82 research outputs found

    Structured Interactive Music Scores

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    Interactive Scores is a formalism for the design and performance of interactive scenarios that provides temporal relations (TRs) among the objects of the scenario. We can model TRs among objects in Time Stream Petri nets, but it is difficult to represent global constraints. This can be done explicitly in the Non-deterministic Timed Concurrent Constraint (ntcc) calculus. We want to formalize a heterogeneous system that controls in one subsystem the concurrent execution of the objects using ntcc, and audio and video processing in the other. We also plan to develop an automatic verifier for ntcc

    Model enumeration in propositional circumscription via unsatisfiable core analysis

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    Many practical problems are characterized by a preference relation over admissible solutions, where preferred solutions are minimal in some sense. For example, a preferred diagnosis usually comprises a minimal set of reasons that is sufficient to cause the observed anomaly. Alternatively, a minimal correction subset comprises a minimal set of reasons whose deletion is sufficient to eliminate the observed anomaly. Circumscription formalizes such preference relations by associating propositional theories with minimal models. The resulting enumeration problem is addressed here by means of a new algorithm taking advantage of unsatisfiable core analysis. Empirical evidence of the efficiency of the algorithm is given by comparing the performance of the resulting solver, CIRCUMSCRIPTINO, with HCLASP, CAMUS MCS, LBX and MCSLS on the enumeration of minimal models for problems originating from practical applications. This paper is under consideration for acceptance in TPLP.Comment: 15 pages, 2 algorithms, 2 tables, 2 figures, ICL

    Gelisp: A Library to Represent Musical CSPs and Search Strategies

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    In this paper we present Gelisp, a new library to represent musical Constraint Satisfaction Problems and search strategies intuitively. Gelisp has two interfaces, a command-line one for Common Lisp and a graphical one for OpenMusic. Using Gelisp, we solved a problem of automatic music generation proposed by composer Michael Jarrell and we found solutions for the All-interval series.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, not publishe

    Knowledge Authoring and Question Answering with KALM

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    Knowledge representation and reasoning (KRR) is one of the key areas in artificial intelligence (AI) field. It is intended to represent the world knowledge in formal languages (e.g., Prolog, SPARQL) and then enhance the expert systems to perform querying and inference tasks. Currently, constructing large scale knowledge bases (KBs) with high quality is prohibited by the fact that the construction process requires many qualified knowledge engineers who not only understand the domain-specific knowledge but also have sufficient skills in knowledge representation. Unfortunately, qualified knowledge engineers are in short supply. Therefore, it would be very useful to build a tool that allows the user to construct and query the KB simply via text. Although there is a number of systems developed for knowledge extraction and question answering, they mainly fail in that these system don't achieve high enough accuracy whereas KRR is highly sensitive to erroneous data. In this thesis proposal, I will present Knowledge Authoring Logic Machine (KALM), a rule-based system which allows the user to author knowledge and query the KB in text. The experimental results show that KALM achieved superior accuracy in knowledge authoring and question answering as compared to the state-of-the-art systems.Comment: In Proceedings ICLP 2019, arXiv:1909.0764

    A Model for Interactive Scores with Temporal Constraints and Conditional Branching

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    Interactive Scores (IS) are a formalism for the design and performance of interactive multimedia scenarios. IS provide temporal relations (TR), but they cannot represent conditional branching and TRs simultaneously. We propose an extension to Allombert et al.'s IS model by including a condition on the TRs. We found out that in order to have a coherent model in all possible scenarios, durations must be flexible; however, sometimes it is possible to have fixed durations. To show the relevance of our model, we modeled an existing multimedia installation called Mariona. In Mariona there is choice, random durations and loops. Whether we can represent all the TRs available in Allombert et al.'s model into ours, or we have to choose between a timed conditional branching model and a pure temporal model before writing a scenario, still remains as an open question.Comment: 14 pages, extended version of conference paper on Journ\'ees de INformatique Musicale 201

    NTCCRT: A concurrent constraint framework for real-time interaction (extended version)

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    Writing multimedia interaction systems is not easy. Their concurrent processes usually access shared resources in a non-deterministic order, often leading to unpredictable behavior. Using Pure Data (Pd) and Max/MSP is possible to program concurrency, however, it is difficult to synchronize processes based on multiple criteria. Process calculi such as the Non-deterministic Timed Concurrent Constraint (ntcc) calculus, overcome that problem by representing multiple criteria as constraints. We propose using our framework Ntccrt to manage concurrency in Pd and Max. Ntccrt is a real-time capable inter- preter for ntcc. Using Ntccrt externals (binary plugins) in Pd we ran models for machine improvisation and signal processing.Comment: 12 pages, short version published in the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), 200

    Concurrent Constraint Conditional-Branching Timed Interactive Scores

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    Multimedia scenarios have multimedia content and interactive events associated with computer programs. Interactive Scores (IS) is a formalism to represent such scenarios by temporal objects, temporal relations (TRs) and interactive events. IS describe TRs, but IS cannot represent TRs together with conditional branching. We propose a model for conditional branching timed IS in the Non-deterministic Timed Concurrent Constraint (ntcc) calculus. We ran a prototype of our model in Ntccrt (a real-time capable interpreter for ntcc) and the response time was acceptable for real-time interaction. An advantage of ntcc over Max/MSP or Petri Nets is that conditions and global constraints are represented declaratively.Comment: Extended version of paper accepted in the Sound and Music Conference 201

    Catching the Ouroboros: On Debugging Non-ground Answer-Set Programs

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    An important issue towards a broader acceptance of answer-set programming (ASP) is the deployment of tools which support the programmer during the coding phase. In particular, methods for debugging an answer-set program are recognised as a crucial step in this regard. Initial work on debugging in ASP mainly focused on propositional programs, yet practical debuggers need to handle programs with variables as well. In this paper, we discuss a debugging technique that is directly geared towards non-ground programs. Following previous work, we address the central debugging question why some interpretation is not an answer set. The explanations provided by our method are computed by means of a meta-programming technique, using a uniform encoding of a debugging request in terms of ASP itself. Our method also permits programs containing comparison predicates and integer arithmetics, thus covering a relevant language class commonly supported by all state-of-the-art ASP solvers

    Towards a correct and efficient implementation of simulation and verification tools for probabilistic ntcc

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    We extended our simulation tool Ntccrt for probabilistic ntcc (pntcc) models. In addition, we developed a verification tool for pntcc models. Using this tool we can prove properties such as the system will go to a successful state with probability p under t discrete time- units. Currently, we are facing a few problems. We can only verify pntcc models using a finite domain constraint system and the encoding of cells ( mathematical entities that can update their value ) is experimental. In addition, in order to reduce the states generated during the verification process we need to implement a procedure to calculate whether two processes are equivalent. In the future, we want to provide multiple interfaces for the tools (e.g., a web ap- plication, a graphical interface and command line interface). We also want to support constraint systems over trees, graph and sets. We want to show the relevance of our tool to model biological and multimedia interaction systems in our tool, verify some properties about them, and simulate such systems in our real-time capable interpreter

    A General Overview of Formal Languages for Individual-Based Modelling of Ecosystems

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    Various formal languages have been proposed in the literature for the individual-based modelling of ecological systems. These languages differ in their treatment of time and space. Each modelling language offers a distinct view and techniques for analyzing systems. Most of the languages are based on process calculi or P systems. In this article, we present a general overview of the existing modelling languages based on process calculi. We also discuss, briefly, other approaches such as P systems, cellular automata and Petri nets. Finally, we show advantages and disadvantages of these modelling languages and we propose some future research directions.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1610.08171 by other author
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