35 research outputs found

    Enumeration of Matchings: Problems and Progress

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    This document is built around a list of thirty-two problems in enumeration of matchings, the first twenty of which were presented in a lecture at MSRI in the fall of 1996. I begin with a capsule history of the topic of enumeration of matchings. The twenty original problems, with commentary, comprise the bulk of the article. I give an account of the progress that has been made on these problems as of this writing, and include pointers to both the printed and on-line literature; roughly half of the original twenty problems were solved by participants in the MSRI Workshop on Combinatorics, their students, and others, between 1996 and 1999. The article concludes with a dozen new open problems. (Note: This article supersedes math.CO/9801060 and math.CO/9801061.)Comment: 1+37 pages; to appear in "New Perspectives in Geometric Combinatorics" (ed. by Billera, Bjorner, Green, Simeon, and Stanley), Mathematical Science Research Institute publication #37, Cambridge University Press, 199

    Trees and Matchings

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    In this article, Temperley's bijection between spanning trees of the square grid on the one hand, and perfect matchings (also known as dimer coverings) of the square grid on the other, is extended to the setting of general planar directed (and undirected) graphs, where edges carry nonnegative weights that induce a weighting on the set of spanning trees. We show that the weighted, directed spanning trees (often called arborescences) of any planar graph G can be put into a one-to-one weight-preserving correspondence with the perfect matchings of a related planar graph H. One special case of this result is a bijection between perfect matchings of the hexagonal honeycomb lattice and directed spanning trees of a triangular lattice. Another special case gives a correspondence between perfect matchings of the ``square-octagon'' lattice and directed weighted spanning trees on a directed weighted version of the cartesian lattice. In conjunction with results of Kenyon, our main theorem allows us to compute the measures of all cylinder events for random spanning trees on any (directed, weighted) planar graph. Conversely, in cases where the perfect matching model arises from a tree model, Wilson's algorithm allows us to quickly generate random samples of perfect matchings.Comment: 32 pages, 19 figures (minor revisions from version 1

    Divisors and specializations of Lucas polynomials

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    Three-term recurrences have infused stupendous amount of research in a broad spectrum of the sciences, such as orthogonal polynomials (in special functions) and lattice paths (in enumerative combinatorics). Among these are the Lucas polynomials, which have seen a recent true revival. In this paper one of the themes of investigation is the specialization to the Pell and Delannoy numbers. The underpinning motivation comprises primarily of divisibility and symmetry. One of the most remarkable findings is a structural decomposition of the Lucas polynomials into what we term as flat and sharp analogs.Comment: Minor typos are fixed, new references are added. To appear in Journal of Combinatoric

    A counterexample to the periodic tiling conjecture (announcement)

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    The periodic tiling conjecture asserts that any finite subset of a lattice Zd\mathbb{Z^d} which tiles that lattice by translations, in fact tiles periodically. We announce here a disproof of this conjecture for sufficiently large dd, which also implies a disproof of the corresponding conjecture for Euclidean spaces Rd\mathbb{R^d}. In fact, we also obtain a counterexample in a group of the form Z2×G0\mathbb{Z^2} \times G_0 for some finite abelian G0G_0. Our methods rely on encoding a certain class of "pp-adically structured functions" in terms of certain functional equations

    pp-regularity of the pp-adic valuation of the Fibonacci sequence

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    We show that the pp-adic valuation of the sequence of Fibonacci numbers is a pp-regular sequence for every prime pp. For p≠2,5p \neq 2, 5, we determine that the rank of this sequence is α(p)+1\alpha(p) + 1, where α(m)\alpha(m) is the restricted period length of the Fibonacci sequence modulo mm.Comment: 7 pages; publication versio

    A counterexample to the periodic tiling conjecture

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    The periodic tiling conjecture asserts that any finite subset of a lattice Zd\mathbb{Z}^d which tiles that lattice by translations, in fact tiles periodically. In this work we disprove this conjecture for sufficiently large dd, which also implies a disproof of the corresponding conjecture for Euclidean spaces Rd\mathbb{R}^d. In fact, we also obtain a counterexample in a group of the form Z2×G0\mathbb{Z}^2 \times G_0 for some finite abelian 22-group G0G_0. Our methods rely on encoding a "Sudoku puzzle" whose rows and other non-horizontal lines are constrained to lie in a certain class of "22-adically structured functions", in terms of certain functional equations that can be encoded in turn as a single tiling equation, and then demonstrating that solutions to this Sudoku puzzle exist but are all non-periodic.Comment: 50 pages, 13 figures. Minor changes and additions of new reference