5,360 research outputs found

    Metastable Feshbach Molecules in High Rotational States

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    We experimentally demonstrate Cs2 Feshbach molecules well above the dissociation threshold, which are stable against spontaneous decay on the timescale of one second. An optically trapped sample of ultracold dimers is prepared in an l-wave state and magnetically tuned into a region with negative binding energy. The metastable character of these molecules arises from the large centrifugal barrier in combination with negligible coupling to states with low rotational angular momentum. A sharp onset of dissociation with increasing magnetic field is mediated by a crossing with a g-wave dimer state and facilitates dissociation on demand with a well defined energy.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    A prospective cohort study in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus for validation of biomarkers (PROVALID) –study design and baseline characteristics

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    Background/Aims: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus type 2 and kidney disease in these patients varies widely between European countries. Methods: In addition to store biosamples the “Prospective cohort study in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus for validation of biomarkers” collects information on history, physical status, laboratory measurements and medication in 4000 patients with diabetes mellitus type 2, being taken care of at the primary level of healthcare in 5 European countries (Austria, Hungary, Netherlands, Poland and Scotland). Next to comparing the rate of loss of eGFR between the countries, a further objective of the PROVALID study is to determine the 5-year cumulative incidence of renal and cardiovascular outcomes. Results: The mean age of the population recruited is 62.9±10 years, 54.6% are male and the mean BMI is 30.9±5.4 kg/m2 . Metabolic control (median HBA1c 6.8 % (6.2;7.5)) is achieved via administration of metformin in 67.4% of the patients and insulin in 30.3%. Median systolic and diastolic blood pressure at recruitment is 135 (125;146) and 80 (72;85) mmHg, 65.4% of subjects received RAAS blocking agents. Mean eGFR is 80.7±29.2 ml/min/1.73m2 and median baseline albumin/creatinine ratio 8.3 mg (IQR: 3.8 and 25.1). Conclusion: PROVALID will provide information on incidence and progression of renal and cardiovascular disease and therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in different European countries. Thus, in contrast to many other cohort studies we will be able to associate national clinical practise pattern with outcome in this highly vulnerable patient population

    Remote Preparation of Single-Photon "Hybrid" Entangled and Vector-Polarization States

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    Quantum teleportation faces increasingly demanding requirements for transmitting large or even entangled systems. However, knowledge of the state to be transmitted eases its reconstruction, resulting in a protocol known as remote state preparation. A number of experimental demonstrations to date have been restricted to single-qubit systems. We report the remote preparation of two-qubit "hybrid" entangled states, including a family of vector-polarization beams. Our single-photon states are encoded in the photon spin and orbital angular momentum. We reconstruct the states by spin-orbit state tomography and transverse polarization tomography. The high fidelities achieved for the vector-polarization states opens the door to optimal coupling of down-converted photons to other physical systems, such as an atom, as required for scalable quantum networks, or plasmons in photonic nanostructures.Comment: Letter: 4 pages, 1 figure. Supplementary material: 1 pag

    Near Real-Time Disturbance Detection in Terrestrial Ecosystems Using Satellite Image Time Series: Drought Detection in Somalia

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    Near real-time monitoring of ecosystem disturbances is critical for addressing impacts on carbon dynamics, biodiversity, and socio-ecological processes. Satellite remote sensing enables cost-effective and accurate monitoring at frequent time steps over large areas. Yet, generic methods to detect disturbances within newly captured satellite images are lacking. We propose a generic time series based disturbance detection approach by modelling stable historical behaviour to enable detection of abnormal changes within newly acquired data. Time series of vegetation greenness provide a measure for terrestrial vegetation productivity over the last decades covering the whole world and contain essential information related land cover dynamics and disturbances. Here, we assess and demonstrate the method by (1) simulating time series of vegetation greenness data from satellite data with different amount of noise, seasonality and disturbances representing a wide range of terrestrial ecosystems, (2) applying it to real satellite greenness image time series between February 2000 and July 2011 covering Somalia to detect drought related vegetation disturbances. First, simulation results illustrate that disturbances are successfully detected in near real-time while being robust for seasonality and noise. Second, major drought related disturbance corresponding with most drought stressed regions in Somalia are detected from mid 2010 onwards and confirm proof-of-concept of the method. The method can be integrated within current operational early warning systems and has the potential to detect a wide variety of disturbances (e.g. deforestation, flood damage, etc.). It can analyse in-situ or satellite data time series of biophysical indicators from local to global scale since it is fast, does not depend on thresholds or definitions and does not require time series gap filling.early warning, real-time monitoring, global change, disturbance, time series, remote sensing, vegetation and climate dynamics

    Inequality Aversion and Voting on Redistribution

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    Mounting evidence shows that there is heterogeneity in aversion to inequality, i.e. that some people have a concern for a fair distribution. Does such a concern matter for majority voting on redistribution? Fairness preferences are relevant for redistribution outcomes only if fair voters are pivotal. Pivotality, in turn, depends on the structure of income classes. We experimentally study voting on redistribution between two income classes and show that the effects of inequality aversion are asymmetric. Inequality aversion is more likely to matter if the “rich” are in majority. With a “poor” majority, we find that redistribution outcomes look as if all voters were exclusively motivated by their pocketbook.redistribution, self interest, inequality aversion, median voter, experiment

    Cruising through molecular bound state manifolds with radio frequency

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    The emerging field of ultracold molecules with their rich internal structure is currently attracting a lot of interest. Various methods have been developed to produce ultracold molecules in pre-set quantum states. For future experiments it will be important to efficiently transfer these molecules from their initial quantum state to other quantum states of interest. Optical Raman schemes are excellent tools for transfer, but can be involved in terms of equipment, laser stabilization and finding the right transitions. Here we demonstrate a very general and simple way for transfer of molecules from one quantum state to a neighboring quantum state with better than 99% efficiency. The scheme is based on Zeeman tuning the molecular state to avoided level crossings where radio-frequency transitions can then be carried out. By repeating this process at different crossings, molecules can be successively transported through a large manifold of quantum states. As an important spin-off of our experiments, we demonstrate a high-precision spectroscopy method for investigating level crossings.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, submitted for publicatio
