136 research outputs found

    Securing Wireless Communications of the Internet of Things from the Physical Layer, An Overview

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    The security of the Internet of Things (IoT) is receiving considerable interest as the low power constraints and complexity features of many IoT devices are limiting the use of conventional cryptographic techniques. This article provides an overview of recent research efforts on alternative approaches for securing IoT wireless communications at the physical layer, specifically the key topics of key generation and physical layer encryption. These schemes can be implemented and are lightweight, and thus offer practical solutions for providing effective IoT wireless security. Future research to make IoT-based physical layer security more robust and pervasive is also covered

    Doppler radar-based non-contact health monitoring for obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis: A comprehensive review

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    Today’s rapid growth of elderly populations and aging problems coupled with the prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and other health related issues have affected many aspects of society. This has led to high demands for a more robust healthcare monitoring, diagnosing and treatments facilities. In particular to Sleep Medicine, sleep has a key role to play in both physical and mental health. The quality and duration of sleep have a direct and significant impact on people’s learning, memory, metabolism, weight, safety, mood, cardio-vascular health, diseases, and immune system function. The gold-standard for OSA diagnosis is the overnight sleep monitoring system using polysomnography (PSG). However, despite the quality and reliability of the PSG system, it is not well suited for long-term continuous usage due to limited mobility as well as causing possible irritation, distress, and discomfort to patients during the monitoring process. These limitations have led to stronger demands for non-contact sleep monitoring systems. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the current state of non-contact Doppler radar sleep monitoring technology and provide an outline of current challenges and make recommendations on future research directions to practically realize and commercialize the technology for everyday usage

    Revisiting Lightweight Encryption for IoT Applications: Error Performance and Throughput in Wireless Fading Channels with and without Coding

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    © 2013 IEEE. Employing heavy conventional encryption algorithms in communications suffers from added overhead and processing time delay; and in wireless communications, in particular, suffers from severe performance deterioration (avalanche effect) due to fading. Consequently, a tremendous reduction in data throughput and increase in complexity and time delay may occur especially when information traverse resource-limited devices as in Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications. To overcome these drawbacks, efficient lightweight encryption algorithms have been recently proposed in literature. One of those, that is of particular interest, requires using conventional encryption only for the first block of data in a given frame being transmitted. All the information in the remaining blocks is transmitted securely without the need for using heavy conventional encryption. Unlike the conventional encryption algorithms, this particular algorithm achieves lower overhead/complexity and higher data throughput. Assuming the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel, the performance of the lightweight encryption algorithm under study had been evaluated in literature in terms of throughput under the assumption that the first block, that undergoes conventional encryption, is free of error, which is practically unfeasible. In this paper, we consider the AWGN channel with Rayleigh fading and assume that the signal experiences a certain channel bit error probability and investigate the performance of the lightweight encryption algorithm under study in terms of bit error probability and throughput. We derive analytical expressions for these performance metrics considering modulated signals with and without coding. In addition, we propose an extension to the lightweight encryption algorithm under study by further enhancing its security level without significantly affecting the overhead size and processing time. Via numerical results we show the superiority of the lightweight encryption algorithm under study over the conventional encryption algorithms (like the AES) and the lightweight encryption algorithms proposed in literature in terms of error and throughput performance

    Full-Duplex OFDM Radar With LTE and 5G NR Waveforms: Challenges, Solutions, and Measurements

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    This paper studies the processing principles, implementation challenges, and performance of OFDM-based radars, with particular focus on the fourth-generation Long-Term Evolution (LTE) and fifth-generation (5G) New Radio (NR) mobile networks' base stations and their utilization for radar/sensing purposes. First, we address the problem stemming from the unused subcarriers within the LTE and NR transmit signal passbands, and their impact on frequency-domain radar processing. Particularly, we formulate and adopt a computationally efficient interpolation approach to mitigate the effects of such empty subcarriers in the radar processing. We evaluate the target detection and the corresponding range and velocity estimation performance through computer simulations, and show that high-quality target detection as well as high-precision range and velocity estimation can be achieved. Especially 5G NR waveforms, through their impressive channel bandwidths and configurable subcarrier spacing, are shown to provide very good radar/sensing performance. Then, a fundamental implementation challenge of transmitter-receiver (TX-RX) isolation in OFDM radars is addressed, with specific emphasis on shared-antenna cases, where the TX-RX isolation challenges are the largest. It is confirmed that from the OFDM radar processing perspective, limited TX-RX isolation is primarily a concern in detection of static targets while moving targets are inherently more robust to transmitter self-interference. Properly tailored analog/RF and digital self-interference cancellation solutions for OFDM radars are also described and implemented, and shown through RF measurements to be key technical ingredients for practical deployments, particularly from static and slowly moving targets' point of view.Comment: Paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Technique

    Towards UAV Assisted 5G Public Safety Network

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    Ensuring ubiquitous mission-critical public safety communications (PSC) to all the first responders in the public safety network is crucial at an emergency site. The first responders heavily rely on mission-critical PSC to save lives, property, and national infrastructure during a natural or human-made emergency. The recent advancements in LTE/LTE-Advanced/5G mobile technologies supported by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) have great potential to revolutionize PSC. However, limited spectrum allocation for LTE-based PSC demands improved channel capacity and spectral efficiency. An additional challenge in designing an LTE-based PSC network is achieving at least 95% coverage of the geographical area and human population with broadband rates. The coverage requirement and efficient spectrum use in the PSC network can be realized through the dense deployment of small cells (both terrestrial and aerial). However, there are several challenges with the dense deployment of small cells in an air-ground heterogeneous network (AG-HetNet). The main challenges which are addressed in this research work are integrating UAVs as both aerial user and aerial base-stations, mitigating inter-cell interference, capacity and coverage enhancements, and optimizing deployment locations of aerial base-stations. First, LTE signals were investigated using NS-3 simulation and software-defined radio experiment to gain knowledge on the quality of service experienced by the user equipment (UE). Using this understanding, a two-tier LTE-Advanced AG-HetNet with macro base-stations and unmanned aerial base-stations (UABS) is designed, while considering time-domain inter-cell interference coordination techniques. We maximize the capacity of this AG-HetNet in case of a damaged PSC infrastructure by jointly optimizing the inter-cell interference parameters and UABS locations using a meta-heuristic genetic algorithm (GA) and the brute-force technique. Finally, considering the latest specifications in 3GPP, a more realistic three-tier LTE-Advanced AG-HetNet is proposed with macro base-stations, pico base-stations, and ground UEs as terrestrial nodes and UABS and aerial UEs as aerial nodes. Using meta-heuristic techniques such as GA and elitist harmony search algorithm based on the GA, the critical network elements such as energy efficiency, inter-cell interference parameters, and UABS locations are all jointly optimized to maximize the capacity and coverage of the AG-HetNet

    Experimental Demonstration of Accurate Noncontact Measurement of Arterial Pulse Wave Displacements Using 79-GHz Array Radar

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    In this study, we present a quantitative evaluation of the accuracy of simultaneous array-radar-based measurements of the displacements caused at two parts of the human body by arterial pulse wave propagation. To establish the feasibility of accurate radar-based noncontact measurement of this pulse wave propagation, we perform experiments with four participants using a 79-GHz millimeter-wave ultra-wideband multiple-input multiple-output array radar system and a pair of laser displacement sensors. We evaluate the accuracy of the pulse wave propagation measurements by comparing the displacement waveforms that are measured using the radar system with the corresponding waveforms that are measured using the laser sensors. In addition, to evaluate the estimates of the pulse wave propagation channels, we compare the impulse response functions that are calculated from the displacement waveforms obtained from both the radar data and the laser data. The displacement waveforms and the impulse responses both demonstrated the good agreement between the results of the radar and laser measurements. The normalized correlation coefficient between the impulse responses obtained from the radar and laser data on average was as high as 0.97 for the four participants. The results presented here strongly support the feasibility of accurate radar-based noncontact measurement of arterial pulse wave propagation

    Linear characterization and modeling of GaN-on-Si HEMT technologies with 100 nm and 60 nm gate lengths

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    Motivated by the growing interest towards low-cost, restriction-free MMIC processes suitable for multi-function, possibly space-qualified applications, this contribution reports the extraction of reliable linear models for two advanced GaN-on-Si HEMT technologies, namely OMMIC’s D01GH (100 nm gate length) and D006GH (60 nm gate length). This objective is pursued by means of both classical and more novel approaches. In particular, the latter include a nondestructive method for determining the extrinsic resistances and an optimizaion-based approach to extracting the remaining parasitic elements: these support standard DC and RF measurements in order to obtain a scalable, bias-dependent equivalent-circuit model capturing the small-signal behavior of the two processes. As to the noise model, this is extracted by applying the well known noise-temperature approach to noise figure measurements performed in two different frequency ranges: a lower band, where a standard Y-factor test bench is used, and an upper band, where a custom cold-source test bench is set up and described in great detail. At 5 V drain-source voltage, minimum noise figures as low as 1.5 dB and 1.1 dB at 40 GHz have been extracted for the considered 100 nm and 60 nm HEMTs, respectively: this testifies the maturity of both processes and the effectiveness of the gate length reduction. The characterization and modeling campaign, here presented for the first time, has been repeatedly validated by published designs, a couple of which are reviewed for the Reader’s convenience

    Textile UHF-RFID antenna sensors based on material features, interfaces and application scenarios

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    Tesi en modalitat de compendi de publicacions, amb una secció retallada per drets de l'editor. In reference to IEEE copyrighted material which is used with permission in this thesis, the IEEE does not endorse any of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. If interested in reprinting/republishing IEEE copyrighted material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution, please go to http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/rights_link.html to learn how to obtain a License from RightsLink.Radio frequency identification over measurable ultra-high frequency textile substrates (UHF-RFID) is a promising technology to develop new applications in the field of health and the Internet of Things (IOT), due to the massive use of fabrics and the technological maturity of embroidery techniques. This thesis is the result of a compendium of publications on this topic. First, as a result of the analysis of the state of art, a systematic review entitled 'Wearable textile UHF-RFID sensors: A systematic review' has been published. The thesis aims to improve research on UHF-RFID textile-based sensor technology. Thanks to the analysis of the state of art, three novel research objectives have been set that are worth exploring. The first is to study novel detection functions for textile UHF-RFID based sensor technology; the second is to find a connection/interface solution between textile antennas and integrated circuit (IC) chips and the third is to reduce the costs of such technology to promote future commercial applications. To contextualize the thesis, it includes the necessary theoretical fundamentals and the manufacturing and characterization methods used during it. As a result of the work derived from the first objective, a scientific article entitled “Textile UHF-RFID Antenna Sensor for Measurements of Sucrose Solutions in Different Levels of Concentration” has been published. In this work, a textile UHF-RFID tag with two detection positions is proposed for sucrose solution measurements. The two detection positions with the different detection functions show good performance and can offer two options for future full applications. In addition, another scientific article entitled “ Textile UHF-RFID Antenna Embroidered on Surgical Masks for Future Textile Sensing Applications” has been published to support the first objective. The inspiration for this work came from the current pandemic situation. This work develops three progressive designs of textile UHF-RFID antennas over surgical masks due to the current global epidemic situation. Reliability testing demonstrated that the proposed designs can be used for human healthcare focused applications. As a result of the second objective, a research article entitled 'Experimental Comparison of Three Electro-textile Interfaces for Textile UHF-RFID Tags on Clothes' has been published. This work proposes three electro-textile interfaces integrated with the corresponding textile UHF-RFID antennas and provides the chip-textile connection solutions (through sewing, push buttons and insertion). As a result of this objective, an electro-textile interconnect system has been proposed together with its electrical model, which allows the correct adaptation of impedances between the RFID antennas and the integrated circuit. It is worth noting that the mixed-use feasibility of the proposed electro-textile interfaces and the designed textile UHF-RFID antennas has been verified, reducing the cost in the design procedure in applications where the read range requirements of the order of 1 meter. The third objective has been achieved and exposed by a scientific article entitled 'Electro-textile UHF-RFID Compression Sensor for Health-caring Applications'. It proposes a single UHF-RFID based compression textile sensor that can be used simultaneously in two different healthcare application scenarios, which directly impacts on cost reduction.La identificación por radiofrecuencia sobre substratos textiles de ultra alta frecuencia (UHF-RFID) con capacidad de medida es una tecnología prometedora para desarrollar nuevas aplicaciones en el campo de la salud y el Internet de las cosas (IOT), debido a la masiva utilización de los tejidos y a la madurez tecnológica de las técnicas de bordado. Esta tesis es el resultado de un compendio de publicaciones sobre dicha temática. En primer lugar, como resultado del análisis del estado del arte se ha publicado una revisión sistemática titulada 'Wearable textile UHF-RFID sensors: A systematic review'. La tesis tiene como objetivo mejorar la investigación sobre la tecnología de sensores basada en textiles UHF-RFID. Gracias al análisis del estado del arte se han fijado tres objetivos de investigación novedosos que vale la pena explorar. El primero es estudiar funciones de detección novedosas para la tecnología de sensores basada en UHF-RFID textiles; el segundo es encontrar una solución de conexión/interfaz entre antenas textiles y chips de circuito integrado (IC) y el tercero es la reducción de costes de dicha tecnología para promover futuras aplicaciones comerciales. Para contextualizar la tesis, ésta incluye los fundamentos teóricos necesarios y los métodos de fabricación y caracterización utilizados durante la misma. Como resultado del trabajo derivado del primer objetivo, se ha publicado un artículo científico titulado “Textile UHF-RFID Antenna Sensor for Measurements of Sucrose Solutions in Different Levels of Concentration”. En este trabajo, se propone una etiqueta UHF-RFID textil con dos posiciones de detección para mediciones de solución de sacarosa. Las dos posiciones de detección con las diferentes funciones de detección muestran un buen rendimiento y pueden ofrecer dos opciones para futuras aplicaciones completas. Además, se ha publicado otro artículo científico titulado "Textile UHF-RFID Antenna Embroidered on Surgical Masks for Future Textile Sensing Applications" para respaldar el primer objetivo. La inspiración para este trabajo vino de la actual situación de pandemia. En este trabajo se desarrollan tres diseños progresivos de antenas UHF-RFID textiles sobre mascarillas quirúrgicas debido a la situación epidémica mundial actual. Las pruebas de fiabilidad demostraron que los diseños propuestos se pueden usar para aplicaciones centradas en el cuidado de las personas. Como resultado del segundo objetivo, se ha publicado un artículo de investigación titulado 'Experimental Comparison of Three Electro-textile Interfaces for Textile UHF-RFID Tags on Clothes'. En este trabajo se proponen tres interfaces electro-textiles integradas con las correspondientes antenas UHF-RFID textiles y se aportan las soluciones de conexión chip-textil (mediante costura, botones a presión e inserción). Como resultado de este objetivo, se ha propuesto un sistema de interconexión electro-textil junto con su modelo eléctrico, lo que permite la correcta adaptación de impedancias entre las antenas RFID y el circuito integrado. Vale la pena señalar que se ha verificado la viabilidad de uso mixto de las interfaces electro-textiles propuestas y las antenas UHF-RFID textiles diseñadas, lo que reduce el coste en el procedimiento de diseño en aplicaciones donde los requerimientos de rango de lectura del orden de 1 metro. El tercer objetivo se ha alcanzado y expuesto mediante un artículo científico titulado 'Electro-textile UHF-RFID Compression Sensor for Health-caring Applications'. En él, se propone un único sensor textil de compresión basado en UHF-RFID que puede ser utilizado a la vez en dosPostprint (published version

    Scalable Surfaces for Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer

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    The idea of collecting electromagnetic (EM) energy and converting it into various forms of useful power dates back to the early 20th century. Nikola Tesla's wireless power transfer experiments demonstrated the concept first, which was followed by researchers in Japan and the USA in subsequent decades. In terms of a working prototype, the first rectenna for efficient reception and rectification of microwave power was developed in the early 1960s. Later, the introduction of semiconductor diodes and the invention of Schottky diodes were significant developments towards the realization of practical rectennas. Since then, owing to the numerous applications in different technology domains (i.e. consumer electronics, renewable energy, transportation, internet of things, artificial intelligence, telecommunications, defense & space, biomedical engineering), wireless power transfer and EM energy harvesting have attracted significant interest. Harvesting the ambient EM energy has emerged more recently as a promising application with potential for commercial success and contribution to a sustainable future with renewable energy. Many studies have reported the available ambient power densities measured in several parts of the world demonstrating the potentials and limitations of the concept. Traditional single rectenna structures have found very little use due to their inherent limitations at low power densities. Large rectenna arrays or periodic structures covering larger surface areas have become particularly important in order to efficiently harvest and convert the energy. A rectenna consists of two main functional building blocks: the rectifier and the EM collector. The work in this thesis first focuses on improving these functional blocks individually. Regarding the rectifier function; a balanced full-wave rectifier is proposed where the circuit is differentially fed by two separate antennas. This configuration allows the received power to be rectified and transferred into a load between two antennas, making it convenient to channel the harvested power in rectenna arrays. The proposed concept is demonstrated using an array of T-matched dipole antennas at 2.45 GHz. It is also compared with half-wave rectennas that occupy the same footprint with an identical array layout. Measurement results show that, under the same circumstances, the proposed full-wave rectification performs better than the traditional half-wave rectification and it is indeed suitable for energy harvesting rectenna arrays. Regarding the EM collector; a novel Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) is developed as an absorber surface that accepts 98.5% of the available power and collects 97% of it exclusively on its resistive load (only 1.5% is dissipated as dielectric and metallic losses). To demonstrate its performance, a proof of concept FSS absorber is fabricated and its resistive load is replaced with a matched full-wave rectifier. Measurement results show that the overall Radiation-to-dc conversion efficiency of the complete rectenna system reaches 61%, which is considerably higher than the previously reported FSS based rectennas. Subsequent sections in this thesis expand the energy harvesting surface by adding dual-band and dual-polarization capabilities. Design details and simulation results are provided together with measurement results. Fabricated prototypes are tested and their overall performance is evaluated based on the rectified DC power at the system load as percentage of the available EM power on the physical surface area of the rectenna (i.e. radiation-to-dc conversion efficiency). A key contribution of this thesis is the introduction of the scalability concept for energy harvesting. The periodic absorber surfaces presented in this thesis have built-in channelling features that allow multi-cell configurations to feed a single rectifier. This is demonstrated to be an efficient means to increase the EM collector area per rectifier by effortlessly scaling the surface area while efficiently channelling the collected power. As a result, the number of diodes and diode losses are minimized in the system, leading to higher overall rectenna efficiencies. Real life ambient power densities can be on the order of nW/cm2 and the work in this thesis show that larger EM collectors can significantly mitigate the limitations posed by such low power levels. As an example; when integrated with a multi-cell configuration, an ordinary rectifier made with Schottky diodes was efficiently used at a power density that is less than 1/12th of that would be required if the same rectifier were to be used with a traditional single unit cell approach