3 research outputs found

    Differentially Private Federated Learning for Cancer Prediction

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    Since 2014, the NIH funded iDASH (integrating Data for Analysis, Anonymization, SHaring) National Center for Biomedical Computing has hosted yearly competitions on the topic of private computing for genomic data. For one track of the 2020 iteration of this competition, participants were challenged to produce an approach to federated learning (FL) training of genomic cancer prediction models using differential privacy (DP), with submissions ranked according to held-out test accuracy for a given set of DP budgets. More precisely, in this track, we are tasked with training a supervised model for the prediction of breast cancer occurrence from genomic data split between two virtual centers while ensuring data privacy with respect to model transfer via DP. In this article, we present our 3rd place submission to this competition. During the competition, we encountered two main challenges discussed in this article: i) ensuring correctness of the privacy budget evaluation and ii) achieving an acceptable trade-off between prediction performance and privacy budget

    Adversarial Robustness of Deep Sensor Fusion Models

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    We experimentally study the robustness of deep camera-LiDAR fusion architectures for 2D object detection in autonomous driving. First, we find that the fusion model is usually both more accurate, and more robust against single-source attacks than single-sensor deep neural networks. Furthermore, we show that without adversarial training, early fusion is more robust than late fusion, whereas the two perform similarly after adversarial training. However, we note that single-channel adversarial training of deep fusion is often detrimental even to robustness. Moreover, we observe cross-channel externalities, where single-channel adversarial training reduces robustness to attacks on the other channel. Additionally, we observe that the choice of adversarial model in adversarial training is critical: using attacks restricted to cars' bounding boxes is more effective in adversarial training and exhibits less significant cross-channel externalities. Finally, we find that joint-channel adversarial training helps mitigate many of the issues above, but does not significantly boost adversarial robustness

    Best-Effort Adversarial Approximation of Black-Box Malware Classifiers

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    An adversary who aims to steal a black-box model repeatedly queries the model via a prediction API to learn a function that approximates its decision boundary. Adversarial approximation is non-trivial because of the enormous combinations of model architectures, parameters, and features to explore. In this context, the adversary resorts to a best-effort strategy that yields the closest approximation. This paper explores best-effort adversarial approximation of a black-box malware classifier in the most challenging setting, where the adversary's knowledge is limited to a prediction label for a given input. Beginning with a limited input set for the black-box classifier, we leverage feature representation mapping and cross-domain transferability to approximate a black-box malware classifier by locally training a substitute. Our approach approximates the target model with different feature types for the target and the substitute model while also using non-overlapping data for training the target, training the substitute, and the comparison of the two. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach against two black-box classifiers trained on Windows Portable Executables (PEs). Against a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) trained on raw byte sequences of PEs, our approach achieves a 92% accurate substitute (trained on pixel representations of PEs), and nearly 90% prediction agreement between the target and the substitute model. Against a 97.8% accurate gradient boosted decision tree trained on static PE features, our 91% accurate substitute agrees with the black-box on 90% of predictions, suggesting the strength of our purely black-box approximation.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figures, 5 tables, to appear in the proceedings of the 16th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SECURECOMM'20