223 research outputs found

    From Statistical Relational to Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence: a Survey

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    This survey explores the integration of learning and reasoning in two different fields of artificial intelligence: neurosymbolic and statistical relational artificial intelligence. Neurosymbolic artificial intelligence (NeSy) studies the integration of symbolic reasoning and neural networks, while statistical relational artificial intelligence (StarAI) focuses on integrating logic with probabilistic graphical models. This survey identifies seven shared dimensions between these two subfields of AI. These dimensions can be used to characterize different NeSy and StarAI systems. They are concerned with (1) the approach to logical inference, whether model or proof-based; (2) the syntax of the used logical theories; (3) the logical semantics of the systems and their extensions to facilitate learning; (4) the scope of learning, encompassing either parameter or structure learning; (5) the presence of symbolic and subsymbolic representations; (6) the degree to which systems capture the original logic, probabilistic, and neural paradigms; and (7) the classes of learning tasks the systems are applied to. By positioning various NeSy and StarAI systems along these dimensions and pointing out similarities and differences between them, this survey contributes fundamental concepts for understanding the integration of learning and reasoning.Comment: To appear in Artificial Intelligence. Shorter version at IJCAI 2020 survey track, https://www.ijcai.org/proceedings/2020/0688.pd

    Towards Semantically Enriched Embeddings for Knowledge Graph Completion

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    Embedding based Knowledge Graph (KG) Completion has gained much attention over the past few years. Most of the current algorithms consider a KG as a multidirectional labeled graph and lack the ability to capture the semantics underlying the schematic information. In a separate development, a vast amount of information has been captured within the Large Language Models (LLMs) which has revolutionized the field of Artificial Intelligence. KGs could benefit from these LLMs and vice versa. This vision paper discusses the existing algorithms for KG completion based on the variations for generating KG embeddings. It starts with discussing various KG completion algorithms such as transductive and inductive link prediction and entity type prediction algorithms. It then moves on to the algorithms utilizing type information within the KGs, LLMs, and finally to algorithms capturing the semantics represented in different description logic axioms. We conclude the paper with a critical reflection on the current state of work in the community and give recommendations for future directions

    Rankers, Rankees, & Rankings: Peeking into the Pandora's Box from a Socio-Technical Perspective

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    Algorithmic rankers have a profound impact on our increasingly data-driven society. From leisurely activities like the movies that we watch, the restaurants that we patronize; to highly consequential decisions, like making educational and occupational choices or getting hired by companies -- these are all driven by sophisticated yet mostly inaccessible rankers. A small change to how these algorithms process the rankees (i.e., the data items that are ranked) can have profound consequences. For example, a change in rankings can lead to deterioration of the prestige of a university or have drastic consequences on a job candidate who missed out being in the list of the preferred top-k for an organization. This paper is a call to action to the human-centered data science research community to develop principled methods, measures, and metrics for studying the interactions among the socio-technical context of use, technological innovations, and the resulting consequences of algorithmic rankings on multiple stakeholders. Given the spate of new legislations on algorithmic accountability, it is imperative that researchers from social science, human-computer interaction, and data science work in unison for demystifying how rankings are produced, who has agency to change them, and what metrics of socio-technical impact one must use for informing the context of use.Comment: Accepted for Interrogating Human-Centered Data Science workshop at CHI'2

    A Bi-Step Grounding Paradigm for Large Language Models in Recommendation Systems

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    As the focus on Large Language Models (LLMs) in the field of recommendation intensifies, the optimization of LLMs for recommendation purposes (referred to as LLM4Rec) assumes a crucial role in augmenting their effectiveness in providing recommendations. However, existing approaches for LLM4Rec often assess performance using restricted sets of candidates, which may not accurately reflect the models' overall ranking capabilities. In this paper, our objective is to investigate the comprehensive ranking capacity of LLMs and propose a two-step grounding framework known as BIGRec (Bi-step Grounding Paradigm for Recommendation). It initially grounds LLMs to the recommendation space by fine-tuning them to generate meaningful tokens for items and subsequently identifies appropriate actual items that correspond to the generated tokens. By conducting extensive experiments on two datasets, we substantiate the superior performance, capacity for handling few-shot scenarios, and versatility across multiple domains exhibited by BIGRec. Furthermore, we observe that the marginal benefits derived from increasing the quantity of training samples are modest for BIGRec, implying that LLMs possess the limited capability to assimilate statistical information, such as popularity and collaborative filtering, due to their robust semantic priors. These findings also underline the efficacy of integrating diverse statistical information into the LLM4Rec framework, thereby pointing towards a potential avenue for future research. Our code and data are available at https://github.com/SAI990323/Grounding4Rec.Comment: 17 page

    Knowledge Prompt-tuning for Sequential Recommendation

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    Pre-trained language models (PLMs) have demonstrated strong performance in sequential recommendation (SR), which are utilized to extract general knowledge. However, existing methods still lack domain knowledge and struggle to capture users' fine-grained preferences. Meanwhile, many traditional SR methods improve this issue by integrating side information while suffering from information loss. To summarize, we believe that a good recommendation system should utilize both general and domain knowledge simultaneously. Therefore, we introduce an external knowledge base and propose Knowledge Prompt-tuning for Sequential Recommendation (\textbf{KP4SR}). Specifically, we construct a set of relationship templates and transform a structured knowledge graph (KG) into knowledge prompts to solve the problem of the semantic gap. However, knowledge prompts disrupt the original data structure and introduce a significant amount of noise. We further construct a knowledge tree and propose a knowledge tree mask, which restores the data structure in a mask matrix form, thus mitigating the noise problem. We evaluate KP4SR on three real-world datasets, and experimental results show that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods on multiple evaluation metrics. Specifically, compared with PLM-based methods, our method improves NDCG@5 and HR@5 by \textcolor{red}{40.65\%} and \textcolor{red}{36.42\%} on the books dataset, \textcolor{red}{11.17\%} and \textcolor{red}{11.47\%} on the music dataset, and \textcolor{red}{22.17\%} and \textcolor{red}{19.14\%} on the movies dataset, respectively. Our code is publicly available at the link: \href{https://github.com/zhaijianyang/KP4SR}{\textcolor{blue}{https://github.com/zhaijianyang/KP4SR}.

    A Landscape of First-Order Linear Temporal Logics in Infinite-State Verification and Temporal Ontologies

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    We provide an overview of the main attempts to formalize and reason about the evolution over time of complex domains, through the lens of first-order temporal logics. Different communities have studied similar problems for decades, and some unification of concepts, problems and formalisms is a much needed but not simple task

    MCP: Self-supervised Pre-training for Personalized Chatbots with Multi-level Contrastive Sampling

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    Personalized chatbots focus on endowing the chatbots with a consistent personality to behave like real users and further act as personal assistants. Previous studies have explored generating implicit user profiles from the user's dialogue history for building personalized chatbots. However, these studies only use the response generation loss to train the entire model, thus it is prone to suffer from the problem of data sparsity. Besides, they overemphasize the final generated response's quality while ignoring the correlations and fusions between the user's dialogue history, leading to rough data representations and performance degradation. To tackle these problems, we propose a self-supervised learning framework MCP for capturing better representations from users' dialogue history for personalized chatbots. Specifically, we apply contrastive sampling methods to leverage the supervised signals hidden in user dialog history, and generate the pre-training samples for enhancing the model. We design three pre-training tasks based on three types of contrastive pairs from user dialogue history, namely response pairs, sequence augmentation pairs, and user pairs. We pre-train the utterance encoder and the history encoder towards the contrastive objectives and use these pre-trained encoders for generating user profiles while personalized response generation. Experimental results on two real-world datasets show a significant improvement in our proposed model MCP compared with the existing methods

    A Survey on Cross-domain Recommendation: Taxonomies, Methods, and Future Directions

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    Traditional recommendation systems are faced with two long-standing obstacles, namely, data sparsity and cold-start problems, which promote the emergence and development of Cross-Domain Recommendation (CDR). The core idea of CDR is to leverage information collected from other domains to alleviate the two problems in one domain. Over the last decade, many efforts have been engaged for cross-domain recommendation. Recently, with the development of deep learning and neural networks, a large number of methods have emerged. However, there is a limited number of systematic surveys on CDR, especially regarding the latest proposed methods as well as the recommendation scenarios and recommendation tasks they address. In this survey paper, we first proposed a two-level taxonomy of cross-domain recommendation which classifies different recommendation scenarios and recommendation tasks. We then introduce and summarize existing cross-domain recommendation approaches under different recommendation scenarios in a structured manner. We also organize datasets commonly used. We conclude this survey by providing several potential research directions about this field