57 research outputs found

    Laodikeia'da bulunan ampullalar

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    Bu makalede 2002 yılından bu yana Laodikeia’da sürdürülen kazı çalışmalarında ele geçen ampullalar değerlendirilmiştir. Pişmiş topraktan seri üretime yönelik olarak kalıpta yapılan ampullalar yoğun olarak Batı Anadolu’da bulunmasına rağmen, tüm Akdeniz Havzası’nda karşımıza çıkmaktadır. İçlerine kutsal su ya da yağ gibi sıvılar doldurulan ampullalar, büyük olasılıkla hacı olmak üzere kutsal topraklara gidenler tarafından, memleketlerine dönüşte hatıra olarak alınan küçük şişeciklerdir. Bunlar, ince ağız kenarlı, kısa- silindirik boyunlu, yassılaştırılmış oval matara gövdeli bir forma sahiptirler. Gövde üstünde omuz kısmında iki yanda açılan ip delikleri, ampullaların boyunda taşınması için yapılmış olmalıdır. Günümüzde de Müslümanlar hac dönüşünde bu modern ampullaları ziyaretlerine gelenlere hediye olarak verirler. Diğer taraftan bunların içine konan “hacı misi” yağı ya da “kokusu” hala kullanılmaktadır. Laodikeia’da bulunan ampullalar boyutları, formları ve üzerlerindeki betimlemeleri göz önüne alınarak iki farklı grup altında değerlendirilmiştir. Tip 1 olarak adlandırılan büyük boyutlu örneklerin her iki yüzünde Hıristiyanlıkla ilgili çeşitli figürler yer alır ve bu gruptaki ampullalar kazı alanında bulunan sikkelerle desteklenerek M.S. 4. yy. sonu ile 5.yy. sonuna tarihlenmiştir. Tip 2 daha küçük boyutludur. Üzerlerinde daha çok haç, palmet ve rozet gibi süslemeler yer alan bu örnekler M.S. 6. yy.’ın başı ile 7. yy. başları arasına tarihlenebilir. Günümüze kadar olan süreçte yayımlanan örnekler göz önüne alındığında ampullaların üretim merkezi olarak çok çeşitli yerler önerilmiştir. Ancak özellikle Batı Anadolu’daki buluntu yoğunluğu dikkate alındığında üretimin bu bölge içinde yoğunlaştığı ve büyük olasılıkla da kutsal sayılan kent ya da bölgelerin ihtiyaçlarını karşılama doğrultusunda üretimlerinin yapıldığı söylenebilir. Bunun yanında diğerlerine oranla daha geniş kitlelerin hacı olmak üzere gittiği Abu Mena gibi merkezlerde hem ampullaların üzerine yapılan konuların seçimi hem de formlardaki küçük değişiklikler açısından yerel üretimin yapıldığı da görülmektedir.In this article we will evaluate the ampullae that have been found at the excavations of Laodikeia since 2002. Despite the widespread existence of massproduced, mould-made terra cotta ampullae in western Anatolia, it is possible to encounter various types of ampullae in the Mediterranean basin. Ampullae, filled with sacred water or oil, were purchased as souvenirs by the pilgrims who journeyed to the Holy Land. Such ampullae have a distinctive form with a thin rim, short cylindrical neck, flattened oviform like a flask, and two pierced handles on the shoulders. In our time, there is a similar tradition for Muslims. Muslim pilgrims obtain a kind of sacred essence; and when they return to their country, it is given to their guests as a gift. The ampullae found in Laodiceia have been evaluated in two groups according to their forms, dimensions and representations. The first group is larger than the other and named Type 1. It has representations related to Christianity on both sides. Ampullae in this group are dated from the end of the 4th century A.D. to the end of the 5th century A.D. by the support of coins found with them. Type 2 ampullae generally have symbolic ornaments such as a cross, palmette and rosette. This group has been dated between the beginning of the 6th century A.D. and the beginning of 7th century A.D. Taking into consideration other published examples, many places have been proposed as the production centers of these wares. But when the widespread finds in western Anatolia are taken into account, it is possible to say that the heavy production made in this region was intended to cover the needs of its sacred cities or regions. Besides, local production can be seen in the pilgrimage places visited by more people in proportion to the other cities, such as Abu-Mena.These local productions have few differences both in their form sand selection of subjects

    Building factorized TAGs with meta-grammars

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    International audienceHighly compacted TAGs may be built by allowing subtree factorization operators within the elementary trees. While hand-crafting such trees remains possible, a better option arises from a coupling with meta-grammar descriptions. The approach has been validated by the development of FRMG, a wide-coverage French TAG of only 207 trees

    Catalytic role of solid acid catalysts in glycerol acetylation for the production of bio-additives: a review

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    Bio-additives obtained from the acetylation of biodiesel-derived glycerol have been extensively synthesized because of their nature as value-added products and their contribution to environmental sustainability. Glycerol acetylation with acetic acid produces commercially important fuel additives. Considering that the recovery of individual monoacetin, diacetin (DA), and triacetin (TA) is complicated, many endeavours have enhanced the selectivity and total conversion of glycerol using acetic acid during catalytic acetylation. In this work, we extensively review the catalytic activity of different heterogeneous acid catalysts and their important roles in glycerol acetylation and product selectivity. In addition, the most influential operating conditions to attain high yields of combined DA and TA are achieved by closely examining the process. This review also highlights the prospective market, research gaps, and future direction of catalytic glycerol acetylation

    Whole genome sequence analysis of Aeromonas spp. isolated from ready-to-eat seafood: antimicrobial resistance and virulence factors

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    Aeromonas are widespread in aquatic environments and are considered emerging pathogens in humans and animals. Multidrug resistant (MDR) Aeromonas circulating in the aquatic environment and food production chain can potentially disseminate antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to humans via the foodborne route. In this study, we aimed to investigate AMR and virulence factors of 22 Aeromonas strains isolated from ready-to-eat (RTE) seafood. A multilocus phylogenetic analysis (MLPA) using the concatenated sequences of six housekeeping genes (gyrB, rpoD, gyrA, recA, dnaJ, and dnaX) in the 22 Aeromonas genomes and average nucleotide identity (ANI) analysis revealed eight different species; A. caviae, A. dhakensis, A. hydrophila, A. media, A. rivipollensis, A. salmonicida, A. bestiarum, and A. piscicola. The presence of virulence genes, AMR genes and mobile genetic elements (MGEs) in the Aeromonas genomes was predicted using different databases. Our data showed that the genes responsible for adherence and motility (Msh type IV pili, tap type IV pili, polar flagella), type II secretion system (T2SS) and hemolysins were present in all strains, while the genes encoding enterotoxins and type VI secretion system (T6SS) including major effectors were highly prevalent. Multiple AMR genes encoding β-lactamases such as cphA and blaOXA were detected, and the distribution of those genes was species-specific. In addition, the quinolone resistance gene, qnrS2 was found in a IncQ type plasmid of the A. rivopollensis strain A539. Furthermore, we observed the co-localization of a class I integron (intl1) with two AMR genes (sul1 and aadA1), and a Tn521 transposon carrying a mercury operon in A. caviae strain SU4-2. Various MGEs including other transposons and insertion sequence (IS) elements were identified without strongly associating with detected AMR genes or virulence genes. In conclusion, Aeromonas strains in RTE seafood were potentially pathogenic, carrying several virulence-related genes. Aeromonas carrying multiple AMR genes and MGEs could potentially be involved in the dissemination and spread of AMR genes to other bacterial species residing in the same environment and possibly to humans. Considering a One-Health approach, we highlight the significance of monitoring AMR caused by Aeromonas circulating in the food chain.publishedVersio

    Intérêts nationaux et coopération multilatérale : le Canada et les banques de développement

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    This article examines the place held by multilateral development banks in Canada's policy of external cooperation. It seeks to show how, in keeping with the overall logic of its aid policy, Canada's participation in these international financial institutions has resulted from a many-sided configuration of political, development al, and economic interests. The purpose of this article finds it s justification first of all in the fact that, by focusing mainly on bilateral assistance programs, the literature on Canadian aid has largely neglected the study of the many channels for distributing multilateral assistance

    FRMG: évolutions d'un analyseur syntaxique TAG du français

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    Journée de l'ATALA organisée conjointement à la conférence IWPT 2009National audienceNous présentons FRMG, un analyseur syntaxique du français à large couverture. Nous mettons en avant les méthodes qui ont permis d'améliorer ses performances depuis sa naissance, en 2004, initiée dans le cadre de la première campagne EASy d'évaluation des analyseurs syntaxique

    Building factorized TAGs with meta-grammars

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    International audienceHighly compacted TAGs may be built by allowing subtree factorization operators within the elementary trees. While hand-crafting such trees remains possible, a better option arises from a coupling with meta-grammar descriptions. The approach has been validated by the development of FRMG, a wide-coverage French TAG of only 207 trees

    Tool for robust stochastic parsing using optimal maximum coverage

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    This report presents a robust syntactic parser that is able to return a "correct" derivation tree even if the grammar cannot generate the input sentence. The following two step solution is prop osed: the finest corresponding most probable optimal maximum coverage is generated first, then the trees from this coverage are glued into one resulting tree. We discuss the implementation of this method with the SLP toolkit and libkp library

    FRMG: évolutions d'un analyseur syntaxique TAG du français

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    Journée de l'ATALA organisée conjointement à la conférence IWPT 2009National audienceNous présentons FRMG, un analyseur syntaxique du français à large couverture. Nous mettons en avant les méthodes qui ont permis d'améliorer ses performances depuis sa naissance, en 2004, initiée dans le cadre de la première campagne EASy d'évaluation des analyseurs syntaxique