18 research outputs found

    Organizing the Technical Debt Landscape

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    To date, several methods and tools for detecting source code and design anomalies have been developed. While each method focuses on identifying certain classes of source code anomalies that potentially relate to technical debt (TD), the overlaps and gaps among these classes and TD have not been rigorously demonstrated. We propose to construct a seminal technical debt landscape as a way to visualize and organize research on the subjec

    Combining Solution Reuse and Bound Tightening for Efficient Analysis of Evolving Systems

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    Software engineers have long employed formal verification to ensure the safety and validity of their system designs. As the system changes—often via predictable, domain-specific operations—their models must also change, requiring system designers to repeatedly execute the same formal verification on similar system models. State-of-the-art formal verification techniques can be expensive at scale, the cost of which is multiplied by repeated analysis. This paper presents a novel analysis technique—implemented in a tool called SoRBoT—which can automatically determine domain-specific optimizations that can dramatically reduce the cost of repeatedly analyzing evolving systems. Different from all prior approaches, which focus on either tightening the bounds for analysis or reusing all or part of prior solutions, SoRBoT’s automated derivation of domain-specific optimizations combines the benefits of both solution reuse and bound tightening while avoiding the main pitfalls of each. We experimentally evaluate SoRBoT against state-of-the-art techniques for verifying evolving specifications, demonstrating that SoRBoT substantially exceeds the run time performance of those state-of-the-art techniques while introducing only a negligible overhead, in contrast to the expensive additional computations required by the state-of-the-art verification techniques

    Specialising Software for Different Downstream Applications Using Genetic Improvement and Code Transplantation

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    OAPA Genetic improvement uses computational search to improve existing software while retaining its partial functionality. Genetic improvement has previously been concerned with improving a system with respect to all possible usage scenarios. In this paper, we show how genetic improvement can also be used to achieve specialisation to a specific set of usage scenarios. We use genetic improvement to evolve faster versions of a C++ program, a Boolean satisfiability solver called MiniSAT, specialising it for three applications. Our specialised solvers achieve between 4% and 36% execution time improvement, which is commensurate with efficiency gains achievable using human expert optimisation for the general solver. We also use genetic improvement to evolve faster versions of an image processing tool called ImageMagick, utilising code from GraphicsMagick, another image processing tool which was forked from it. We specialise the format conversion functionality to black & amp; white images and colour images only. Our specialised versions achieve up to 3% execution time improvement

    From start-ups to scale-ups: Opportunities and open problems for static and dynamic program analysis

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    This paper describes some of the challenges and opportunities when deploying static and dynamic analysis at scale, drawing on the authors' experience with the Infer and Sapienz Technologies at Facebook, each of which started life as a research-led start-up that was subsequently deployed at scale, impacting billions of people worldwide. The paper identifies open problems that have yet to receive significant attention from the scientific community, yet which have potential for profound real world impact, formulating these as research questions that, we believe, are ripe for exploration and that would make excellent topics for research projects

    11th SC@RUG 2014 proceedings:Student Colloquium 2013-2014

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