4 research outputs found

    Circuit Techniques for Low-Power and Secure Internet-of-Things Systems

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    The coming of Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to connect the physical world to the cyber world through ubiquitous sensors, actuators and computers. The nature of these applications demand long battery life and strong data security. To connect billions of things in the world, the hardware platform for IoT systems must be optimized towards low power consumption, high energy efficiency and low cost. With these constraints, the security of IoT systems become a even more difficult problem compared to that of computer systems. A new holistic system design considering both hardware and software implementations is demanded to face these new challenges. In this work, highly robust and low-cost true random number generators (TRNGs) and physically unclonable functions (PUFs) are designed and implemented as security primitives for secret key management in IoT systems. They provide three critical functions for crypto systems including runtime secret key generation, secure key storage and lightweight device authentication. To achieve robustness and simplicity, the concept of frequency collapse in multi-mode oscillator is proposed, which can effectively amplify the desired random variable in CMOS devices (i.e. process variation or noise) and provide a runtime monitor of the output quality. A TRNG with self-tuning loop to achieve robust operation across -40 to 120 degree Celsius and 0.6 to 1V variations, a TRNG that can be fully synthesized with only standard cells and commercial placement and routing tools, and a PUF with runtime filtering to achieve robust authentication, are designed based upon this concept and verified in several CMOS technology nodes. In addition, a 2-transistor sub-threshold amplifier based "weak" PUF is also presented for chip identification and key storage. This PUF achieves state-of-the-art 1.65% native unstable bit, 1.5fJ per bit energy efficiency, and 3.16% flipping bits across -40 to 120 degree Celsius range at the same time, while occupying only 553 feature size square area in 180nm CMOS. Secondly, the potential security threats of hardware Trojan is investigated and a new Trojan attack using analog behavior of digital processors is proposed as the first stealthy and controllable fabrication-time hardware attack. Hardware Trojan is an emerging concern about globalization of semiconductor supply chain, which can result in catastrophic attacks that are extremely difficult to find and protect against. Hardware Trojans proposed in previous works are based on either design-time code injection to hardware description language or fabrication-time modification of processing steps. There have been defenses developed for both types of attacks. A third type of attack that combines the benefits of logical stealthy and controllability in design-time attacks and physical "invisibility" is proposed in this work that crosses the analog and digital domains. The attack eludes activation by a diverse set of benchmarks and evades known defenses. Lastly, in addition to security-related circuits, physical sensors are also studied as fundamental building blocks of IoT systems in this work. Temperature sensing is one of the most desired functions for a wide range of IoT applications. A sub-threshold oscillator based digital temperature sensor utilizing the exponential temperature dependence of sub-threshold current is proposed and implemented. In 180nm CMOS, it achieves 0.22/0.19K inaccuracy and 73mK noise-limited resolution with only 8865 square micrometer additional area and 75nW extra power consumption to an existing IoT system.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138779/1/kaiyuan_1.pd

    Proposal and Analysis of a Novel Class of PUFs Based on Galois Ring Oscillators

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    In this article, the possibility of using Galois ring oscillators to construct physically unclonable functions (PUFs) has been studied. The idea is to use novel PUF architectures, similar as the ring oscillator PUFs that, instead of comparing frequencies, compare the statistical bias of pairs of oscillators implemented in different locations. To study the viability of these systems, three different Galois oscillators have been implemented in several locations in several FPGAs and we have studied the main properties of their bias: repeatability, variability with the location, variability with the FPGA and spatial autocorrelation. Based on this study, we have determined that the bias of these oscillators meet the requirements that are needed to be used to construct a PUF. Finally, a PUF based on comparing the bias of neighboring 7-LUT Galois ring oscillators have been implemented and analyzed. The experimental results show that this PUF generates uniform responses that are highly reproducible and unique, making this PUF suitable for being used in identification applications


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    Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of devices that are connected through the Internet to exchange the data for intelligent applications. Though IoT devices provide several advantages to improve the quality of life, they also present challenges related to security. The security issues related to IoT devices include leakage of information through Differential Power Analysis (DPA) based side channel attacks, authentication, piracy, etc. DPA is a type of side-channel attack where the attacker monitors the power consumption of the device to guess the secret key stored in it. There are several countermeasures to overcome DPA attacks. However, most of the existing countermeasures consume high power which makes them not suitable to implement in power constraint devices. IoT devices are battery operated, hence it is important to investigate the methods to design energy-efficient and secure IoT devices not susceptible to DPA attacks. In this research, we have explored the usefulness of a novel computing platform called adiabatic logic, low-leakage FinFET devices and Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ) Logic-in-Memory (LiM) architecture to design energy-efficient and DPA secure hardware. Further, we have also explored the usefulness of adiabatic logic in the design of energy-efficient and reliable Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) circuits to overcome the authentication and piracy issues in IoT devices. Adiabatic logic is a low-power circuit design technique to design energy-efficient hardware. Adiabatic logic has reduced dynamic switching energy loss due to the recycling of charge to the power clock. As the first contribution of this dissertation, we have proposed a novel DPA-resistant adiabatic logic family called Energy-Efficient Secure Positive Feedback Adiabatic Logic (EE-SPFAL). EE-SPFAL based circuits are energy-efficient compared to the conventional CMOS based design because of recycling the charge after every clock cycle. Further, EE-SPFAL based circuits consume uniform power irrespective of input data transition which makes them resilience against DPA attacks. Scaling of CMOS transistors have served the industry for more than 50 years in providing integrated circuits that are denser, and cheaper along with its high performance, and low power. However, scaling of the transistors leads to increase in leakage current. Increase in leakage current reduces the energy-efficiency of the computing circuits,and increases their vulnerability to DPA attack. Hence, it is important to investigate the crypto circuits in low leakage devices such as FinFET to make them energy-efficient and DPA resistant. In this dissertation, we have proposed a novel FinFET based Secure Adiabatic Logic (FinSAL) family. FinSAL based designs utilize the low-leakage FinFET device along with adiabatic logic principles to improve energy-efficiency along with its resistance against DPA attack. Recently, Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ)/CMOS based Logic-in-Memory (LiM) circuits have been explored to design low-power non-volatile hardware. Some of the advantages of MTJ device include non-volatility, near-zero leakage power, high integration density and easy compatibility with CMOS devices. However, the differences in power consumption between the switching of MTJ devices increase the vulnerability of Differential Power Analysis (DPA) based side-channel attack. Further, the MTJ/CMOS hybrid logic circuits which require frequent switching of MTJs are not very energy-efficient due to the significant energy required to switch the MTJ devices. In the third contribution of this dissertation, we have investigated a novel approach of building cryptographic hardware in MTJ/CMOS circuits using Look-Up Table (LUT) based method where the data stored in MTJs are constant during the entire encryption/decryption operation. Currently, high supply voltage is required in both writing and sensing operations of hybrid MTJ/CMOS based LiM circuits which consumes a considerable amount of energy. In order to meet the power budget in low-power devices, it is important to investigate the novel design techniques to design ultra-low-power MTJ/CMOS circuits. In the fourth contribution of this dissertation, we have proposed a novel energy-efficient Secure MTJ/CMOS Logic (SMCL) family. The proposed SMCL logic family consumes uniform power irrespective of data transition in MTJ and more energy-efficient compared to the state-of-art MTJ/ CMOS designs by using charge sharing technique. The other important contribution of this dissertation is the design of reliable Physical Unclonable Function (PUF). Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) are circuits which are used to generate secret keys to avoid the piracy and device authentication problems. However, existing PUFs consume high power and they suffer from the problem of generating unreliable bits. This dissertation have addressed this issue in PUFs by designing a novel adiabatic logic based PUF. The time ramp voltages in adiabatic PUF is utilized to improve the reliability of the PUF along with its energy-efficiency. Reliability of the adiabatic logic based PUF proposed in this dissertation is tested through simulation based temperature variations and supply voltage variations

    Low-Power Energy Efficient Circuit Techniques for Small IoT Systems

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    Although the improvement in circuit speed has been limited in recent years, there has been increased focus on the internet of things (IoT) as technology scaling has decreased circuit size, power usage and cost. This trend has led to the development of many small sensor systems with affordable costs and diverse functions, offering people convenient connection with and control over their surroundings. This dissertation discusses the major challenges and their solutions in realizing small IoT systems, focusing on non-digital blocks, such as power converters and analog sensing blocks, which have difficulty in following the traditional scaling trends of digital circuits. To accommodate the limited energy storage and harvesting capacity of small IoT systems, this dissertation presents an energy harvester and voltage regulators with low quiescent power and good efficiency in ultra-low power ranges. Switched-capacitor-based converters with wide-range energy-efficient voltage-controlled oscillators assisted by power-efficient self-oscillating voltage doublers and new cascaded converter topologies for more conversion ratio configurability achieve efficient power conversion down to several nanowatts. To further improve the power efficiency of these systems, analog circuits essential to most wireless IoT systems are also discussed and improved. A capacitance-to-digital sensor interface and a clocked comparator design are improved by their digital-like implementation and operation in phase and frequency domain. Thanks to the removal of large passive elements and complex analog blocks, both designs achieve excellent area reduction while maintaining state-of-art energy efficiencies. Finally, a technique for removing dynamic voltage and temperature variations is presented as smaller circuits in advanced technologies are more vulnerable to these variations. A 2-D simultaneous feedback control using an on-chip oven control locks the supply voltage and temperature of a small on-chip domain and protects circuits in this locked domain from external voltage and temperature changes, demonstrating 0.0066 V/V and 0.013 °C/°C sensitivities to external changes. Simple digital implementation of the sensors and most parts of the control loops allows robust operation within wide voltage and temperature ranges.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138743/1/wanyeong_1.pd