4 research outputs found

    Evaluation of SCION for User-driven Path Control:a Usability Study

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    The UPIN (User-driven Path verification and control in Inter-domain Networks) project aims to implement a way for users of a network to control how their data is traversing it. In this paper we investigate the possibilities and limitations of SCION for user-driven path control. Exploring several aspects of the performance of a SCION network allows us to define the most efficient path to assign to a user, following specific requests. We extensively analyze multiple paths, specifically focusing on latency, bandwidth and data loss, in SCIONLab, an experimental testbed and implementation of a SCION network. We gather data on these paths and store it in a database, that we then query to select the best path to give to a user to reach a destination, following their request on performance or devices to exclude for geographical or sovereignty reasons. Results indicate our software is a viable option to offer users many paths to choose from, following a series of requests, and therefore perform user-driven path control in a SCION network.</p

    Future of networking is the future of Big Data, The

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    2019 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Scientific domains such as Climate Science, High Energy Particle Physics (HEP), Genomics, Biology, and many others are increasingly moving towards data-oriented workflows where each of these communities generates, stores and uses massive datasets that reach into terabytes and petabytes, and projected soon to reach exabytes. These communities are also increasingly moving towards a global collaborative model where scientists routinely exchange a significant amount of data. The sheer volume of data and associated complexities associated with maintaining, transferring, and using them, continue to push the limits of the current technologies in multiple dimensions - storage, analysis, networking, and security. This thesis tackles the networking aspect of big-data science. Networking is the glue that binds all the components of modern scientific workflows, and these communities are becoming increasingly dependent on high-speed, highly reliable networks. The network, as the common layer across big-science communities, provides an ideal place for implementing common services. Big-science applications also need to work closely with the network to ensure optimal usage of resources, intelligent routing of requests, and data. Finally, as more communities move towards data-intensive, connected workflows - adopting a service model where the network provides some of the common services reduces not only application complexity but also the necessity of duplicate implementations. Named Data Networking (NDN) is a new network architecture whose service model aligns better with the needs of these data-oriented applications. NDN's name based paradigm makes it easier to provide intelligent features at the network layer rather than at the application layer. This thesis shows that NDN can push several standard features to the network. This work is the first attempt to apply NDN in the context of large scientific data; in the process, this thesis touches upon scientific data naming, name discovery, real-world deployment of NDN for scientific data, feasibility studies, and the designs of in-network protocols for big-data science

    Resilient and Scalable Forwarding for Software-Defined Networks with P4-Programmable Switches

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    Traditional networking devices support only fixed features and limited configurability. Network softwarization leverages programmable software and hardware platforms to remove those limitations. In this context the concept of programmable data planes allows directly to program the packet processing pipeline of networking devices and create custom control plane algorithms. This flexibility enables the design of novel networking mechanisms where the status quo struggles to meet high demands of next-generation networks like 5G, Internet of Things, cloud computing, and industry 4.0. P4 is the most popular technology to implement programmable data planes. However, programmable data planes, and in particular, the P4 technology, emerged only recently. Thus, P4 support for some well-established networking concepts is still lacking and several issues remain unsolved due to the different characteristics of programmable data planes in comparison to traditional networking. The research of this thesis focuses on two open issues of programmable data planes. First, it develops resilient and efficient forwarding mechanisms for the P4 data plane as there are no satisfying state of the art best practices yet. Second, it enables BIER in high-performance P4 data planes. BIER is a novel, scalable, and efficient transport mechanism for IP multicast traffic which has only very limited support of high-performance forwarding platforms yet. The main results of this thesis are published as 8 peer-reviewed and one post-publication peer-reviewed publication. The results cover the development of suitable resilience mechanisms for P4 data planes, the development and implementation of resilient BIER forwarding in P4, and the extensive evaluations of all developed and implemented mechanisms. Furthermore, the results contain a comprehensive P4 literature study. Two more peer-reviewed papers contain additional content that is not directly related to the main results. They implement congestion avoidance mechanisms in P4 and develop a scheduling concept to find cost-optimized load schedules based on day-ahead forecasts

    Safety and Reliability - Safe Societies in a Changing World

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    The contributions cover a wide range of methodologies and application areas for safety and reliability that contribute to safe societies in a changing world. These methodologies and applications include: - foundations of risk and reliability assessment and management - mathematical methods in reliability and safety - risk assessment - risk management - system reliability - uncertainty analysis - digitalization and big data - prognostics and system health management - occupational safety - accident and incident modeling - maintenance modeling and applications - simulation for safety and reliability analysis - dynamic risk and barrier management - organizational factors and safety culture - human factors and human reliability - resilience engineering - structural reliability - natural hazards - security - economic analysis in risk managemen