292 research outputs found

    Entropy-Based Maximally Stable Extremal Regions for Robust Feature Detection

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    Maximally stable extremal regions (MSER) is a state-of-the-art method in local feature detection. However, this method is sensitive to blurring because, in blurred images, the intensity values in region boundary will vary more slowly, and this will undermine the stability criterion that the MSER relies on. In this paper, we propose a method to improve MSER, making it more robust to image blurring. To find back the regions missed by MSER in the blurred image, we utilize the fact that the entropy of probability distribution function of intensity values increases rapidly when the local region expands across the boundary, while the entropy in the central part remains small. We use the entropy averaged by the regional area as a measure to reestimate regions missed by MSER. Experiments show that, when dealing with blurred images, the proposed method has better performance than the original MSER, with little extra computational effort

    Learning and Using Taxonomies For Fast Visual Categorization

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    The computational complexity of current visual categorization algorithms scales linearly at best with the number of categories. The goal of classifying simultaneously N_(cat) = 10^4 - 10^5 visual categories requires sub-linear classification costs. We explore algorithms for automatically building classification trees which have, in principle, log N_(cat) complexity. We find that a greedy algorithm that recursively splits the set of categories into the two minimally confused subsets achieves 5-20 fold speedups at a small cost in classification performance. Our approach is independent of the specific classification algorithm used. A welcome by-product of our algorithm is a very reasonable taxonomy of the Caltech-256 dataset

    A Scalable Approach for Short-Term Predictions of Link Traffic Flow by Online Association of Clustering Profiles

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    Short-term prediction of traffic flows is an important topic for any traffic management control room. The large availability of real-time data raises not only the expectations for high accuracy of the forecast methodology, but also the requirements for fast computing performances. The proposed approach is based on a real-time association of the latest data received from a sensor to the representative daily profile of one among the clusters that are built offline based on an historical data set using Affinity Propagation algorithm. High scalability is achieved ignoring spatial correlations among different sensors, and for each of them an independent model is built-up. Therefore, each sensor has its own clusters of profiles with their representatives; during the short-term forecast operation the most similar representative is selected by looking at the last data received in a specified time window and the proposed forecast corresponds to the values of the cluster representative

    Generic Tubelet Proposals for Action Localization

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    We develop a novel framework for action localization in videos. We propose the Tube Proposal Network (TPN), which can generate generic, class-independent, video-level tubelet proposals in videos. The generated tubelet proposals can be utilized in various video analysis tasks, including recognizing and localizing actions in videos. In particular, we integrate these generic tubelet proposals into a unified temporal deep network for action classification. Compared with other methods, our generic tubelet proposal method is accurate, general, and is fully differentiable under a smoothL1 loss function. We demonstrate the performance of our algorithm on the standard UCF-Sports, J-HMDB21, and UCF-101 datasets. Our class-independent TPN outperforms other tubelet generation methods, and our unified temporal deep network achieves state-of-the-art localization results on all three datasets