369 research outputs found

    Cost Automata, Safe Schemes, and Downward Closures

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    Higher-order recursion schemes are an expressive formalism used to define languages of possibly infinite ranked trees. They extend regular and context-free grammars, and are equivalent to simply typed ?Y-calculus and collapsible pushdown automata. In this work we prove, under a syntactical constraint called safety, decidability of the model-checking problem for recursion schemes against properties defined by alternating B-automata, an extension of alternating parity automata for infinite trees with a boundedness acceptance condition. We then exploit this result to show how to compute downward closures of languages of finite trees recognized by safe recursion schemes

    On Star Expressions and Completeness Theorems

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    An open problem posed by Milner asks for a proof that a certain axiomatisation, which Milner showed is sound with respect to bisimilarity for regular expressions, is also complete. One of the main difficulties of the problem is the lack of a full Kleene theorem, since there are automata that can not be specified, up to bisimilarity, by an expression. Grabmayer and Fokkink (2020) characterise those automata that can be expressed by regular expressions without the constant 1, and use this characterisation to give a positive answer to Milner's question for this subset of expressions. In this paper, we analyse Grabmayer and Fokkink's proof of completeness from the perspective of universal coalgebra, and thereby give an abstract account of their proof method. We then compare this proof method to another approach to completeness proofs from coalgebraic language theory. This culminates in two abstract proof methods for completeness, what we call the local and global approaches, and a description of when one method can be used in place of the other

    The Way We Were: Structural Operational Semantics Research in Perspective

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    This position paper on the (meta-)theory of Structural Operational Semantic (SOS) is motivated by the following two questions: (1) Is the (meta-)theory of SOS dying out as a research field? (2) If so, is it possible to rejuvenate this field with a redefined purpose? In this article, we will consider possible answers to those questions by first analysing the history of the EXPRESS/SOS workshops and the data concerning the authors and the presentations featured in the editions of those workshops as well as their subject matters. The results of our quantitative and qualitative analyses all indicate a diminishing interest in the theory of SOS as a field of research. Even though `all good things must come to an end', we strive to finish this position paper on an upbeat note by addressing our second motivating question with some optimism. To this end, we use our personal reflections and an analysis of recent trends in two of the flagship conferences in the field of Programming Languages (namely POPL and PDLI) to draw some conclusions on possible future directions that may rejuvenate research on the (meta-)theory of SOS. We hope that our musings will entice members of the research community to breathe new life into a field of research that has been kind to three of the authors of this article.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS2023, arXiv:2309.0578

    Characterizing Omega-Regularity Through Finite-Memory Determinacy of Games on Infinite Graphs

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    We consider zero-sum games on infinite graphs, with objectives specified as sets of infinite words over some alphabet of colors. A well-studied class of objectives is the one of ?-regular objectives, due to its relation to many natural problems in theoretical computer science. We focus on the strategy complexity question: given an objective, how much memory does each player require to play as well as possible? A classical result is that finite-memory strategies suffice for both players when the objective is ?-regular. We show a reciprocal of that statement: when both players can play optimally with a chromatic finite-memory structure (i.e., whose updates can only observe colors) in all infinite game graphs, then the objective must be ?-regular. This provides a game-theoretic characterization of ?-regular objectives, and this characterization can help in obtaining memory bounds. Moreover, a by-product of our characterization is a new one-to-two-player lift: to show that chromatic finite-memory structures suffice to play optimally in two-player games on infinite graphs, it suffices to show it in the simpler case of one-player games on infinite graphs. We illustrate our results with the family of discounted-sum objectives, for which ?-regularity depends on the value of some parameters

    Thin Games with Symmetry and Concurrent Hyland-Ong Games

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    We build a cartesian closed category, called Cho, based on event structures. It allows an interpretation of higher-order stateful concurrent programs that is refined and precise: on the one hand it is conservative with respect to standard Hyland-Ong games when interpreting purely functional programs as innocent strategies, while on the other hand it is much more expressive. The interpretation of programs constructs compositionally a representation of their execution that exhibits causal dependencies and remembers the points of non-deterministic branching.The construction is in two stages. First, we build a compact closed category Tcg. It is a variant of Rideau and Winskel's category CG, with the difference that games and strategies in Tcg are equipped with symmetry to express that certain events are essentially the same. This is analogous to the underlying category of AJM games enriching simple games with an equivalence relations on plays. Building on this category, we construct the cartesian closed category Cho as having as objects the standard arenas of Hyland-Ong games, with strategies, represented by certain events structures, playing on games with symmetry obtained as expanded forms of these arenas.To illustrate and give an operational light on these constructions, we interpret (a close variant of) Idealized Parallel Algol in Cho
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