187 research outputs found

    Coarse-to-Fine Annotation Enrichment for Semantic Segmentation Learning

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    Rich high-quality annotated data is critical for semantic segmentation learning, yet acquiring dense and pixel-wise ground-truth is both labor- and time-consuming. Coarse annotations (e.g., scribbles, coarse polygons) offer an economical alternative, with which training phase could hardly generate satisfactory performance unfortunately. In order to generate high-quality annotated data with a low time cost for accurate segmentation, in this paper, we propose a novel annotation enrichment strategy, which expands existing coarse annotations of training data to a finer scale. Extensive experiments on the Cityscapes and PASCAL VOC 2012 benchmarks have shown that the neural networks trained with the enriched annotations from our framework yield a significant improvement over that trained with the original coarse labels. It is highly competitive to the performance obtained by using human annotated dense annotations. The proposed method also outperforms among other state-of-the-art weakly-supervised segmentation methods.Comment: CIKM 2018 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Managemen

    BranchConnect: Large-Scale Visual Recognition with Learned Branch Connections

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    We introduce an architecture for large-scale image categorization that enables the end-to-end learning of separate visual features for the different classes to distinguish. The proposed model consists of a deep CNN shaped like a tree. The stem of the tree includes a sequence of convolutional layers common to all classes. The stem then splits into multiple branches implementing parallel feature extractors, which are ultimately connected to the final classification layer via learned gated connections. These learned gates determine for each individual class the subset of features to use. Such a scheme naturally encourages the learning of a heterogeneous set of specialized features through the separate branches and it allows each class to use the subset of features that are optimal for its recognition. We show the generality of our proposed method by reshaping several popular CNNs from the literature into our proposed architecture. Our experiments on the CIFAR100, CIFAR10, and Synth datasets show that in each case our resulting model yields a substantial improvement in accuracy over the original CNN. Our empirical analysis also suggests that our scheme acts as a form of beneficial regularization improving generalization performance.Comment: WACV 201

    Deep Learning Relevance: Creating Relevant Information (as Opposed to Retrieving it)

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    What if Information Retrieval (IR) systems did not just retrieve relevant information that is stored in their indices, but could also "understand" it and synthesise it into a single document? We present a preliminary study that makes a first step towards answering this question. Given a query, we train a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) on existing relevant information to that query. We then use the RNN to "deep learn" a single, synthetic, and we assume, relevant document for that query. We design a crowdsourcing experiment to assess how relevant the "deep learned" document is, compared to existing relevant documents. Users are shown a query and four wordclouds (of three existing relevant documents and our deep learned synthetic document). The synthetic document is ranked on average most relevant of all.Comment: Neu-IR '16 SIGIR Workshop on Neural Information Retrieval, July 21, 2016, Pisa, Ital
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