2 research outputs found

    Plotting the map projection graticule involving discontinuities based on combined sampling

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    This article presents  new algorithm for interval plotting the projection graticule on the interval Ω=Ωφ×Ωλ\varOmega=\varOmega_{\varphi}\times\varOmega_{\lambda} based on the combined sampling technique. The proposed method synthesizes uniform and adaptive sampling approaches and treats discontinuities of the coordinate functions F,GF,G. A full set of the projection constant values represented by the projection pole K=[φk,λk]K=[\varphi_{k},\lambda_{k}], two standard parallels φ1,φ2\varphi_{1},\varphi_{2} and the central meridian shift λ0′\lambda_{0}^{\prime} are supported. In accordance with the discontinuity direction it utilizes a subdivision of the given latitude/longitude intervals Ωφ=[φ‾,φ‾]\varOmega_{\varphi}=[\underline{\varphi},\overline{\varphi}], Ωλ=[λ‾,λ‾]\varOmega_{\lambda}=[\underline{\lambda},\overline{\lambda}] to the set of disjoint subintervals Ωk,φg,\varOmega_{k,\varphi}^{g},Ωk,λg\varOmega_{k,\lambda}^{g} forming tiles without internal singularities, containing only "good" data; their parameters can be easily adjusted. Each graticule tile borders generated over Ωkg=Ωk,φg×Ωk,λg\varOmega_{k}^{g}=\varOmega_{k,\varphi}^{g}\times\varOmega_{k,\lambda}^{g} run along singularities. For combined sampling with the given threshold α‾\overline{\alpha} between adjacent segments of the polygonal approximation the recursive approach has been used; meridian/parallel offsets are Δφ,Δλ\Delta\varphi,\Delta\lambda. Finally, several tests of the proposed algorithms are involved