilling estimates of temperature at depth. Advances in drilling technologies and management have potential to significantly lower initial capex, while operating expenditure is being further reduced by more effective reservoir management — supported by robust mathematical models — and increasingly efficient energy conversion systems (flash, binary and combined-heat-and-power). Advances in characterization and modelling are also improving management of shallow low-enthalpy resources that can only be exploited using heat-pump technology. Taken together with increased public appreciation of the benefits of geothermal, the technology is finally ready to take its place as a mainstream renewable technology, This book draws together some of the latest developments in concepts and technology that are enabling the growing realisation of the global potential of geothermal energy in all its manifestations.After decades of being largely the preserve of countries in volcanic regions, the use of geothermal energy—for both heat and power applications—is now expanding worldwide. This reflects its excellent low-carbon credentials and its ability to offer baseload and dispatchable output - rare amongst the mainstream renewables. Yet uptake of geothermal still lags behind that of solar and wind, principally because of (i) uncertainties over resource availability in poorly-explored reservoirs and (ii) the concentration of full-lifetime costs into early-stage capital expenditure (capex). Recent advances in reservoir characterization techniques are beginning to narrow the bounds of exploration uncertainty, both by improving estimates of reservoir geometry and properties, and by providing pre-drilling estimates of temperature at depth. Advances in drilling technologies and management have potential to significantly lower initial capex, while operating expenditure is being further reduced by more effective reservoir management — supported by robust mathematical models — and increasingly efficient energy conversion systems (flash, binary and combined-heat-and-power). Advances in characterization and modelling are also improving management of shallow low-enthalpy resources that can only be exploited using heat-pump technology. Taken together with increased public appreciation of the benefits of geothermal, the technology is finally ready to take its place as a mainstream renewable technology

    Contacts et acculturations en Méditerranée occidentale

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    La question des contacts entre les diffĂ©rents peuples qui bordent les rives de la MĂ©diterranĂ©e nord occidentale est l’un des sujets phares de la recherche archĂ©ologique de ces trente derniĂšres annĂ©es. Que l’on parle d’époque archaĂŻque et classique ou de Protohistoire et d’ñge du Fer, les Ă©changes et les processus d’acculturation de ces peuples qui entrĂšrent alors en contact les uns avec les autres : Grecs, Celtes, PhĂ©niciens, IbĂšres, Ligures, Étrusques, ont retenu l’attention des chercheurs travaillant sur l’expansion grecque dans ces rĂ©gions, sur les trafics commerciaux, sur les Ă©changes culturels. L’Ɠuvre de Michel Bats (Directeur de recherche honoraire du CNRS) traverse toutes ces thĂ©matiques : la prĂ©sence des PhocĂ©ens et des Étrusques dans le bassin occidental de la MĂ©diterranĂ©e, l’acculturation et les identitĂ©s ethno-culturelles, les recherches sur la cĂ©ramique et ses usages dans une perspective anthropologique, l’appropriation de l’écriture par les sociĂ©tĂ©s protohistoriques. Ses collĂšgues et amis, en organisant ce colloque et en participant Ă  ces actes, entendent lui tĂ©moigner leur amitiĂ© et leur dette intellectuelle. Ce volume rĂ©unit des articles des meilleurs spĂ©cialistes, actuels de la question - des chercheurs de toute la MĂ©diterranĂ©e - autour des quatre grands thĂšmes que nous venons d’évoquer afin tout Ă  la fois de dresser un bilan et de dĂ©finir de nouvelles perspectives. Cet ouvrage prĂ©sente donc aussi bien des synthĂšses - sur la prĂ©sence grecque en Espagne, sur l’origine de l’écriture, sur les pratiques funĂ©raires, sur les identitĂ©s culturelles et ethniques - que des dĂ©couvertes rĂ©centes concernant la thĂ©matique des contacts et de l’acculturation en MĂ©diterranĂ©e nord occidentale : l’agglomĂ©ration du Premier Ăąge du Fer de La Cougourlude (Lattes, HĂ©rault) fouillĂ©e durant l’étĂ© 2010 ; le sanctuaire hellĂ©nistique de Cumes et les fouilles rĂ©centes de Fratte en Italie ; les ateliers de potiers de Rosas en Espagne ; les derniĂšres dĂ©couvertes d’Olbia de Provence

    Produzione e circolazione della ceramica comune nei Campi Flegrei in etĂ  romana: un campione dal Foro di Cuma. Production et circulation de la cĂ©ramique commune des Champs PhlĂ©grĂ©ens Ă  l'Ă©poque romaine: l’échantillon du Forum de Cumes.

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    Il presente lavoro esamina le attestazioni di ceramica comune di etĂ  romana rinvenute a Cuma in un ampio arco cronologico che va dal II secolo a.C. all’abbandono dell’insediamento nella tarda antichitĂ . Dopo aver riesaminato i dati disponibili sulla produzione e circolazione dei manufatti ceramici nei Campi Flegrei, vengono analizzati i materiali inediti provenienti dal foro del centro flegreo, riportati alla luce nel corso dei recenti scavi condotti dall’UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, nell’ambito dei progetti Kyme, avviati allo scopo di promuovere la ricerca e valorizzazione della cittĂ  antica e che hanno visto coinvolti anche l’UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” e il Centre Jean BĂ©rard (CNRS). I dati raccolti dalle diverse Ă©quipes impegnate nel sito contribuiscono a chiarire sempre meglio il ruolo di Cuma come centro di produzione ceramica: alcuni dei manufatti prodotti dai vasai cumani sono tra le ceramiche comuni piĂč esportate dalla penisola italica e meglio attestate in tutto l’impero romano, come Ăš il caso della ceramica detta “a vernice rossa interna” (Pompeian Red Ware o Pompejanisch-rote Platte). Il carattere peculiare di Cuma quale sito produttore e le caratteristiche del campione esaminato hanno incoraggiato ad applicare ai materiali rinvenuti nel foro un sistema di classificazione nuovo rispetto a quelli adottati fino ad oggi ed appositamente elaborato. I singoli tipi vengono illustrati in modo analitico con l’ausilio di un ampia documentazione grafica e, nella maggioranza dei casi, con il supporto dei dati provenienti dallo studio degli impasti in sezione sottile. In alcuni casi, l’esame dei manufatti provenienti dal foro e il riesame delle attestazioni note al di fuori del sito hanno consentito di rivedere le conoscenze acquisite in merito alla cronologia e alla produzione dei singoli tipi. La documentazione raccolta ha cosĂŹ permesso di delineare un quadro articolato delle produzioni cumane. Inoltre, l’esame dei prodotti d’importazione ha fornito un nuovo tassello per la ricostruzione del flusso degli scambi commerciali che interessarono il sito e l’area circostante, fortemente influenzata dalla presenza del porto di Puteoli, porta di Roma sulle province dell’Africa settentrionale e dell’Oriente. Attraverso l’analisi delle variazioni del repertorio tipologico e del rapporto quantitativo tra le diverse produzioni nel corso del tempo, Ăš possibile osservare i cambiamenti anche nelle abitudini degli individui, alzando lo sguardo dai manufatti ai cambiamenti sociali ed economici che coinvolsero l’insediamento e i Campi Flegrei tra l’etĂ  romana e la tarda antichitĂ 

    Cuma: le anfore da trasporto dall'area sud-occidentale del Foro, tra etĂ  ellenistica e tardo imperiale.

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    Il lavoro di ricerca ha inteso affrontare lo studio dei contenitori da trasporto provenienti dal settore sud-occidentale del Foro di Cuma. In particolare Ăš stato individuato come caso di studio il contesto dell'area del Tempio con Portico, interessata da una sequenza serrata di fasi di occupazione, che si distribuiscono tra l'etĂ  arcaica e quella tardo-antica. Rispetto a questo ambito cronologico cosĂŹ ampio, la ricerca Ăš stata incentrata sulle fasi che vanno dal III sec. a.C. all'etĂ  medio-imperiale. Si tratta di un periodo molto particolare nella storia della cittĂ , per le trasformazioni urbanistiche che coinvolgono il Foro e il processo di romanizzazione. Va sottolineato, inoltre, che finora Ăš mancato in letteratura uno studio d'insieme sulle anfore cumane in un periodo di lunga durata. Il presente lavoro, dunque, rappresenta un primo tentativo di inquadramento dei repertori tipologici attestati a Cuma nell'arco cronologico individuato, partendo da un contesto campione. La lettura dei materiali Ăš stata affrontata tenendo presente i processi formativi dei depositi archeologici di provenienza dei frammenti e proiettando costantemente i dati del contesto analizzato nel quadro della Campania, in particolare, e delle rotte che risalivano il versante tirrenico. Gli elementi raccolti mostrano Cuma come un interlocutore estremamente attivo e recettivo nel panorama campano. La fine del III secolo e l’inizio del II secolo rappresentano un periodo di forte cambiamento per la cittĂ  di Cuma, derivante dell’ormai avanzato processo di inserimento di Cuma nel sistema politico romano. La vitalitĂ  della cittĂ  traspare, in parte, anche nelle tipologie di anfore restituite dal contesto esaminato. È il momento in cui predominano le produzioni locali, contraddistinte dalle numerose anfore vinarie Greco-Italiche e poi sostituite, nel corso della seconda metĂ  del II secolo a.C., dalle Dressel 1. Il materiale dell’area del Tempio con Portico documenta, del resto, giĂ  nel corso del II secolo, la presenza di prodotti di importazione. Non trascurabile Ăš la presenza, difatti, delle anfore che trasportavano vino proveniente da Rodi e, ancora piĂč incisivo, l’arrivo delle anfore puniche e di tradizione punica. La fase inquadrabile tra il I secolo a.C. e il I secolo d.C. mostra, nel contesto analizzato, un incremento delle attestazioni. Tale incremento, sia dal punto di vista quantitativo sia dal punto di vista della varietĂ  tipologica, coincide con la fase di maggiore sviluppo e di piĂč intesa vitalitĂ  di Cuma. Nel I secolo a.C. risultano ancora numerose le anfore vinarie Dressel 1, ma nel corso della seconda metĂ  del I secolo a.C. le anfore Dressel 1 cedono il passo alle Dressel 2-4. Accanto al consumo quotidiano di vino dall’area del golfo di Napoli e della Campania settentrionale si registra l’arrivo di nuovi prodotti di importazione. Sono attestate le produzioni ispaniche con frammenti riferibili al tipo Haltern 70, al tipo Dressel 20 e al tipo Pascual 1. Tra le importazioni sono da collocare anche le sporadiche presenze di produzioni adriatiche, con le anfore vinarie Dressel 6. Nel II secolo d.C. comincia a delinearsi un nuovo quadro delle correnti dei traffici, ma Ăš anche possibile osservare, soprattutto nel III secolo d.C., sia un calo quantitativo delle attestazioni sia un calo dei prodotti di importazione nell’ambito del contesto in esame. Ben attestate risultano, tra il materiale del Tempio con Portico, le anfore proconsolari, meno incisiva Ăš la presenza dei contenitori oleari tripolitani. L’olio, in questa fase, sembrerebbe in prevalenza importato dall’Africa settentrionale. L’importazione di prodotti pregiati, provenienti dal Mediterraneo orientale, si legge, ancora nel II secolo d.C., nelle attestazioni, seppure molto limitate, di anfore cretesi, che denotano la presenza di richiesta da parte di fasce sociali agiate. La scarsitĂ  delle attestazioni nelle ultime fasi, se da un lato Ăš certamente legata alla parzialitĂ  dei dati restituiti dal contesto in esame, dall’altro trova riscontri nella storia della cittĂ  che vede, in questa fase, un dĂ©calage del livello economico e gli effetti dei danni derivati da cause naturali esterne. Il quadro di riferimento emerso dal presente lavoro, pertanto, definisce delle linee di tendenza che scaturiscono dall’analisi di un contesto, completamente inedito, analizzato nella sua interezza e nella sua dimensione diacronica

    Smart Energy Management for Smart Grids

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    This book is a contribution from the authors, to share solutions for a better and sustainable power grid. Renewable energy, smart grid security and smart energy management are the main topics discussed in this book

    Planning, Nature and Ecosystem Services

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    This book collects the papers presented at INPUT aCAdemy 2019, a special edition of the INPUT Conference hosted by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Architecture (DICAAR) of the University of Cagliari. INPUT aCAdemy Conference will focus on contemporary planning issues with particular attention to ecosystem services, green and blue infrastructure and governance and management of Natura 2000 sites and coastal marine areas. INPUT aCAdemy 2019 is organized within the GIREPAM Project (Integrated Management of Ecological Networks through Parks and Marine Areas), co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in relation to the 2014-2020 Interreg Italy – France (Maritime) Programme. INPUT aCAdemy 2019 is supported by Società Italiana degli Urbanisti (SIU, the Italian Society of Spatial Planners), Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica (INU, the Italian National Institute of Urban Planning), UrbIng Ricerca Scientifica (the Association of Spatial Planning Scholars of the Italian Schools of Engineering) and Ordine degli Ingegneri di Cagliari (OIC, Professional Association of Engineers of Cagliari).illustratorThis book collects the papers presented at INPUT aCAdemy 2019, a special edition of the INPUT Conference hosted by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Architecture (DICAAR) of the University of Cagliari. INPUT aCAdemy Conference will focus on contemporary planning issues with particular attention to ecosystem services, green and blue infrastructure and governance and management of Natura 2000 sites and coastal marine areas. INPUT aCAdemy 2019 is organized within the GIREPAM Project (Integrated Management of Ecological Networks through Parks and Marine Areas), co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in relation to the 2014-2020 Interreg Italy – France (Maritime) Programme. INPUT aCAdemy 2019 is supported by Società Italiana degli Urbanisti (SIU, the Italian Society of Spatial Planners), Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica (INU, the Italian National Institute of Urban Planning), UrbIng Ricerca Scientifica (the Association of Spatial Planning Scholars of the Italian Schools of Engineering) and Ordine degli Ingegneri di Cagliari (OIC, Professional Association of Engineers of Cagliari)

    A re-assembly and reconstruction of the 9th-century AD vessel wrecked off the coast of Bozburun, Turkey

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    In 1973, researchers from the Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA) were led to the site of a wrecked ship by sponge diver Mehmet A??k??n, near his hometown of Bozburun, Turkey. During further monitoring over the following 21 years by INA, the site was identified as a merchant vessel dating from the 9th century AD. The excavation of the site by INA researchers and students from Texas A&M University occurred over four summer seasons, from 1995 to 1998, and yielded approximately 900 whole or nearly-whole amphorae, personal items, palynological material, and approximately 35 percent of the vessel??s wooden hull. This dissertation is a record of the curation, cataloging, analysis and re-assembly of the preserved elements of the Bozburun vessel??s hull, as well as a theoretical reconstruction of the entire vessel. The Bozburun vessel is unique as it is the only fully-excavated shipwreck from the 9th century AD, and is, indeed, a valuable source of examples of ship construction in the Mediterranean between the 7th and the 11th centuries AD. This dissertation, after discussing the methods of excavation and cataloging methods, posits the hypothesis that the techniques used to build this vessel represent a transitional stage in shipbuilding technology, combining distinctly old and new techniques. While the builders used embedded edge joinery in the ship??s planking, a very old method, they also appear to have used a conceptual framework and standards to design the vessel as well; methods evident in modified forms in Italian shipbuilding treatises from the Renaissance