2 research outputs found

    Optimization of Computer Aided Detection systems: an evolutionary approach

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    Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems are designed to aid the radiologist in interpreting medical images. They are usually based on lesion detection and segmentation algorithms whose performance depends on a large number of parameters. While time consuming and sub-optimal, manual adjustment is still widely used to adjust parameter values. Genetic or evolutionary algorithms (GA) are effective optimization methods that mimic biological evolution. Genetic algorithms have been shown to efficiently manage complex search spaces, and can be applied to all kinds of objective functions, including discontinuous, nondifferentiable, or highly nonlinear ones. In this study, we have adopted an evolutionary approach to the problem of parameter optimization. We show that the genetic algorithm is able to effectively converge to a better solution than manual optimization on a case study for digital breast tomosynthesis CAD. Parameter optimization was framed as a constrained optimization problem, where the function to be maximized was defined as weighted sum of sensitivity, false positive rate and segmentation accuracy. A modified Dice coefficient was defined to assess the segmentation quality of individual lesions. Finally, all viable solutions evaluated by the GA were studied by means of exploratory data analysis techniques, such as association rules, to gain useful insight on the strength of the influence of each parameter on overall algorithm performance. We showed that this combination was able to identify multiple ranges of viable solutions with good segmentation accuracy

    ST-Hadoop: A MapReduce Framework for Big Spatio-temporal Data Management

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation.May 2019. Major: Computer Science. Advisor: Mohamed Mokbel. 1 computer file (PDF); x, 123 pages.Apache Hadoop, employing the MapReduce programming paradigm, that has been widely accepted as the standard framework for analyzing big data in distributed environments. Unfortunately, this rich framework was not genuinely exploited towards processing large scale spatio-temporal data, especially with the emergence and popularity of applications that create them in large-scale. The huge volumes of spatio-temporal data come from applications, like Taxi fleet in urban computing, Asteroids in astronomy research studies, animal movements in habitat studies, neuron analysis in neuroscience research studies, and contents of social networks (e.g., Twitter or Facebook). Managing space and time are two fundamental characteristics that raised the demand for processing spatio-temporal data created by these applications. Besides the massive size of data, the complexity of shapes and formats associated with these data raised many challenges in managing spatio-temporal data. The goal of the dissertation is centered on establishing a full-fledged big spatio-temporal data management system that serves the need for a wide range of spatio-temporal applications. This involves indexing, querying, and analyzing spatio-temporal data. We propose ST-Hadoop; the first full-fledged open-source system with native support for big spatio-temporal data, available to download http://st-hadoop.cs.umn.edu/. ST- Hadoop injects spatio-temporal data awareness inside the highly popular Hadoop system that is considered state-of-the-art for off-line analysis of big data systems. Considering a distributed environment, we focus on the following: (1) indexing spatio-temporal data and (2) Supporting various fundamental spatio-temporal operations, such as range, kNN, and join (3) Supporting indexing and querying trajectories, which is considered as a special class of spatio-temporal data that require special handling. Throughout this dissertation, we will touch base on the background and related work, motivate for the proposed system, and highlight our contributions