112 research outputs found

    Principles of Contract Languages:Dagstuhl Seminar 22451

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    This report documents the program and the outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar 22451 "Principles of Contract Languages". At the seminar, participants discussed the fundamental aspects of software contracts. Topics included the format and expressiveness of contracts, their use cases in software development and analysis, and contract composition and decomposition

    Certification of Real Inequalities -- Templates and Sums of Squares

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    We consider the problem of certifying lower bounds for real-valued multivariate transcendental functions. The functions we are dealing with are nonlinear and involve semialgebraic operations as well as some transcendental functions like cos\cos, arctan\arctan, exp\exp, etc. Our general framework is to use different approximation methods to relax the original problem into polynomial optimization problems, which we solve by sparse sums of squares relaxations. In particular, we combine the ideas of the maxplus estimators (originally introduced in optimal control) and of the linear templates (originally introduced in static analysis by abstract interpretation). The nonlinear templates control the complexity of the semialgebraic relaxations at the price of coarsening the maxplus approximations. In that way, we arrive at a new - template based - certified global optimization method, which exploits both the precision of sums of squares relaxations and the scalability of abstraction methods. We analyze the performance of the method on problems from the global optimization literature, as well as medium-size inequalities issued from the Flyspeck project.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures, 4 table


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    Most of modern malware are packed by packers which automatically generate a lot of obfuscation techniques to defeat the anti-virus software. To identify packer, most of industry approaches still adopt the well-known technique of signature matching which can be easily evaded. This paper studies the new approach of applying a statistical approach to tackle this problem. We propose a new weight for extracting what obfuscation techniques might be more favourable in packers. We call it obfuscation technique frequency-inverse packer frequency ( ). As the term implies, calculates values for each obfuscation techniques in a packer through an inverse proportion of the frequency of the obfuscation technique in a particular packer to the percentage of packers the obfuscation technique appears in. Obfuscation techniques with high value show a strong relationship with the packer they appear in. Based on this weight, packer is represented by a vector of . Then the used packer is identified by measuring the similarity between vectors of packer and targeted file. For checking the accuracy of our approach, we have performed the experiments of identifying packer on 200 real-world malware for comparing between our approach with the binary signature technique adopted in CFF Explorer. The result shows that our technique produces the better detection

    Removing Algebraic Data Types from Constrained Horn Clauses Using Difference Predicates

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    We address the problem of proving the satisfiability of Constrained Horn Clauses (CHCs) with Algebraic Data Types (ADTs), such as lists and trees. We propose a new technique for transforming CHCs with ADTs into CHCs where predicates are defined over basic types, such as integers and booleans, only. Thus, our technique avoids the explicit use of inductive proof rules during satisfiability proofs. The main extension over previous techniques for ADT removal is a new transformation rule, called differential replacement, which allows us to introduce auxiliary predicates corresponding to the lemmas that are often needed when making inductive proofs. We present an algorithm that uses the new rule, together with the traditional folding/unfolding transformation rules, for the automatic removal of ADTs. We prove that if the set of the transformed clauses is satisfiable, then so is the set of the original clauses. By an experimental evaluation, we show that the use of the differential replacement rule significantly improves the effectiveness of ADT removal, and we show that our transformation-based approach is competitive with respect to a well-established technique that extends the CVC4 solver with induction.Comment: 10th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2020) - version with appendix; added DOI of the final authenticated Springer publication; minor correction