95,445 research outputs found

    Feasibility model of a high reliability five-year tape transport, Volume 1

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    The development, performance, and test results for the spaceborne magnetic tape transport are discussed. An analytical model of the tape transport was used to optimize its conceptual design. Each of the subsystems was subjected to reliability analyses which included structural integrity, maintenance of system performance within acceptable bounds, and avoidance of fatigue failure. These subsystems were also compared with each other in order to evaluate reliability characteristics. The transport uses no mechanical couplings. Four drive motors, one for each reel and one for each of two capstans, are used in a differential mode. There are two hybrid, spherical, cone tapered-crown rollers for tape guidance. Storage of the magnetic tape is provided by a reel assembly which includes the reel, a reel support structure and bearings, dust seals, and a dc drive motor. A summary of transport test results on tape guidance, flutter, and skew is provided


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    The STOLAND system includes air data, navigation, guidance, flight director (including a throttle flight director on the Augmentor Wing), 3-axis autopilot and autothrottle functions. The 3-axis autopilot and autothrottle control through parallel electric servos on both aircraft and on the augmentor wing, the system also interfaces with three electrohydraulic series actuators which drive the roll control surfaces, elevator and rudder. The system incorporates automatic configuration control of the flaps and nozzles on the augmentor wing and of the flaps on the Twin Otter. Interfaces are also provided to control the wing flap chokes on the Augmentor Wing and the spoilers on the Twin Otter. The STOLAND system has all the capabilities of a conventional integrated avionics system. Aircraft stabilization is provided in pitch, roll and yaw including control wheel steering in pitch and roll. The basic modes include altitude hold and select, indicated airspeed hold and select, flight path angle hold and select, and heading hold and select. The system can couple to TACAN and VOR/DME navaids for conventional radial flying

    NSSDC Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies for Space and Earth Science Applications, volume 2

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    This report contains copies of nearly all of the technical papers and viewgraphs presented at the NSSDC Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies for Space and Earth Science Application. This conference served as a broad forum for the discussion of a number of important issues in the field of mass storage systems. Topics include the following: magnetic disk and tape technologies; optical disk and tape; software storage and file management systems; and experiences with the use of a large, distributed storage system. The technical presentations describe, among other things, integrated mass storage systems that are expected to be available commercially. Also included is a series of presentations from Federal Government organizations and research institutions covering their mass storage requirements for the 1990's

    NSSDC Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies for Space and Earth Science Applications, volume 1

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    Papers and viewgraphs from the conference are presented. This conference served as a broad forum for the discussion of a number of important issues in the field of mass storage systems. Topics include magnetic disk and tape technologies, optical disks and tape, software storage and file management systems, and experiences with the use of a large, distributed storage system. The technical presentations describe, among other things, integrated mass storage systems that are expected to be available commercially. Also included is a series of presentations from Federal Government organizations and research institutions covering their mass storage requirements for the 1990's

    Analysis procedures and subjective flight results of a simulator validation and cue fidelity experiment

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    A joint experiment to investigate simulator validation and cue fidelity was conducted by the Dryden Flight Research Facility of NASA Ames Research Center (Ames-Dryden) and NASA Langley Research Center. The primary objective was to validate the use of a closed-loop pilot-vehicle mathematical model as an analytical tool for optimizing the tradeoff between simulator fidelity requirements and simulator cost. The validation process includes comparing model predictions with simulation and flight test results to evaluate various hypotheses for differences in motion and visual cues and information transfer. A group of five pilots flew air-to-air tracking maneuvers in the Langley differential maneuvering simulator and visual motion simulator and in an F-14 aircraft at Ames-Dryden. The simulators used motion and visual cueing devices including a g-seat, a helmet loader, wide field-of-view horizon, and a motion base platform

    Feasibility model of a high reliability five-year tape transport, volume 2

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    Analysis of the design features of the modularized tape transport renders a life expectancy in excess of five years. Tests performed on the tape transport were directed toward determining its performance capability. These tests revealed that the tape jitter and skew are in the range achieved by high quality digital tape transports. Guidance of the tape in the lateral sense by the use of the two hybrid crowned rollers proved to be excellent. Tracking was maintained within less than one thousandth inch (approximately 2 micrometers). The guidance capability demonstrated makes possible the achievement of the performance objective of 7.2 x 10 to the 9th power storage capability employing 1500 ft. of one inch wide tape with a packing density of 5,000 bits per inch per track on 80 tracks. Also, the machine showed excellent characteristics operating over a wide range of tape speeds. The basic design concept lends itself to growth and adaptation to a wide range of recorder requirements

    Concepts for on-board satellite image registration. Volume 2: IAS prototype performance evaluation standard definition

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    Problems encountered in testing onboard signal processing hardware designed to achieve radiometric and geometric correction of satellite imaging data are considered. These include obtaining representative image and ancillary data for simulation and the transfer and storage of a large quantity of image data at very high speed. The high resolution, high speed preprocessing of LANDSAT-D imagery is considered

    Proceedings of the NSSDC Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies for Space and Earth Science Applications

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    The proceedings of the National Space Science Data Center Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies for Space and Earth Science Applications held July 23 through 25, 1991 at the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center are presented. The program includes a keynote address, invited technical papers, and selected technical presentations to provide a broad forum for the discussion of a number of important issues in the field of mass storage systems. Topics include magnetic disk and tape technologies, optical disk and tape, software storage and file management systems, and experiences with the use of a large, distributed storage system. The technical presentations describe integrated mass storage systems that are expected to be available commercially. Also included is a series of presentations from Federal Government organizations and research institutions covering their mass storage requirements for the 1990's

    Robo-line storage: Low latency, high capacity storage systems over geographically distributed networks

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    Rapid advances in high performance computing are making possible more complete and accurate computer-based modeling of complex physical phenomena, such as weather front interactions, dynamics of chemical reactions, numerical aerodynamic analysis of airframes, and ocean-land-atmosphere interactions. Many of these 'grand challenge' applications are as demanding of the underlying storage system, in terms of their capacity and bandwidth requirements, as they are on the computational power of the processor. A global view of the Earth's ocean chlorophyll and land vegetation requires over 2 terabytes of raw satellite image data. In this paper, we describe our planned research program in high capacity, high bandwidth storage systems. The project has four overall goals. First, we will examine new methods for high capacity storage systems, made possible by low cost, small form factor magnetic and optical tape systems. Second, access to the storage system will be low latency and high bandwidth. To achieve this, we must interleave data transfer at all levels of the storage system, including devices, controllers, servers, and communications links. Latency will be reduced by extensive caching throughout the storage hierarchy. Third, we will provide effective management of a storage hierarchy, extending the techniques already developed for the Log Structured File System. Finally, we will construct a protototype high capacity file server, suitable for use on the National Research and Education Network (NREN). Such research must be a Cornerstone of any coherent program in high performance computing and communications
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