27,499 research outputs found

    Genotoxicity assessment of piperitenone oxide: an in vitro and in silico evaluation

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    Piperitenone oxide, a natural flavouring agent also known as rotundifolone, has been studied for the genotoxicity assessment by an integrated in vitro and in silico experimental approach, including the bacterial reverse mutation assay, the micronucleus test, the comet assay and the computational prediction by Toxtree and VEGA tools. Under our experimental conditions, the monoterpene showed to induce both point mutations (i.e. frameshift, base-substitution and/or oxidative damage) and DNA damage (i.e. clastogenic or aneuploidic damage, or single-strand breaks). Computational prediction for piperitenone oxide agreed with the toxicological data, and highlighted the presence of the epoxide function and the α,β-unsaturated carbonyl as possible structural alerts for DNA damage. However, improving the toxicological libraries for natural occurring compounds is required in order to favour the applicability of in silico models to the toxicological predictions. Further in vivo evaluations are strictly needed in order to evaluate the role of the bioavailability of the substance and the metabolic fate on its genotoxicity profile. To the best of our knowledge, these data represent the first evaluation of the genotoxicity for this flavour compound and suggest the need of further studies to assess the safety of piperitenone oxide as either flavour or fragrance chemicals

    Nucleolin stabilizes G-quadruplex structures folded by the LTR promoter and silences HIV-1 viral transcription

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    Folding of the LTR promoter into dynamic G-quadruplex conformations has been shown to suppress its transcriptional activity in HIV-1. Here we sought to identify the proteins that control the folding of this region of proviral genome by inducing/stabilizing G-quadruplex structures. The implementation of electrophorethic mobility shift assay and pull-down experiments coupled with mass spectrometric analysis revealed that the cellular protein nucleolin is able to specifically recognize G-quadruplex structures present in the LTR promoter. Nucleolin recognized with high affinity and specificity the majority, but not all the possible G-quadruplexes folded by this sequence. In addition, it displayed greater binding preference towards DNA than RNA G-quadruplexes, thus indicating two levels of selectivity based on the sequence and nature of the target. The interaction translated into stabilization of the LTR G-quadruplexes and increased promoter silencing activity; in contrast, disruption of nucleolin binding in cells by both siRNAs and a nucleolin binding aptamer greatly increased LTR promoter activity. These data indicate that nucleolin possesses a specific and regulated activity toward the HIV-1 LTR promoter, which is mediated by G-quadruplexes. These observations provide new essential insights into viral transcription and a possible low mutagenic target for antiretroviral therapy

    Methylation status of Vitamin D receptor gene promoter in benign and malignant adrenal tumors

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    We previously showed a decreased expression of vitamin D receptor (VDR) mRNA/protein in a small group of adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) tissues, suggesting the loss of a protective role of VDR against malignant cell growth in this cancer type. Downregulation of VDR gene expression may result from epigenetics events, that is, methylation of cytosine nucleotide of CpG islands in VDR gene promoter. We analyzed methylation of CpG sites in the VDR gene promoter in normal adrenals and adrenocortical tumor samples. Methylation of CpG-rich 5' regions was assessed by bisulfite sequencing PCR using bisulfite-treated DNA from archival microdissected paraffin-embedded adrenocortical tissues. Three normal adrenals and 23 various adrenocortical tumor samples (15 adenomas and 8 carcinomas) were studied. Methylation in the promoter region of VDR gene was found in 3/8 ACCs, while no VDR gene methylation was observed in normal adrenals and adrenocortical adenomas. VDR mRNA and protein levels were lower in ACCs than in benign tumors, and VDR immunostaining was weak or negative in ACCs, including all 3 methylated tissue samples. The association between VDR gene promoter methylation and reduced VDR gene expression is not a rare event in ACC, suggesting that VDR epigenetic inactivation may have a role in adrenocortical carcinogenesi

    Results, questions, perspectives of a study on human polyomavirus BK and molecular actors in prostate cancer development

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    Background: Prostate cancer (PC) is a common tumor in Western countries. Several risk factors play significant roles. MYC, BIRC5/survivin, CDC25 and P53 may contribute to PC risk. As demonstrated, human Polyomavirus BK (BKV) could affect cellular homeostasis contributing to PC pathogenesis. Materials and Methods: Biological samples were collected from PC patients. Viral RNA was searched using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR), whereas a qualitative PCR was employed to find particular viral sequences. Proper size amplicons were analyzed. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were detected in p53 coding regions by means of a specific PCR. C-MYC, BIRC5/survivin and CDC25 gene expression was investigated using a Retro Transcriptional Quantitative PCR. Results: Viral DNA copy number was higher in cancer tissues taken from Gleason score 9 patients with Gleason score 7. Different p53 mutated compared to patients exons were found according to tumor advanced stage and a statistical significant correlation was found between Gleason score and p53 mutational rate. C-MYC, BIRC5/survivin and CDC25 expression was de-regulated according to the literature. Conclusion: The presence of BKV and its variants in transformed cells does not exclude viral pressure in cell immortalization. Expression of other target genes evidenced a significant change in their regulation, useful for cancer drug discovery and therapies

    Clinical, epidemiological and virological features of acute hepatitis B in Italy

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    Purpose To evaluate the association of hepatitis B virus (HBV) genotypes, basal core promoter (BCP)/precore (PC) and S gene mutations with the clinical-epidemiological characteristics of acute hepatitis B (AHB) in Italy. Methods During July 2005–January 2007, 103 symptomatic AHB patients were enrolled and prospectively followed up at 15 national hospitals. HBV genotypes, BCP/ PC and S gene variants were determined by nested-PCR and direct sequence analysis. Results Genotype D, A and F were detected in 49, 45 and 6 % of patients, respectively. BCP, PC, and BCP plus PC variants were found in 3.1, 11.3 and 7.2 % of patients, respectively. At enrollment, 68.3 % of patients were hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg)-positive and 31.7 % HBeAg-negative. BCP/PC mutations were more common in HBeAg-negative than in HBeAg-positive patients (p < 0.0001). Compared to genotype D patients, those harboring non-D genotypes were more frequently males (p = 0.023), HBeAg-positive (p < 0.001), had higher bilirubin (p = 0.014) and viremia (p = 0.034) levels and less frequently carried BCP/PC mutations (p < 0.001). Non-D genotype patients more often were from Central Italy (p = 0.001) and reported risky sexual exposure (p = 0.021). Two patients had received vaccination before AHB: one harbored genotype F; the other showed a S gene mutation. Four patients developed fulminant AHB; mutations were found in 2 of 3 patients who underwent BCP/ PC sequencing. After a 6-month follow-up, only 2 (2.8 %) patients developed persistent infection. Conclusion AHB by non-D genotypes is increasing in Italy and is associated with risky sexual exposure. The ability of some genotypes to cause persistent and/or severe infection in Italy warrants larger studies for clarificatio

    A new targeted CFTR mutation panel based on next-generation sequencing technology

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    Searching for mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene (CFTR) is a key step in the diagnosis of and neonatal and carrier screening for cystic fibrosis (CF), and it has implications for prognosis and personalized therapy. The large number of mutations and genetic and phenotypic variability make this search a complex task. Herein, we developed, validated, and tested a laboratory assay for an extended search for mutations in CFTR using a next-generation sequencing based method, with a panel of 188 CFTR mutations customized for the Italian population. Overall, 1426 dried blood spots from neonatal screening, 402 genomic DNA samples from various origins, and 1138 genomic DNA samples from patients with CF were analyzed. The assay showed excellent analytical and diagnostic operative characteristics. We identified and experimentally validated 159 (of 188) CFTR mutations. The assay achieved detection rates of 95.0% and 95.6% in two large-scale case series of CF patients from central and northern Italy, respectively. These detection rates are among the highest reported so far with a genetic test for CF based on a mutation panel. This assay appears to be well suited for diagnostics, neonatal and carrier screening, and assisted reproduction, and it represents a considerable advantage in CF genetic counseling

    The cellular protein nucleolin preferentially binds long-looped G-quadruplex nucleic acids

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    open5noBACKGROUND: G-quadruplexes (G4s) are four-stranded nucleic acid structures that form in G-rich sequences. Nucleolin (NCL) is a cellular protein reported for its functions upon G4 recognition, such as induction of neurodegenerative diseases, tumor and virus mechanisms activation. We here aimed at defining NCL/G4 binding determinants. METHODS: Electrophoresis mobility shift assay was used to detect NCL/G4 binding; circular dichroism to assess G4 folding, topology and stability; dimethylsulfate footprinting to detect G bases involved in G4 folding. RESULTS: The purified full-length human NCL was initially tested on telomeric G4 target sequences to allow for modulation of loop, conformation, length, G-tract number, stability. G4s in promoter regions with more complex sequences were next employed. We found that NCL binding to G4s heavily relies on G4 loop length, independently of the conformation and oligonucleotide/loop sequence. Low stability G4s are preferred. When alternative G4 conformations are possible, those with longer loops are preferred upon binding to NCL, even if G-tracts need to be spared from G4 folding. CONCLUSIONS: Our data provide insight into how G4s and the associated proteins may control the ON/OFF molecular switch to several pathological processes, including neurodegeneration, tumor and virus activation. Understanding these regulatory determinants is the first step towards the development of targeted therapies. GENERAL SIGNIFICANCE: The indication that NCL binding preferentially stimulates and induces folding of G4s containing long loops suggests NCL ability to modify the overall structure and steric hindrance of the involved nucleic acid regions. This protein-induced modification of the G4 structure may represent a cellular mechanosensor mechanism to molecular signaling and disease pathogenesis.openLago, Sara; Tosoni, Elena; Nadai, Matteo; Palumbo, Manlio; Richter, Sara NLago, Sara; Tosoni, Elena; Nadai, Matteo; Palumbo, Manlio; Richter, Sar

    Visualization of DNA G-quadruplexes in herpes simplex virus 1-infected cells

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    We have previously shown that clusters of guanine quadruplex (G4) structures can form in the human herpes simplex-1 (HSV-1) genome. Here we used immunofluorescence and immune-electron microscopy with a G4-specific monoclonal antibody to visualize G4 structures in HSV-1 infected cells. We found that G4 formation and localization within the cells was virus cycle dependent: viral G4s peaked at the time of viral DNA replication in the cell nucleus, moved to the nuclear membrane at the time of virus nuclear egress and were later found in HSV-1 immature virions released from the cell nucleus. Colocalization of G4s with ICP8, a viral DNA processing protein, was observed in viral replication compartments. G4s were lost upon treatment with DNAse and inhibitors of HSV-1 DNA replication. The notable increase in G4s upon HSV-1 infection suggests a key role of these structures in the HSV-1 biology and indicates new targets to control both the lytic and latent infection
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