2 research outputs found

    User-interface evaluation metrics for a typical M-Learning application

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    Usability is seen as an important aspect for the quality of an M-learning application. Yet very little research has been conducted in this area – particularly in South Africa. Even though the trials of M-learning projects have been witnessed in the country during the last five years, very little is known about the systems that were implemented as regards their usability. Additionally, metrics and measures used in evaluating usability have not been reported. A need exists for relevant metrics to M-learning usability. The primary objective of this work was to propose metrics and measures – for the purpose of evaluating the User-Interfacedesign usability of M-learning application. The research included a literature review of M-learning, as well as the development of metrics and measures based on the Goal Question Metric (GQM) Model. This model has helped provide a reference model and measurements for evaluating the User-InterfaceUsability. A case study was used as a research strategy. An application called Kontax was selected for evaluation by users and expert reviewers. Data-collection methods consisted of User Testing and Heuristics evaluations. Data-gathering instruments included the use of surveys and user- satisfaction questionnaires based on the proposed metrics, task scenarios and expert-reviewed questionnaires based on the proposed metrics; all these instruments were developed. It was found that, although the users thought the system was very interesting, and they wished to hear more about it in the future, the system nevertheless had usability flaws which made it difficult to use. All the users failed to register so that they could use the system; additionally, the system-error messages did not help the users recognize, and recover from an error – leaving the user to simply log out. Help was not adequate, thus making it difficult for first-time users to know what to do when they needed support. The system was also said to have a lot of information presented on its home page, which caused the user to be disoriented. The Kontax application has usability flaws which should be III attended to, in order to improve its usability. The proposed metrics proved to be very useful in evaluating the usability of the tool

    Modelo de medición de la productividad para fábricas de software

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    La productividad en las fábricas de software es dado por el esfuerzo realizado para la producción del software, siendo muy importante porque permite que las organizaciones logren una mayor eficiencia y eficacia en sus actividades. Uno de los pilares de la competitividad es la productividad, la cual está relacionada al esfuerzo requerido para cumplir con las tareas asignadas, sin embargo, no existe una forma estándar de medirla. En este trabajo, se presenta un modelo basado en Análisis Envoltorio de Datos (DEA, por las siglas del inglés Data Envelopment Analysis) para evaluar la eficiencia relativa de las fábricas de software y sus proyectos, a fin de medir la productividad en la Componente de Producción de Software de la Fábrica de Software a través de las actividades que se realizan en sus diferentes unidades de trabajo. El modelo propuesto consta de dos fases, en la cual se evalúa, respectivamente, la productividad de la fábrica de software y la productividad de los proyectos que esta realiza. Pruebas numéricas sobre 6 fábricas de software con 160 proyectos implementados en el Perú muestran que el modelo propuesto permite determinar las fábricas de software y los proyectos más eficientes.Tesi